Desperate. Thinking about quitting my job
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Hi everyone. I'm so depressed about this experience but at least I've found this board, I've not been able to talk about this to anyone, not even my friends. Id love to ask some questions to get your take on things:
- Do you guys exercise? It really helps my bowel movements but also I can't help thinking the friction aggravates the fissure. I tried swimming last weekend and though it was ok in the pool when I got out I was in the worst agony I've exerienced yet, and I think i'ts really worsened the fissure.
- Does sitting on it make it worse? This is a big one for me. I have to sit to do my work but as I'll come on to, this is causing problems.
- How long does healing take?
I've had this miserable experience going on since christmas, thought it was a pile, 3 dys ago i've learnt it's a fissure.
I'm desperate, I just don't know what to do. I've been eating nothing but fruit, veg, bran and pulses for the last 2 months. I miss real food SO MUCH but I want to get through this even more. This isn't the worst part though.
I just don't know how I can live my normal life in this way. Ok, so I can just about take sacrificing normal tasty food and I can do without alcohol, but how do you guys do your job? I've tried if for a while and now I just can't go on.
For my job, I sit at a desk most of the day- but it's painful, and It slows my bowel movements right down.
So i've taken some time off work. I said a week to my boss, in the naive hope it might clear up, but so many of the accounts on this board go on for months. I'm just coming to terms to that.
So I'm stuck. I've been looking at my options and I'm considering quitting my job and moving back with my parents until this clears up, I just don't know what else to do if it doesn't heal.
I'm on Anoheal now, and 3 days in i've not noticed much. I'm currently at home, going slowly crazy because I can't do anything productive- I spend the day lying down, walking, making soup, eating soup- sitting on the toilet waiting for a bowel movement. It sucks so bad. It's like my life has been stuck on hold.
I'm 24 and just starting to consider how badly I'm going to have to readjust my life to cope with this, it sounds like it's likely to strike again if I'm not careful.
I'm sorry if this post has been a bit of a sorry-for-myself monlogue, but I haven't talked to anyone about this apart from my GP and even he's not very empathetic!!
If anyone has any advice please let me know
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Let me start by saying that you should definitely not quit your job because this will get better, I promise.
I have had a fissure for some years and finally plucked up the courage to see my GP, who referred me to a consultant as the pain was that unbearable. I would sit on the loo for over an hour trying to pass a stool comfortably and the throbbing afterward swould last for hours, it even disturbed my sleep. There was a lot of blood and and sometimes I would suffer from debilitating flu symptoms a few hours after going to the toilet.
When I went to see the consultant he prescribed me anoheal to apply to the area, lactulose to soften my stools and fybogel to keep my bowel movements regular. The cause of my fissure was chronic constipation so I need the medication to form bulky soft stools that are easy to pass. After the first few days I was disappointed witht he results of anoheal but the doctor said it can 6-8 weeks for the fissure to heal so you must continue to apply it religiously until it has gone. I'm now into my 4th week of using the cream and there has been a dramatic improvement. You need to keep with it and maybe look at taking laxatives or stool softeners to make easier for you?
In answer to your exercise question, the NHS website has extensive information surrounding fissures and states that you should exercise 30 minutes a day as well as eating plenty of fibre and drinking plenty of water. Just do a search for anal fissure on
The NHS website has extensive information surrounding anal fissures so you might want to tkae a bit of time to read this. Sitting down should not make it worse for you, and your doctor should be able to prescribe something for the pain although I think good old paracetamol are as good as anything.
Hope this helps, and it would be good to hear how you get on with the anoheal!
Know just how you feel, I've had my fissure since Chrismas and have tried suppositories, creams and diet. You think it's going away one minute, then it's back with a vengance the next. I'm going back to see my Consultant tomorrow and think he's going to suggest Botox injections. At the moment I'll try anything! Had a rubbish day at work today as I'm miserable because of the constant pain. How are you getting on with the creams?
I am a youngish guy, good job, young family, lots of responsibility but i can honestly say have never felt so down. In response to your plight the most important thing to remember is that this is temporary. You will feel better at some point!!
Pls dont pack in job, i am fortunate that i have private health insurance and seen a consultant who recommended i need advanced flap surgery. Seemed a bit harsh so got second opinion who recommended i try Anoheal first fefore LIS surgery/Botox if doesnt work. 3 days in and small improvement but will have to see. Keep positive, you will feel better!! If you want a contact number let me know as am happy to share. You are not alone with this. Chris
My next step is supposed to be botox -but i dont want to because im so scared of incontinence of wind, or worse. Even though i know it would be temporary i cant face it as the embarrassment of breaking wind loudly in front of people scares me so much. I would love to hear experiences of botox.
Last week i ordered an oil from an american website - natural essential oils. they have good testimonials on their site and it seems very reputable. It feels like my last hope - really hope it works. I wont give the name but if you google 'heal fissures oil' you should find it. I also want to keep in touch with people suffering the same thing - its a horrible thing to go through alone.
donna90241 Guest
I've had mine for 13 month I'm in so much pain tried everything just trying anoheal to day se how I go I carnt cope any more hun