Detoxing can be fatal
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i read an article from BMA today that said 35 percent of people who try to detox at home, but have hallucinations, die unless they get medical assistance.Well that was me. I can never explain the most horrifying experience I went through 15 months ago when I was hallucinating but i realise God or someone was looking over me.
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Robin2015 Paper_fairy
PaulJTurner1964 Paper_fairy
DTs stands for Delirium Tremens. This is a serious and potentially fatal condition. I hear a lot of people refer to DTs meaning shakiness. The vast majority of people going through withdrawal, do not get DTs but they increase in likelihood if a person tries to go cold turkey. It DOES sound like you had DTs, Paper Fairy. NEVER allow that to happen again (not that I think you need me to tell you that
Misssy2 Paper_fairy
I remember asking the Dr. if I was going to die...and it was the FIRST time (I have been in hospital detox about 6 times in 2 years). It was the first time the Dr. said...I DONT KNOW and that they were watching very closely to make sure I was as comfortable as possible. I was scared sh*tless.
It was also the first time that the benzo they were putting in my IV was not working...I was thrashing about....having what felt like mini seizures...jerking head and muscles...and the Nurse stayed with me for over an hour and then called the Dr up....the Dr changed the order for the benzo going in my be stronger and more frequent...and that started to work. me...and like i was told....we don't have too many more chances...if any at all.....its a very scary thing and it p*sses me off...I want a couple of drinks....sometimes...and I know it could kill me.
colin30375 Paper_fairy
I blacked out and woke with a mouthful of what seemed like chalk - I'd been grinding my teeth.
D,T's are horrific - more realasistic than real life.
colin30375 Paper_fairy
Robin2015 colin30375
vickylou Robin2015
I get nausea, insomnia (worse than normal) and shakiness after a couple of days drinking.
You must be so proud of being sober, you are an inspiration to us all here.
Unfortunately Ive had the DTs, nothing to do with the shakes, and described on here before..
I think Paul might remember.
I don't think anyone can understand unless they've had them or been with someone going through it. My partner was with me, fortunately and saw me go through it, 15 months ago. I can describe but I think I've described it many times and so don't want to go on about it. Though if you've ever seen a scary horror film then thats tame compared to hallucinations. The other time I was hospitalised when it happened. This is what happens when you give up, you'll get there quicker on vodka or gin. 35 percent die if not hospitalised or given meds. I was lucky. Don't go there x