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hi im coming off mirtz and doing it alone! im on job seekers and the stress of having to show im looking for work isnt helping me! what can i do ? i am not fit enuff to go back to work i dont know were to turn! is there any help out there for people who are suffering with depression..thanks in advance ..julie
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Gab2.. julie1111
I've just started on mirtazapine and it's making me feel so much better. At the beginning of this year I was signed off work from my doctor because my depression and anxiety was really bad. I had no income and was relying on my boyfriend to help me but I could see the stress it was causing him as well as I felt so bad taking money all the time.
Of course there is something u can do. Firstly u should go back to your doctor and stress to him/her that u are suffering and cannot work at the moment.. They will have to give u a sick certificate. You shouldn't be on job seekers, you should be on ESA (employment support allowance) it's for people who are not fit for work. Look into it because you will be entitled to it. Job seekers is for people who are looking for work. ESA supports people who can't. Depression and anxiety are classed as a disability if u have been suffering for more than 12 months. Book yourself an appointment with your doctor and make sure u ask for a certificate even if you have to exaggerate some symptoms just get one for like a month or two and that way u will not have to worry about finding a job. I was in your position last year but I got advice and that's exactly wat I did. There is help you just need to speak to the right people. You are not alone trust me. And you can speak to me whenever u want and I will try and give u the best advice
julie1111 Gab2..
Thank you for your message! i have an appointment with the doctor on tues..i will tell them and hopefully get a sick certificate .. i have been reading up on it, says you have to go for a medical to get ESA is the true? i read that if you can sit up and sit down and move your arms ect they think you can work? i wouldnt pass that as mines anxiety and depression..what can i do? thank you .you are being so helpfull:-) julie
Gab2.. julie1111
If you tell your doctor your really depressed and mentally cannot work you will get one.. But I think u should mention it to your doctor.. Say u need time to get yourself well again and I'm sure you will get one. Remember depression and anxiety is an illness and your doctor should give you one. As soon as you get it you can apply for ESA.. They do an assessment over the phone and then you will have to send them your certificate for proof and then they will back date your allowance from the day your certificate starts. You are 100% entitled to it as long as you get that certificate. Make sure you exaggerate the way you feel to your doctor.. Just tell them you cry all day and can't leave your home. It works
. My mum works in a surgery and she said people come in everyday and get signed off work for depression for months. Don't wear make up or anything when you go.. I know it sounds degrading but just think how much better you will feel when u come out if there on Tuesday knowing that you have time to get better and not have to worry about looking for a job until you are ready. I have been through this and honestly it felt so good. I was able to do things in my own time at my own pace.. Like if I had a bad day I would just stay at home and it felt so good knowing I didn't have to be somewhere.. Everything was when I wanted it for 3 months I was off work.
You can message me whenever you want
I'm here to talk and give you help and advice
michael_37726 julie1111
I went on ESA and had to go for a medical about 3 months after I had applied so got it for 3 months then they stopped it after the medical as they said I was fit for work so I then went on JSA but because I turned down job interviews because I was just to ill to work they then stopped that too. I have had no income once then 6 months now and am in so much debt and am being evicted next wed and have no where to go so I'm in pieces at the moment, it's bad enough coping with this illness let alone all this other stuff. I'm also coming of venalfaxine and am having a nightmare with withdrawal this is all enough to give me a very serious breakdown and I reckon that going to happen very soon. Still if I end up in hospital then at least I will have somewhere to stay for a while so I suppose I have to look on the bright side . I think it is discusting the way we are treated it just seems know one gives a damn. It's no wonder people with mental illness end up on the streets
julie1111 Gab2..
Thank you will do this! ive had enough of the presure of signing onto the job site web site pertending im looking for work and when i have to sign on my anxiety shoots up! plus because of debt in council tax there taking £17 out of my JS leaving me with £100 every two weeks..i couldnt go to sign on wednesday because id just finished my councilling session and i let it all out there. i called them to say i had flu and they wouldnt pay me till i sent a form back plus i have to put 30pm towards my rent! its not doing my anxiety and depression and good! plus doing in on my own! hard..i will do this thank you :-) xx
kayleigh55894 Gab2..
I have just read your post it is really helpull. I have been really depressed for a while now but too embarrased to admit it. What did u actually tell your doctor? I keep going to make an appointment then pulling out because im nervous the thought of approcaching the subject to my doctor. X
kayleigh55894 julie1111
Just been reading your post and i feel the exact same way as you do. Was wondering if u ever went the doctors and what was the outcome?
I am really nervous about seeing a doctor and how to approach the subject x