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I Am waiting for an mri scan of my knee as I have been taking oral steroids for over a year and they can cause problems within the vessels I have been told.and the surgeon doesn't want to go in blind. I was told the waiting list for the scan was four to six weeks and it's been over four weeks so far so hopefully not much longer to wait. I don't know how long I'll wait to see the consultant after the scan to discuss the results but it will probably be may at this rate!

The thing is that I'm in agony when I walk or stand for more than four or five minutes so I'm almost housebound. I'm going to have to swallow my pride and sit in a wheelchair when we go out. I'm"only" 56 and feel too young for this. The last few weeks have been very difficult for me and I spent almost every day in tears. I finally went to my gp surgery yesterday and poured my heart out to the lovely locum doctor who actually listened to me. (My original gp sadly died just before Christmas and since then I haven't seen the same doctor twice) She offered to refer me to a rheumatologist (I have been asking for this for the last 12 months) as I have fibromyalgia and Polymyalgia as she doesn't want me to have surgery if it's either of these conditions causing the pain. I don't think this is the case but I'm sure that the rheumatologist could help mewith both problems.

she also gave me antidepressants which I have had previously so hopefully I should be less tearful in a few weeks. Did any of you folks feel depressed whilst waiting for surgery? I've read many posts where you've been depressed after surgery due to the pain and poor outcomes.

Thanks for reading my tale of woe, take care, Deb

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    From the sounds of things you are at least on the right track for some long term care. For heaven's sake don't worry about pride.....just be as comfotable as possible. A couple of morni vs ago I met my tax man for breakfast at a new restaurant in the area. Some bright designer had laid this place out to be very accessible for everyone. About half way through our 2nd cup of coffee I notice the staff moving table and chairs around. Shortly the wheel ch a or started rolling in through both front and back doors. 8 elderly ladies and their care givers from a local senior center gathered around this big area in the very front of the place and started visiting and having a great time. As I limped out after my meeting I'm sure the were wondering why that grouchy old man with the horrible limp wasn't part of their group and maybe they could made me laugh and enjoy life as well. You don't have to take what life throws at you laying down but once in awhile you can duck so it doesn't all hit you at the same time. Good luck in getting the scan soon. Nothing can really happen in the way of treatment till you get a diagnosis so that's key. Be very thankful you got a Dr that listens and understands what you are going through. Keep us advised. You r progress will be important to rveryone on the site.
  • Posted

    I was told steroids weaken the bone.

    However, ask lots of questions before you have a new knee.

    Ask if you can have a titanium knee not the bog standard chrome which they given me and I think that's why I'm having all the trouble.

    Find out what cement they use and can you have a test beforehand to see if you are allergic to any of the metal.

    Good luck anyway

  • Posted

    So sorry ur feeling SOOO down. I don't have any advice, as  I'm not familiar w/ur issues. I just wanted to let u know that I feel for u being in such pain. 

    56 is very young, good luck to u and keep us posted. 

    Best wishes, Damy

  • Posted

    Hi Deb!

    Getting the blood testing at the Rheumotologist is extremely helpful in diagnosing your condition. The panel of tests they do can rule out many types of arthritis and can be very beneficial in helping you get the correct treatment.

    Age shouldn't be a factor when it comes to dealing with and eliminating pain. Our next door neighbor just completed testing at his Rheumotologist and they were able to RULE OUT many types of arthritis. He is 17 with OSTEOARTHRITIS and could face surgery very soon.

    Our delivery guy is 33 and had both HIPS replaced last October.

    In addition to the blood testing which shows markers for various types of arthritis or no markers if you do not have that type of arthritis, X-RAYS are very helpful for showing what the cartilage looks like or if you have WORN away your cartilage due to Osteoarthritis.

    I am not familiar with MRI imagery to detect issues because I have never had an MRI.

    Keep pushing for an accurate diagnosis and see additional specialists if things sound confusing or just don't make sense.

    You are an individual like no other. We each are unique with our own specific set of needs and issues. There are answers out there to help you!

    Sending prayers for patience and for finding your own correct diagnosis and pathway to a pain-free life!

