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Share it and talk to people it's shocking how many people feel the same, life is for living sadly we are all so busy coping we have lost the art of life

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh that's so true... I had no idea other women were going through the same things I am... I felt very alone... I still feel alone, but this forum helps... I feel like I'm going crazy some days... and letting my family down by not being the old me...

    • Posted

      It is good to feel less alone.  I have to get ready now to go to the medical center for my appointment and I don’t think I slept more than an hour.  Feeling very rough but praying for answers.
  • Posted

    Yes.  Well said.  I wish it were easier to talk about it.  The combination of physical and mental issues is horrible.  I’ve had Crohn’s disease for 22 years and lifelong anxiety and now have added almost every imaginable peri symptom.  The worst issues in my nearly 4 years of peri have been panic attacks, heightened anxiety, depression, increased susceptibility to infections (3 in less than a year, never used to get them), bladder issues, and a surgery 2 years ago to have an ovary and some cervical and uterine polyps removed.  I think all the time about this saying:  if you’re going through hell, keep walking.  Easier said than done.  You are right:  coping is not living. 
    • Posted

      Today is a new day embrace it and do something new something out the ordinary I will do something with you in mind positive is the way forward
    • Posted

      Thanks, Helen.  I have a gyn appointment first thing today.  I have some pelvic discomfort and bleeding that started yesterday.  She suspected on an earlier occasion that I might have interstitial cystitis and I’m concerned that this may be my bladder bleeding, in which case I hope for a referral from her to a good urologist.  My way forward today is getting this help in spite of my anxiety.  
  • Posted

    It is nice to know that we are all in this together. I have had two great, happy days, where I felt just like my old self: carefree, engaged, relaxed. Today, I am back to feeling quite a heavy depression, and I am just trying to get through the day. 

    I like Liz's apt comment: "If you are going through hell, keep walking". The only way is through. We must all press on and cherish the happy times, when they come.

    It is so hard, though, not to have control of one's emotions.

    Sending healing to all.

    • Posted

      Take back control do something positive have a visit to the hair dressers buy a new dress or do something rash lunch out glass of wine anything that's not your normal day

    • Posted

      Bev, I totally agree about the happy times.  I try to grab those whenever possible, whether it’s an occasion like a birthday or family celebration or just laughing at someone telling a good joke or funny story.  The only way is through and that is really, really hard sometimes, but in my life, I’ve learned that I always arrive at the other side eventually and things do get better.  I’m not looking forward to this doctor’s appointment that I have this morning because I’m having some scary problems, but I’m super grateful that my gyn can see me on very short notice - I got her first appointment of the day - and hopefully all will be well soon enough.  Hang in there and keep posting! 🌸

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