Depressed and upset stomach for two weeks .. is this normal
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im so stressed out because ive had upset stomach for two weeks with not so normal bowels which has been going on for years with my depression and anxietybut ... these last two weeks have been bad.. everytine i eat my stomach gets upset.. but also ny fiance left to the brig two weeks ago so its been rough ... im stressed out .. all my bloodwokr is good besides vitamin d that was extremely low but im working on that... does stress and my mind running cause upset stomach for this long ... in my mind i think its colon cancer ... someone told me vitamin d deficiency causes it .. my stomach is so messed up .. i eat and its not how i usually do but i havent lost weight .. has someone experinced this.. im a mess and my depression is bad ... dr said try fiber and i have a breath test i have to do.. but .. if its not better in three weeks theyll send me to GI dr ..
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jan34534 nicole0003
sorry you are going through this. There is a very strong link between the brain and the entire gastrointestinal system. So the fact that you are having stomach issues is not surprising if you are anxious and are depressed. It’s extremely common. I’ve had that on and off for years.once you get control over your anxiety and depression, you will see your stomach settle down. My recommendation would be for you to get some counseling, that way you will have help in managing this.
if you are young, it’s highly unlikely you have colon cancer. There are many more non-serious reasons for your symptoms that are most likely the cause. People get stomach and intestinal issues all the time and a huge percentage is related to stress and anxiety. Try to relax your mind as much as you can for now. Get the counseling. You may even think about medication for the depression. The mind is a powerful thing and when it is thrown off by anxiety and depression, it can cause all sorts of physical ailments. But what you’re going through is very common and can be resolved. Take care