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Bad depression all day long everyday its soul destroying doctors put me sertraline anyone feel like this ?

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7 Replies

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    Hi Maud, I got horrific depression and anxiety when my hormone crash first happened. I was put on sertraline aswell, I only took one pill, and my symptoms were 10 times worse. I went on HRT, and it has taken a few weeks but I am feeling a little better. How long have you been taking the sertraline? I would rather take HRT than them, then after I have taken them for a while, I can slowly come off a little bit at a time, so I will be controlling my menopause rather than it controlling me. This forum is brilliant as it brings all us ladies together from all over the world and we are all going through the same thing and we can all be there for eachother. Hugs & x's.

  • Posted

    Yes Maud, I have very bad days too. I have several videos I watch. YouTube has meditation videos that I watch too. Try listening to relaxing music. Maybe take a warm bubble bath and remember any or all good memories about anything. Mindfulness training is also helpful. Take care. Give the medication time to work. Debi
    • Posted

      I stopped antidepressants in Jan 2016. Was on them 20 years. I was able to function on them but was entirely ignorant to hormonal imbalance that was the likely culprit. These last 4 years have been a nightmare. 2 years tapering and 2 years entirely off. Today I tried to take a photo of a recliner we're selling online and in the photo you can see the couch that I spend all of my life on. All the pill bottles, the heating pad, the pillows and blankets all piled on this couch, my robe draped on it. I live in a frigging sick house and I am just done! I ended up throwing a gigantic tantrum throwing the coffee table, throwing dvds, anything in my path I was hurling it. I am so sick and tired of being sick. I hate it. I hate that I am a raging lunatic. I wasn't yesterday, but went to bed last night in terrible stomach pain and didn't sleep well, as usual and I just totally freaked out today. I wish I cared less about material things as I would have certainly thrown things through the windows. Bad, bad day today. What the hell is wrong with my husband that he would tolerate this crap.

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