Depression with menopause

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I have suffered with depression over many years but have many good years without it. However since starting the menopause two years ago it has made my depression worse. It's been a rollercoaster two years. I have weeks of feeling really down then seem to get well only for it to last a couple of weeks then I'm back in the black tunnel. If there is anyone who can relate to this I would love to hear from you.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Kat,

    It was one of my main symptoms, doctors always told me I had depression (for around 10 years).

    I'm post meno now 2 years and because I was so very hot all the time I tried HRT. The depression I've been suffering so long began to lift within 2 weeks.

    Before that I had a little depression post natal but it was nothing compared to the peri one.

  • Posted

    Do you take medication for depression?

    • Posted

      Yes I take anti depressants and have done for years. Do you?
    • Posted

      Yes ive taken them for years too, this is the fourth time ive been ill, have always got better and gone back to work but this episode was a major blow up caused by work and it just isnt shifting x
  • Posted

    Do you take medication for depression?

    • Posted

      Yes I've been on medication for depression for years.
  • Posted

    yes my depression was totally like that, black, had pms depression since age 17, in the end because of how bad it went due to peri, i went on sertraline anti depressant took the edge off, and thats all i was looking for, and is one for pms depression, doesnt work for everyone though, been post now for over a year, symptoms are milder, so came off the anti depressant.
  • Posted

    Hi Kat, I know how you feel. I have had depression & ptsd over the years but it wasn't deemed bad enough for anti depressants. Since being diagnosed with peri back in 2013 Inoticed over a period of 3 - 6 months that my depressive moods were starting to creep back, just feeling really down for no apparent reason and generally not feeling like myself, it can last a couple of days to a couple of weeks then I kind of feel ok, then something triggers me off again...I take St Johns wart for the depression which helps with depression & anxiety. You are not alone, we're here for you. Take Care Anna x

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