Desperate for an answer ... Chronic abdominal problems
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Hey guys I was wondering if anyone could help ! It started off 6 months ago now my lower abdomen seemed to flare up all of a sudden I was experiencing bloody stools on and off mucus in my stools and a faint feeling , general unwellness .. When I felt my stomach it felt lumpy , the flare up went down within a few weeks but I am now starting to get pains in other places ; these are my symptoms ; Pain during urination ( especially after I empty my bladder ) , back pain mainly at the bottom but it also has started at the top inbetween my shoulders , nausea on and off , stomach spasms , pains in my groin , pains in my sides , chest pains occasionally , heart pains , a lot of burping , irregular periods , and pain behind my eyes , I feel as if when
I reach up or do any lifting there's something inflamed between my left hip and ribs ... I have had a sigmoidoscopy which came back clear , my biopsy came back clear on the bowel , I've had a urine test which showed no abnormalities , also I've had a transvaginal scan and they found polycystic ovaries but the cysts are small and DR has said they shouldn't cause problems ... I've also been tested for celiac which came back negative ... So I'm wondering now what the hells wrong with me ?!! It's very distressing .. I do not feel well at all half the time , before this I was very fit ( so I thought ) , I have been to the doctors numerous times asking for scans which they will not give as my other results were clear , but it's obvious there is something going on , my blood tests show low grade inflamation for 6 months now ! Help !!!
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joan152 Batgirlknight
know exactly where you are, have had the same pains on right side between ribs and hip suspected stone had ultra sound no stones , new sympton now bloating stomach and lower pains suggested IBS had test for celiac all clear dont know what to eat ,just leaving bread alone at the moment.I am taking Buscopan not helping much.
making me really anxious and depressed.
Not much help except knowing you are not alone.
Batgirlknight joan152
Last week I ended up at A&E with horrid pains in my left arm and down my back at the top , they suspected I have colitis or chrones which hasnt been caught on the sigmoidoscopy , it's very distressing as my sides feel hard , my left lower abdominal is slightly swollen , and by my hip looks weird hard to explain as if it's inflamed in that area too , it's very hard to try to keep going with my full time job as its physically demanding as well , I am sure I am entitled to a scan but my DR's keep saying as I look well and I am of a very healthy weight that there can be nothing 'seriously' wrong with me , sometimes I have some relief but not much , I was reading up on IBS caused by an infection , and it can lead to IC inflamation of the bladder which would explain why I have pain when urinating , so far I have had no blood in my urine , but occasionally I keep gettig what seems like cystitis , I was hardly ever poorly before this , my ibs ( if it is that ) seems to have been triggered by antibiotics
robin77577 Batgirlknight
You can get gall bladder stones after dieting/losing weight.
Can you do your best to take care of your health by drinking LOTS of water, avoiding carbohydrates which CAUSE inflammation; so NO or very little: bread, cereals, potatoes, pasta, sugars of any kind and in all forms (cake, cookies, fizzy drinks etc..) and no fruit except for berries and melon.The only carb that you can have some in a small amount at dinner is brown rice. And particularly NO DAIRY in all its forms. In other words, until you feel better, eat like this:
Breakfast: a smoothie made of berries or melon, non dairy protein powder, almond milk and vanilla for flavour if you like. Scrambled egg if you need to eat more.
Lunch: A huge salad made from at least 5 vegetables, hard boiled eggs and nuts and apple to finish. Dressing: a vinaigrette or mayo based dressing.
Dinner: meat, broccoli, carrots or any other vegetables...and as many as you would like. At every meal your plate should be colourful...NOT beige.
This will do wonders for your general health. Carbs are a poison to a weakened body. Avoid them for a good week. When you DO feel MUCH better, you will probably want to continue this healthy diet. If you need to lose weight, you will. If you find that youare constipated, take magnesium at bedtime....2 -3 tablets and you will elliminate easily in the morning...and pass toxins from the body.
I am sure you will feel so much better inside even 2 or 3 days. Please let me know...that is, if you follow this healthy diet...with no cheating. After a few days you will feel the results and want to continue...maybe even forever!
Good luck!
Batgirlknight robin77577
robin77577 Batgirlknight
But you may have kidney issues. They can show up on blood tests. You are a 'girl', right, meaning young, so you should not be having any issues of that kind. If you are having sex or allowing anything not 100% clean touch your privates, that can cause problems down below...including bladder and kidney problems. That would be a secondary issue to your 'diarrhea'.
You say you have diarrhea...but are you constipated as well? If you are, you need to become regular which magnesiium will help you with. Otherwise, if you have only diarrhea, that's another issue...not IBS.
Please try the diet that I wrote you about 2 emails ago, FAITHFULLY for a week and I am sure you will notcie a big difference. But I would insist upon some kidney test.
