depression worse with menopause
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As a sufferer of depression over many years with many good years this last year has been hell. Coming up and then going back down again. I feel the menopause has something to do with me not being able to stay stable. Can anyone relate to me.
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norma54754 kat50
Cut down on stimulants in foods and pastimes. Practise meditation and gentle exercises.
chriselora4321 kat50
I had a good few years when everything was stable and I was coping.
My peri-menopause started in my early to mid fifties and I began to notice my anxiety was rearing it's head again. Depression was still relatively stable then. I'm 60 now and post??!! menopausal with the various 'physical' problems which can occur.
I was referred to a gynaecologist at the hospital and she prescribed a low dose of vaginal oestrogen.
My depression and anxiety has come back along with panic and bouts of crying.
I suspect the oestrogen is what's causing the mood swings and depression to fluctuate more than usual.
The majority of we women do suffer various symptoms at different times and different levels of severity.
You could book an appointment with your GP or practice nurse to get some help. Many surgeries run a well-woman clinic, that's another option. Sometimes just being able to post about things on this forum helps.
Whatever you decide, just know that you're not alone.
Shelly0069 kat50
petra0263 kat50
MrsMerm petra0263
try Sertraline (Zoloph) excellent anti-depressant and VITAMIN B12 (a must). I have changed my diet and started to eat fruit +++, fresh vegetables +++ and oily fish. I have stopped eating some of the things which I felt were comforting me such as chocolates and cakes. Will let you know if this has helped as I only began this new regime about 3 weeks ago and feel that I need more time before I will feel a difference.
Good luck hun
lisa53386 petra0263
Hey, Petra...I don't know if you'll see this as it's been a while since your post. Your comment, "I'm so up and down at the minute and phoned in sick at work this morning (again). Just can't concentrate and no energy, tearful and all over the place right now" resonates with me. I have been treated for depression and anxiety since my early 20s. I'm now 48 and have been experiencing terrible mood swings for nearly a year. Like you, my depression has been well-treated for many years. However, menopausal mood swings have really thrown me for a loop. I have the ability to work from home, and I've taken advantage of that ability today because I simply can't leave the house. I move from hopelessness to anger and everything in between, all of which makes me cry. I've seen one GYN who prescribed estrogen which is either not working or making my symptoms worse. My psychiatrist referred me to a GYN who specializes in treating women with a history of depression for menopausal symptoms. I've done some research and am sad to say that there is very little information out there about women with a history of mood disorders who are now experiencing menopause-related mood swings. However, I did find one article that discusses the risks/benefits of hormone therapy in combination with a variety of antidepressants (TCAs , SSRIs, SNRIs, testosterone). I'm in the US, so I'm not sure of the availability of these drugs in the UK. Thank you for sharing.
MrsMerm kat50
I also suffer with depression but have found it is much harder to control since becoming per-meno/menopausal.
I take Sertraline which does control some of the effects of low mood. However, I am so much more emotional than I used to be and instead of having a build up of obvious PMT mood swings for 7-10 days I find I am continually unstable mood wise. As I don't get periods (or very infrequently) I have no idea at what point I am in my cycle, it's horrendous, not having the release of the menstration.
I completely EMPATHISE with you and only wish I could help hun
Take care and try to stay positive XXX
petra0263 MrsMerm
Thank you again for kind words and empathy.
💐🌾👍. XX
Shelly0069 MrsMerm
susan21149 kat50
It does get better if you get on a antidepressant
margaret04348 kat50
susan21149 margaret04348
But the anxieties will come and go at times but not as bad