Describe an attack

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Hey folks, I am under investigation for MD and currently on a trial of beta histine to see if it helps.

Can I ask that people who have been diagnosed with it, post and describe their symptoms? I'm currently waiting on an ENT appointment.

With me I can get random tinnitus (high pitched noise and also can regularly hear which can only be described as sounds within my body), feeling of an ear being full and some minor hearing loss, like it's kinda muffled. The most annoying and distressing thing is, what I am going to describe as brain twinges which cycle. So basically I am sitting at my desk and then for no reason or pattern that I have been able to discern I get like a brain twinge that I would then go like woooooooooow. Can be very disorientating and make me feel nauseous and can provoke banging head aches. These are split second episodes. Don't last very long at all. I can get days where I don't get any. And get days where I can have up to 30 attacks a day. I also get apparently what is classed as visual vertigo. Can be watching tv, camera pans for instance during an action film and my brain decides to go with it which again provokes a woooooooooow sorta head rush. Sitting in work and somebody shakes the desk and it's an earth quake.

This all more or less started about 6 months ago when i got something which can only be described as somebody punched me in the side of the head. Pretty sure it came from my ear. It was like an explosion. Was painless but it did make me flinch away from it.

The beta histine sorta helps. The first week I started taking it I barely had any incidents. Last week was particularly bad with the episodes. Back up to the over 20 attacks a day. Seems that the only thing that does work is if I take cyclizine (anti nausea) and diazepam

Any help appreciated



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42 Replies

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    Betahistine is not available in the US. I had. for some time, a feeling that my ears were screwed on too tight. The one day I noticed almost no hearing in my left ear. Once I got to see an ENT I was immediately put on dyazide which brought my hearing back rather rapidly. Since then it was rough for a while. I had hearing sensitivity, the feeling of balloons having been blown up in my ears, nausea, sudden episodes of vertigo (fortunately very short) and sudden falls without warning. On top of that were the headaches from hell and the needle stabbing sensations in my head. I particularly hated the feeling that someone was trying to pry open a skull suture line with a pry bar. Two years down the line and I am much better. Still have the hearing sensitivity, my vertigo is mostly side slips in my head, still have the ear balloons and the occasional headache and my balance is still not so great.. I feel like dyazide works better that betahistine. From reading what other people say about it you sometimes have to really increase the dosage to get the response you need. You still have to cut out salt in your diet. I did that by really cutting down on processed foods. I just have to keep myself hydrated and wear sunscreen when I go out or cover up as it makes you sensitive to the sun. Hope you start doing better.
    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply Donna and great to hear that you're doing a lot better. Yeah I read somewhere to cut out salt which I have an also been taking a green tea tablet as apparently that can help as it works as a diuretic and the MD is apparently fluid build up related if anybody else wants to try it and see

  • Posted

    Hi Chris,

    I have what I call "brain zaps". I used to call them head rushes until I started googling and found the other term pops up with the symptoms. I'm not sure if it's the same thing you're experiencing but they go 50/50 for me. 50% of the time I experience this shock feeling and I get a swirl of vertigo that lasts seconds. And the other 50% I could be standing or sitting there and get the spinning, that lasts seconds, without the shock. It tends to happen when I watch TV or stare at a phone or computer too much. But it has happened out of nowhere before. And tends to happen when I'm anxious.

    I was just at a friends birthday party a weekend ago, standing in the food line, and one happened; I thought I was going to pass out. Half the time I feel like they're almost over by the time you even realize what's happening. They last seconds. Some stronger than others. I've even had ones that are "strong" where it feels like something hits your head and makes you flinch/jerk like "what the heck was that??". Painless but always with that spinning that lasts a few seconds.

    I've had ones so strong that it made me feel as if I was going to faint with tunnel vision and heart racing- again, lasting seconds. There's another woman on here experiencing the same as us and she can't figure hers out either.

    My neurologists chalk it up to nothing but it's actually a large inconvenience at times. I'm starting to believe it's the vestibular system resetting itself but I'm definitely not a doctor so who knows. I've read online it's the same thing people who have SSRI withdrawal go through, to an extent. That's where "brain zaps" come from.

    I don't usually get a headache with mine brain zaps but I do with full fledged vertigo attacks. I was diagnosed with Menieres and BPPV.

    Sorry so long but hope you can relate and this lets you know you're not alone!

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      Thanks for your reply and sorry to hear from another sufferer. Just from reading your post and other posts above it seems that there is all the weird and wonderful symptoms that are not properly understood and it does sound to me like you're getting the visual vertigo that my GP told me I had. I'll try and find the link I found regarding it but it does say that scrolling scenes for example social media sites and same with pc's, supermarkets, anywhere really with a rich feast for the eyes can set it off as it's your brain going ooooooooh f*ck there's to much, I can't cope lol and vestibular rehab is required so hopefully that will help you get the treatment you need. One thing i did read was if it is kicking off badly was to close one eye and stare through that and see if that helps. Are you on any meds for your MD? Or where you on an SNRI?

    • Posted

      Is it visual vertigo? Never heard of it! Glad you did lol 

      Im in vestibular rehab now and I don't take any medicine because there is none to take for me. I was offered a diuretic (water pill) but I'm allergic. I was also given klonopin for attacks but I don't take it as it makes me tired and drunk. I already feel drunk so making it worse is not on my mind.

