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Hi all, I just am feeling very down at the moment (not like me!) - since Feb I have been unable to digest fats, went to GP who put me forward to for an ultrasound which showed no stones, sooooo, then referred to a gastric consultant who says he wants to do more tests for malfunctioning gallbladder. I would love to hear from anyone who is or has gone through this, horrible pain, bloating and now abdominal pain. Although I don't want to go through surgery I also feel my life is totally on hold at the mo. Thank you.
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patricia_11100 joanna17875
lynda20916 patricia_11100
Hi Patricia,
I was not diagnosed with adhesions, but I do believe that I have them...pressure and discomfort from where my gallbladder used to be; my test results are normal. It's very worrying. Happens when I sit down for a long period of time or at times when I've eaten a bit more than usual. (I try to eat small meals mostly.)
I have been informed that adhesions can be removed by surgery, but that they usually come back; sometimes more severe than they were
patricia_11100 lynda20916
Sorry to hear that Lynda
I've been trying to figure out why I have so much pain in that area for almost 2 years now. Doctors don't know. Just started getting massage therapy. I wonder if that's what other people are experiencing with the under rib pain after gallbladder surgery.
RogueBladder joanna17875
I'm on the same boat you are. Near constant feeling of being bloated, gas and sometimes(rarely) nausea. They only discovered one gallstone in my case and the doctor told me that my attacks(which cause cramps in my stomach area for hours) do not really sound like gallstone attacks. I occasionally also have some very mild pain under my right rib. Endoscopy was all clear,blood test all clear too apart from eleated bilirubin(gilberts syndrome). I don't think they do HIDA scans here but i will ask. I suspect even if mine looks healthy, it's not functioning correctly. It sucks not being diagnosed! Hope we all get better soon