Depressed tired worn out
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I just lost one of my parakeets last night he became sick yesterday and passed last night in the middle of the night.
I have been restless tired, worn out and not myself crying wanting to hide away from people today just feel bad all over wish this would go away
Just want to have a good nights sleep tonight with out worry or being resless
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marlene21102 susan21149
susan21149 marlene21102
Thanks life is rough but we are strong and yes we do get down but we have to keep on going Thank you I will try to sleep tonight
BellaRubia susan21149
susan21149 BellaRubia
Treat you bird nicely even though you say he is mean
Shazanne susan21149
Can I ask what the benefits of magnesium are? I was on HRT until yesterday but my gyne took me off it to see how I'll get on. I am terrified of what will happen as I also sufer from depression/anxiety and feel that the HRT was possibly a help with that too.
Also - what is natural progesterone? I think I have a lot of research ahead of me!!!!
susan21149 Shazanne
gill00147 susan21149
susan556 susan21149
susan21149 susan556
susan21149 susan556
Ruthie49 susan21149
I hope you managed to sleep. So sorry to hear your sad news. You are bound to feel low and find it difficult to socialise at the moment. Be kind to yourself but don't hide away for too long - we need contact with other people. In the meantime, we are all sending best wishes and hugs your way.
susan21149 Ruthie49
val50972 susan21149
susan21149 val50972
wen06862 susan21149
I think it just takes one too many things and it floors you.
I lost my cat 6 months ago, had her 21 years from a kitten of 3 weeks - the only survivor found in a box by the side of the road. She was sooooo cute. I hand reared her.
I'd had a hysterectomy 2 years before that, with problems ever since - hot flushes etc. Now my sciatica is getting worse, I'm not sleeping, I Have Meniere's Disease and spend 12 hours immobile during each vertigo attack,
Then 2 weeks ago one of my friends dropped a bowl of mine, it shattered. (was my late mum's) Since then I've been so down - I know it was just a bowl, but it felt like my world was falling apart.
I've now got a fluey cold and my partner is away - great!
I'm usually an optimistic person about life etc, but recently depression has kicked in big time.
I'm just about to start on a box of chocs my partner gave me for Valentine's day - to hell with the diet! (I've put weight on since op)
So. Be really good to yourself, you are grieving, do something to make you happy. A distraction may help.
Take care
susan21149 wen06862
wen06862 susan21149
(I've been really good though - I've only had 4 - chocolates, not boxes!!!)