Hello Joan, Don't forget, there is dairy in MANY foods and of course dairy comes in many forms; yoghurt, cream, in desserts, in sauces, in cheeses. If you slip up even once a day, it can throw everything it does with me. If I have dairy, within the half hour my body gets inflamed; for me it really shows up in the lungs and head. My nose gets blocked. I sneeze, my nose runs and runs and I cough...and cough and cough!
Have you considered that your symptoms, Batgirl and Joan might be due to the bite of a deer tick?... My sister in law in Switzerland was bitten by a deer tick in her suburban garden! She recognized the bullseye bite reaction (not always present) and rushed to the doctor's for antibiotics. My neighbour's 29 year old son in Canada was less fortunate and didn't get to the doctor for years, not realizing that he HAD been bitten by a deer tick and all his strange symptoms were Lyme disease. My own daughter was in the woods here in Canada and she was bitten by a deer tick...and when I saw the bullseye on her neck, I took her to the doctor's for antibiotics. Symptoms once it starts, include joint pain. For years doctors told him he was depressed or exaggerating or that it was probably the flu. It took I think 4 blood tests before the specific bacteria showed up..because with this germ, it is not in every drop of blood in the the results can be hit or miss.
You might want to ask your doctor for, I think it's called a Latex blood test. It's a test to determine if you have any arthritic/rheumatic type of condition affecting the joints. It would be good to have in order to rule out those conditions.
Sorry this is so long...
Robin (female btw) in Canada
Batgirlknight robin77577
My early twenties in a monogamous relationship with another woman , I have never been with a man that way . Which is what makes me think there's maybe less of a chance it's anything sexually related although without sounding crude I have had a very active sex life in the last 7 years ... But only been with a few , never have I slept around or anything like that . Although I know it doesn't matter either way , people can catch things , or problems can occur with the lady parts !! I will be going for a smear test too to be on the safe side .... I know there is something going on with my body but the DRs make me feel like I'm being a hypocondriact ! It's so frustrating
Batgirlknight robin77577
robin77577 Batgirlknight
I don't miss dairy any more because almond milk is so lightly flavoured and I find just as good if not better than milk.
I would bet that YOU can cure yourself. Doctors don't have time (unless you are his or her sister or daughter) to sit down and try to figure out what it could be that is causing all these issues.
My daughter who is your age had terrible knee pain. She went to a couple of doctors and had tests and went to the physiotherapist and nothing inmproved. I asked her how she sits at her computer and she said. "Uhhh...on my bent leg...." So she stopped sitting like that...and her knee pain went away. You just need to be a detective and use reason. Things don't happen out of the blue. You took antibiotics and your problems started. It stands to reason that you threw your body's chemistry off kilter. Now you can use acidophilus to get it back on track. Keeping off the carbs will reduce inflammation in the whole body. Studies have been done on diabetics but the results are the same for anyone on a low carb diet...lower levels of inflammation.
If you cannot get acidophilus yoghurt in your grocery store (it is not your usual yoghurt. It's expensive.), you can get it in a health food store for sure. They can also help you get to the root of your likely, antibiotic induced medical issues. Good luck!
robin77577 Batgirlknight
I don;t understand how the urine test could come back normal when you experience pain after urinating... Mysterious... Drink water in order to help FLUSH whatever it is, out of your system. As for all the gastrointestinal type of issues (pains, burping, feeling of fullness near the hip, pain into groin)...they could all be due to constipation. And remember, if you are eating meat, AND you are constipated, it is remaining inside you for days... Not good! it rots. You want your food to go in and come out within a day or a bit longer. Your stools need to be a foot long and come out easily and quickly. If not, take the magnesium every night with some ALMOND milk...not milk, and you will be right as rain in the morning...with big, long, formed but soft stools. No straining...which can cause your backside pains too.
You know that chest/heart pains are NOT heart when they hurt when you take a deep breath. Those are muscle pains from...stress!..which is understandable with what you are going through.
Remember: No dairy, lots of water, daily exercise...walking is best, magnesium at bedtime, plenty of veggies, no fried foods (very aggravating to the digestion). look at your plate before each meal. If it's colourful, it's good for you. If it's BEIGE, throw it out!
Batgirlknight robin77577
No where near constipated !! Lol I go around 6 times a day sometimes and it is almost always light brown and soft , I've hardly ever been constipated in my life ! That's what I mean when I say I don't think it's ibs as I hardly ever alternate between constipation and diarrhea , and I drink around 2 litres of fluid a day
Batgirlknight robin77577
robin77577 Batgirlknight
ice-cream-sarnie Batgirlknight
Batgirlknight ice-cream-sarnie
Strong dose for a week as I had bronchitis at the time
robin77577 Batgirlknight