Depression, Menopause or Both?
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I am 53 and I have been on Sertraline 50mg for 8 weeks. I started to feel like I was turning a corner 2 weeks ago then both my Mum and Son were ill. This has set me back albeit not as bad as I was but The overwhelming feelings have returned and the loss of appetite. I have little interest in anything but have to continue as I'm a single working parent with 3 teenage children with busy sporting lives. Being an independent strong woman normally in control with a bubbly personality I am finding this feeling unbearable. Gosh when will I feel normal, happy, interested again?
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carol62649 sue71932
Hello Sue,
im sorry to read that you are having a rough time at the moment. You say you felt a little better then you had worry iver your loved ones. Id say its perfectly understandable that you slipped back. I think most ad meds wont work smoothly, there will be ups and downs with lifes troubles. Its normal to react emotionally as youhave, time is a great healer, but patience is very important when taking a new med.
we women now know so much more about menopause and its 66 symptoms, from what ive read anxiety, depression is very much a part of the hormomal imbalances we go through.
im going through the same tough time, i hit the brick wall, im bruised, scared, and very over emotional, anxious. Ive never felt so awful and ive dealt with so much in the last twenty plus years, i thought i was strong. I realise ive been too strong for too long, now i need to be kinder to me!
as do you, its not easy, you have a whole load on your shoulders! But it will pass, take your tabs, eat well, get rest when you can ask for help if you need it!
be informed about menopause, you are in control. You have taken the first steps to overcome this rough ride by taking the medication.Little steps, then giant leaps forward, upwards. There are lots of lovely ladies here with words of wisdom to share.
Sending you best wishes,🌺
pam1313 sue71932
I'm 58 and going through the menopause. I started on 1 x 50mg of sertraline back in November 2015. I'd had a really bad year since March 2015....knee operation, full blown menopause, cat died......and then on the top of all that depression, eventually resulting in me retiring from work. At first I tried HRT but to no avail, and then one morning I just couldn't get out of bed and face the world.....crying, mega anxiety, no appetite, nausea......I've never felt so ill (and very confused) in all my life. For the first few days of taking the sertraline I honestly wanted to die, and then miraculously I started to feel a lot better. I was OK over the Christmas period but then suddenly on New Years Day I had what i can only describe as a bit of a blip. Doctor put it down to the fact that everyone around me was going to go back to work and I was fretting that I'd be left at home alone. Anyway, althoughthis blip shook me up a little (I was scared I was going to be back to feeling awful) it did pass after a couple of days and I've been fine ever since. The only thing I constantly suffer with are hot sweats and I've no idea whether this is is due to the menopause or the sertraline as this can be one of the side effects of this medication. As I've said on previous posts, if I have to take one little tablet for the rest of my days, but it keeps me feeling sane, then I consider it a very small price to pay!
Guest sue71932
2chr2015 sue71932
Jay91157 sue71932
I have been going it alone with the menopuase stuff as the docs seem little interested. Almost like it is part of life so get on with it. All your symptoms seem quite normal if you reed the many threads on here. I have finally given in and I am off to docs this friday as I have never felt to dreadful and put up a thread a few weeks back about the rapid amount of facial hair I am having to deal with. It seems excessive and increasing. Howeve last Thursday shortly after I got up I had the worst feeling ever and literally felt like I was dying and had to return to bed. I literally had no energy and just wanted to give up. I have started to become emotional, almost anything just brings on the tears. I still do however have an apertite. So all your symptoms are shared by many on this site and really does help when the docs show no interest. I an hoping the doc will give me some Oestrogen as I am suer I have way to much tosterone rushing round my body hence the rapid facial hair. Stick with your mediction as I am sure in the long run you will improve. We all have good days and bad days and pepole in here can help you thorugh them. You are not alone.