dermovate cream how often ?
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I was told at my check up to use the cream 3 times a week for 2 weeks then once a week. I was told this before also, so had only been using it once a week. Obviously it was not enough as the Dr. told me again to use it 3 times then once a week. How do I know after using it once a week that that is enough. Do I go back to using it three times a week. I am so confused :?
I don't get any itching anymore, but am scared to use it too much, but also scared I'm not using it enough................the saga continues...... :roll:
I have been using Replense every three days, but moving about it just seems to 'run out' and I get a discharge for a few days. God I am so fed up with all this, :cry: not sure it helped with the discomfort of making love. But am persevering for a while longer.............
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This is the only condition that I've had in my lifetime that the medics don't really wants to talk about. Sometimes makes me feel like it is my fault I have this. I have learnt so much from 'you ladies' and without you would be in a worse state not knowing what to do. Sorry to 'go on' feeling a bit sorry for myself
Soon get over it, worse things happen haha..............
(no be continued :lol: )
I am interested in the discharge you get when you use the replens. The same thing happened to me. I also found that the replens actually irritated my vulva and made it sore.
Have you had a biopsy taken or had an accurate confirmation as to if you have lichen sclerosus or lichen planus. Have you mentioned the discharge to your dr? Is it a greenish/yellowish discharge?
It would be interesting to find out if other women on this forum have had this discharge.
TK31 Guest
Thank you for your reply on the use of REPLENS. The first con/gyn I attended advised the use of REPLENS to replace the lack of natural moisture that occurs postmenopausal. The discharge is supposidly the vagina cleansing itself!! BUT I found that it irritated the vulva and caused rawness!! Anyway since then diagnosed with LS clinically and discovered an ointment called PALADIN that I got from a thread called **** This has really helped with soreness and advice on this site has kept me going!!
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Do you use a steroid at all? Do you have many symptoms and how was yours diagnosed? After nearly three years I still have not got a concrete diagnosis despite biopsies.
Yes I have had a biopsy taken and it was diagnosed as LS. The discharge I get after using Replens is greenish. I was a worried the first time until I read the leaflet. This happens every time I use it, and keeps on until the next time I was due to use it, so I don't much any more. I use a lubricating gel (Asda's own) and find that okay ..... for now ! Again ....... not sure whether its the right thing to use, but for now it works for me.
katie_19096 Guest
I've had burning iching and the same in my back passage been given dermovate cream and it's worked but what was my condition anybody know . Please help anyone
JakJak katie_19096
Hi Katie 19096
i presume you have seen a doctor as you have dermovate. It sounds very much like Lichen sclerosis. I started with the itching and was diagnosed with thrush, year and half later after biopsy etc, was told I had lichen sclerosis. If you haven't been checke d by a doctor I would say start there and you should then be referred to a hospital consultant dealing in these problems. Good luck.
katie_19096 JakJak
Thank you Jak Jak however I've been to the highest gyno but haven't had biopsy they don't know what it is they've tried to say to be it's psychological but discharge and burning of cervix, and vigina. Had a utility too after this problem accused but it's apparently mental health ! No one will help me just feel trapped wondering whether it's infectious or not. Fed up now