Depressed and tired
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hi ladies
This is new to me ,am now waking up with nerves and yes anxiety. For this time of year when we are all busy preparing for the holidays ,i just want to die. I cannot help myself
Can anyone can relate
2 likes, 5 replies
pamela2016 wendy36287
yes mornings is so bad for me with anxiety heart races, jitters, dizziness worse cant take it
sunaina1983 wendy36287
Me r not alone..Peri make me too much depressed...donot feel like going anywhere and donot want to talk to anyone...just want to be in friend saying you become introvert...
Me too feel tired full day without doing anything night my legs r paining as if i run marathon ...
Donot know what going on with fully change
kelly55079 wendy36287
Yes.. I want to bury my head in the sand.. This time of year overwhelms me like crazy and I have a house full of ppl coming on X-mas Eve.. I have no idea what I'm going to do.. spouse catered some food but I'm still a mess.. no appetite-- can't get rest... Oh my gosh I'm praying for a blizzard so it's canceled... I'm right there with you!!
wendy36287 kelly55079
a blizzard 😂😂😂😂 you will be fine
caz240 wendy36287
Hi Wendy
I completely understand. In the last few years ive gone from life and soul of the party, adventurous soul to a shaking nervous mess! I keep cancelling plans even though i know id be better sticking to them. I do have good days now and again yesterday was good today im so low im in bed with my dog. Well shes keeping me company not actually in the bed!!! lol I miss my cheery self. At least we can chat on here and know we arent alone.
We will get through this its just sh*te at times
Sending hugs x