depression and muscle pain?
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Hello. Sorry i made a message and finished it off in French as i live in France and i just switched the language. I will keep to English this time. So i'm 59 and finished periods three years ago but still have hot flushes. I had a totale knee replacement 4months ago and have been so depressed since and now these terrible muscle pains everywhere. I am crying while writing this because my life is a nightmare with this continual pain and tension and i would like to know if it could be du tu menopause. Thanks for any help
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bobbysgirl youpicat
Hi Pam, you must have lived in France a long time to have written that as second nature! My schoolbook French needed a bit of help from Google translate.
My periods stopped about the same time and I am still getting hot flushes and all the other symptoms. In fact, I don't want to depress you further, but a 72 year old friend of mine still gets them, though not very often.
I am really suffering right now with multiple joint pains as if every old injury, knock, bump or bruise has come back to haunt me.
I had a blood test last week to check for autoimmune diseases. But everything came back clear. Doc says it might be Fibromyalgia (not a disease as such just a term that covers anything the doctor doesn't know - quite a lot it would seem).
It probably IS the menopause, damn it! I get some relief from Epsom salt baths and muscle rubs/massages with frankincense and ginger essential oils in an almond carrier - very warming and soothing. Make sure they are good quality ones.
I am trying supplements for it but nothing so far has worked.
Lolasmom youpicat
I am post menopause for 8 years and I get hot flashes everyday. Some women do not stop the flashes..........I guess we are them. I think anxiety plays a big part of this too.
Be kind to yourself and try to do things you enjoy
Lolasmom youpicat
pam1313 youpicat
From one Pam to another!
2015 was the most awful year i have ever had, or hope to have. Ifyou google menopause symptoms there are about 66 and i think I've had 60 of them! This is all on top of having fibromyalgia and an operation on my knee (new plastic knee cap and metal trochlea....that's the bit the knee cap runs over!). I'm 57 and last had a period two years ago.
Knee op was March and by September I thought I was going mental and I experienced muscle pain everywhere. I started on HRT patches for 10 weeks but after a meltdown on the 23rd November I was taken off HRT and 2 days later was put on sertraline antidepressant. First 8 days the side effects were even worse than I was already feeling but after that I've never looked back. Still get hot flushes but I certainly feel more like my normal self. I was very very reluctant to start on antidepressants but I'm now so glad my GP recommended I do so. If I have to take 1 little tablet every day for the rest of my life......bring it on! Only complaint I have about the antidepressant is that it does give me pain in the muscles in my legs, but not every day, and on reading the side effects this is quite common. I'll put up with it.....because I least I feel sane!
pam1313 youpicat
Forgot to mention......I also have reflexology once a's sheer bliss and seems to help me relax a lot.
Thanks everyone for your input. I often wonder about Fibromyalgia but doctors here don't beleive in it much. My gp doesn't want to give me an anti depresser but i think that could help. I had that just before moving and it helped me although i didn' thave all this muscle pain but it did help e to be more carefree and to be able to "let go". I see a chiropractor for the pain with no real results yet. I'm feeling really desperate, but at least i see that i'm not alone here. Thankyou
bobbysgirl youpicat
We had a friend who had had an awful time with joint pain and so much more. After doing the rounds of various doctors HE finally saw someone who knew what they were talking about and said YES, it is Fibromyalgia. He was given a tiny steroid tablet and says he could not believe how quickly all the symptoms disappeared.
I mentioned this to my doc and she instantly dismissed the idea, 'oh no there are far too many side effects'.Yet she is the first to want to put me on statins for 'high' cholesterol, ignoring completely THEIR side effects!
Fibromyalgia is a term they use when they don't know what is wrong. So now I know I am on my own in this - well I have all of you!
youpicat bobbysgirl
Hi bobbysgirl. I do have 10mgs cortisone daily because on my arthritis. I really am so confused. Yesterday morning my gp wanted to give me these Morphine patches. I refused. I'm only 59 and to me morphine is a last resort. Ive been on apinkillers for thirty years because of the arthritis and have been told that my body is getting too used to then so im trying to cut down. I have an ulcer also yet my gp gave me the option of anti inflammatories. I wanted a scan or mri to see whats wrong. Perhaps i should just change doc.........sigh......peeved
bobbysgirl youpicat
Can you change doc? Ours is a joint practice, 3 doc's, you can see any one. BUT the thorough one has a waiting list as long as your arm!
Do you take any supplements or avoid any inflammatory foods? They say the nightshades can agrivate arthritis - but who wants to give up tomatoes, peppers, aubergines and spuds - not me!
2chr2015 youpicat