Depressed about peri joint pain and symptoms again
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Help Ladies, once again the peri stuff reminded me that its back, I am experiencing the breast pain, joint swelling all in my chest, I have had this before and its very frustrating. I went to the dr. even E.R about 4 months ago and they did a chest xray and nothing, I heard some dietary supplements may help. If ANYONE has ANY idea please let me know, has anyone else gone through this, I hate menopause, nothing like this happenede to me until last year, I only heard about hot flashes, I am filled with anxiety thinking the most dreadful thing is going to happen, I am scare of everything too, I have very little support.
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deborah_37796 lennie45832
lennie45832 deborah_37796
mrscb lennie45832
I get bad anxiety and these symptoms make the anxiety worse. I'm so tired of going to the doctors. It's like they think it's all in my mind.
I already had all the hormonal blood work done that showed my hormones are all out of whack.
I'm seeing a new primary doctor next week and I hope this one is better at listening to me. 😣
elaine68190 lennie45832
lennie45832 elaine68190
elaine68190 lennie45832
ellacraig lennie45832
or there's maca powder, an adaptogen to work on your adrenals aka anxiety and provides necessary nutrients to balance hormones. Plus maca really gives you an energy boost.
at least US Drs are open to peri menopause. Over here in Nz it's given no priority at all if you aren't of the right age or "just" not having periods. It's the yeArs leading up to menopause that are worse cause it's harder to diagnose . I can tell you my anxiety ALONE has been responsible for a whole host of physical probs so I find trying to keep busy and my mind distracted the most important thing. Do something you enjoy if you can. But easier said than done I know.
anyway I'm just starting the femaprin so I hope like hell it helps. Things with herbs is they take longer to work. Not a quick fix like drugs . Probably why people poo poo all over herbal remedies.
lennie45832 ellacraig
SSekouB lennie45832
As much as I hate to read about the suffering of others, there is an odd comfort in knowing that I am not alone! I sought out a forum that would confirm for me that I'm not crazy -- or at least not from the peri-menopause standpoint. The anxiety is awful, but for me the phantom joint/chest/full body pain is the worst. I am dizzy 98% of the time. Migraines have increased from one every few months to two or more per WEEK! I eat the simplest things, now, and have reflux and heartburn like I ate 5-alarm chili with shot glasses of Tabasco sauce! It's ridiculous! And, it all happened overnight! I went from feeling normal to not being able to recognize my body, inside or out! Four beautiful kids, but what a price women have to pay!
Well, thank you for letting me vent a little. I'm feeling particularly crumby this morning/afternoon, and I felt a little whining was in order.