      I was not on any SSRIs. This is crazy tho! Idk how it happens but it does lol mine came out of nowhere.

    • Posted

      Vestibular rehab is the only thing that helped mine it almost had me back to normal the lady I was going to was great. Then my insurance changed and I had to stop going cause what I got now doesn't cover it and I'm getting back like I was before starting it. But I'm in the process of getting different insurance so I can go back.

    • Posted

      Thanks Chris!

      This sounds just like me I get it riding down the road a lot and I can't even look at stripes at all all of that had mostly went away when I was going to therapy but it's come back on days it bothers me bad I can see my eyes in the mirror moving side to side and head shacking. The lady I was seeing used to make me look at a checkered table cloth with a fan blowing on it she told me we got to upset it to fix it.

  • Posted

    It is important you get diagnosed properly with Xray and MRI scans to exclude other possible causes for your symptoms. If MD is confirmed high doses of betahistine are likely to be needed.  I have copied below a reply posted elsewhere in these forums which may be helpful/informative:-

    "I have looked at some of your replies and it seems that the common factor is the relatively low dose of betahistine you are taking. Also it needs time to work.

    My consultant, having confirmed the diagnosis, and noting that I was not fully controlled tripled my dose from 16mg to 48 mg three times daily, and told me if I remained attack free for 6 months I should then wean myself off.  That strategy worked and I had a full remission period of 21 months.

    His advice was also that if the warning signs of MD returning (Ear fullness, unstable tinnitus, dizzy spells) occurred to not wait for a full blown attack but go straight back on the high dose and increase it further if necessary. The reasoning for this is that each major attack is very likely to cause further hearing loss which is not reversible.

    I got the warning signs again at the end of July so did as advised. The signs subsided over 2 or 3 days which was good but about 6 weeks later I had a sudden vertigo attack for a couple of minutes which left me feeling unsteady and unwell. I always carry buccastem and took one straight away – fortunately that worked OK. As a result I have increased my dosage to 64mg tds while I wait for a review with the consultant.

    This seems to be working OK.

    Suggest you ask your consultant to review your dosage. Good luck."

    • Posted

      Hi NeddyO

      Thanks for your reply.

      I've had a neck X-ray and brain MRI. All clear. And unfortunately I've yet to see an ENT and don't foresee seeing one for quite awhile, waiting lists being what they are and doubt my GP would increase the dosages until I see a specialist. I jabe got a GP appointment though for start of December so I shall have a chat with her to see what she suggests. Have u tried any other tablets? As somebody suggested above I have bought cinnazirine to try this weekend to see if they help any better than the betahistine but maybe best waiting now as i didnt know the beta histine had to build up in your system.

    • Posted

      Yes betahistine takes time to work and as you now realise needs to be quite high dose to get maximum benefit. Cinnazirine (Stugeron) is an antinausea drug and quite sedative, part of the antihistamine group of drugs. Stemetil and Buccastem (prochlorperazine) can also help with acute symptoms but also very sedative and part of the antipsychosis drug group. I only resort to these to regain control as they do nothing to treat the underlying problem! If the diagnosis is confirmed your best hope is probably high dose betahistine over quite a long period.

      Best of luck.

  • Posted

    Hi Chris  those symptoms are pretty much in one form or another what we all get. I use to get that drop feeling like I'd gone to my left was scary use to happen mostly watching a tv or computer screen mostly..sometimes I had it when I was in conversation with someone then I'd get a tingling rush down my arms and legs..think it's the brain not sure which way up we are.. can't watch much tv get really spaced but I've tried lowering the brightness and contrast so can watch it for about an hour max..the tinnitus is like static in my head with a bass wave feeling when I've over done things..sleeping I've done so much of this always tired..then there are nights when you get brain jerks and loud tinnitus and you can't sleep..tried pillows up and down..not sleeping on my left or right..mornings are worse too..takes time to regain yourself and each day you think am I can consume your whole day every day...the fullness in the ear and pain is horrid and do is brain for medication I found beta histamine didn't help..which I'd started on cinnazine 10months ago this works well for me. Only take it now as and when I need it...I was given a nasal steroid spray as I've got blocked eust tubes and that can cause dizzy too..been on that 4 weeks now after 5 months of having it..they are slightly better but the spray does give you a yes go for what works for you best....even sitting still you might find you are shaking..this is all part of your vestibular system not working right..I often wonder if most of our conditions are from a virus inflammation then why is steroids not used earlier in the process..or strong anti inflammatory drugs like diclofenic or naproxen...


    • Posted

      Hi Liz. Sorry to hear from another sufferer. From reading these posts I'm actually grateful as it seems i don't even have it that bad.

      Yeah funnily enough I had ended up in casualty as I was feeling kinda crappy, went to the gym, stupidly pushed myself and then when I got home I had a big weird sensation come over me, head was going to the left, had to rapidly shake my head and then i nearly blacked out which then led to a full blown panic attack. Hospital said my vitals where fine and that I had a high temp so thought I had a virus, so virus plus gym exertion plus high temp equalled the nearly blacking out. Anybody else got a similar experience with it starting after a virus?

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