    • Posted

      Up late again I see.....the MRI is for soft tissue, tears, bruising, some type blood clotting, tumors. X rays are bone related damage (breaks, hairline and stress fractures) and bone scans are for done to check for the densities of the bone and damage due to calcium defecencies and such.. My wife has a bone scan every 2 years due to a family history of a disease that causes the bones to become like honeycomb a very weak. So far only thing needed has been a daily heavy dose of calcium with like type dose of Vit D. Apparently the body can't absorb calcium if there is a lack of D. Seems to be the same effect as with her Parkinson's meds. In that case, carbidopa, the missing drug in the brain that causes tremors and such can't be absorbed directly by the brain so a drug called levidopa is introduced at the same time to act as a gateway. The actual drug is called cinnimet and it's a combination of carbidopa/levadopa. The body , as tough and strong as it is, is still a very delicate blend. Hope winter has taken its last gasp of life in your area and spring is ready to take over. Spring just can't get a firm grasp on things here. We've had a heavy frost 3 out the last 5 mornings but supposed to be close to 80 today. My 2 grandsons who are jrs at the University of Kansas are coming by late morning and having lunch with us an going to help the old folks with a couple of outside projects. They are cousins and live together less than an hour away but 1st time this year they have come by. Not Up to producing a home cooked meal so will offer up some great local carry out bar b que. You take care. BTW, how's your husband and his health issues getting along.
    • Posted

      Hi there!

      Thanks for the info on MRIs! I always wondered about why they were used. I hear they are pretty expensive, too.

      Yes, I am a night owl! Actually I have never slept as much as most folks. I seem to recharge quickly then get wide awake so I read or go CLEAN something or check in on my buddies here or ... I have become my mom! As a kid I would wake up and find that she had already washed the kitchen floor and shoveled the sidewalk before Dad and I had even eaten breakfast. Then she would teach a whole day (First grade), attend meetings and then head to church to set up for some dinner event or prayer group. The woman did all this on about three hours sleep. Our daughter-in-law keeps telling us Arya, aged six months, takes "power naps" and is raring to go after about 45 minutes --all happy and excited to get busy being busy. I say, " Uh-oh! Sounds very familiar! Her Daddy was the same, her Grandma, ME, the same, and her Great-Grandma, my mom --SAME!!!!😁🙌😄😁

      Well, yesterday we went to see my husband's mom at the nursing home. She has developed a case of Shingles, so they moved her to this lovely private room as a precaution for 7-10 days. She was pretty sleepy due to medication but in no pain. Going IN to see her we checked out the nesting Mallard mom and the nesting Canada Goose and her mate and looked at all the beautiful spring flowers in the courtyard there. We ate dinner and picked up a few things from the store. Coming OUT we were surprised that the temp had dropped and there were snow flurries! By the time we got home we were in a white-out, and there was a couple inches of Lame Effect on our driveway! Ah, Spring in NE Ohio!!!

      That's very interesting about how the drug works as a gateway to help your wife's Parkinson's disease. I wonder...does the Aricept my mother-in-law takes for her Dementia work in a similar way?

      Nice that your grandsons will be coming to visit AND are helping with some things around the house! It is always nice to have help, and great to spend time with family! Carry out BBQ...Mmmmm! Sounds delish!

      My husband has FINALLY realized that sticking to taking his supplements such as ALA really DOES help his neuropathy! He has been doing much better recently. He found Ecco brand shoes about ten years ago and FINALLY realized that if he keeps to wearing them and changing up the insoles often that his feet will feel much better. His hearing due to all his years as a musician is failing greatly now, and I STILL haven't convinced him to go get his eyes checked. I suspect cateracts. So, in the meantime I remain his German Shepherd (his term for me!) and look out for him as needed. (His photo is above the dictionary definition for "STUBBORN".)

      How have you been feeling? You have endured SO MUCH, yet you have that " Come Back Kid" tenacity that keeps you fighting and moving forward. I SO admire fighters and appreciate all you do for your wife. You help and inspire everyone here. I have personally learned SO MUCH from your posts, and appreciated your voice of reason and experience!

      I hope you are doing well! Take care, and enjoy those grandsons today! Tell your wife Hello from us here in our Ohio Tundra!!!

    • Posted

      Just re-read my post!

      LAME EFFECT???

      Meant LAKE EFFECT, but maybe at this time of year computer DID get it right with LAME Effect! 😊

      Sure am DONE with snow in my mind! Spring, vet here and STAY HERE!!!

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