Developing Boils or large deep pimples!???
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I am in my 5th year of perimenopause and I have recently been developing these larger- then normal- pimples or boils. I looked them up on google and the closest thing that descibes mine is hydradenitis but I have not not been diagnosed with this from any doctor yet. I have been having this happen for about 2 months now and only seems to be getting worse. They do heal up and go away but only to come back in a differnet area.
Just curious has anyone else experienced them and do you think our hormones are to blame? How are you dealing with yours?
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jayneejay Blessed_Mimi
Oh bless you - i cant say i had this -
Although hormones can be related to spots .
Is there anything new you have started lately - causing it - has it developed after taking any new vitamins or HRT etc .
Jay x
Blessed_Mimi jayneejay
No there is nothing new I have started...just under alot of stress. My oldest daughter keep going through stages of wanting to divorce her husband and ends up at my house with her 4 kids ages 8-1 and with her being my daughter and no where else to go ....I get stuck with the screaming and the fights between them for about 4 months and then she goes back. Its a repeated cycle for the last 7 years. Im so done with it all ! My nerves cant take things the way I used to since I started perimenopause. Happy to say she went back
and now all these boils come up so it could be the stress because the first one started 2 weeks before she left.
I have since then started 25,000 IU of beta carotene and garlic pills for my immune system. I would take zinc and vitamin C because they are both good immune boosters but Vitamin C gives me diarrhea after a few days and zinc hurts my stomach really bad.
I also read these boils disappear when menopause is over. Hopefully Im close to this being over with soon
jayneejay Blessed_Mimi
Since christmas - I get reoccurring shingles - just getting over another bout.
i get pain in butt cheek and a rash and then tiny blisters.
Where are your boils ?
Not shingles due to stress is it -
We all have shingles laying dormant in our nerve roots ( after we get child hood chicken pox) just takes something to trigger it.
Jay x
donna63748 Blessed_Mimi
Have you tried time released Vit. C? That's easy on the system/body. I have had a cluster of pimples on the left side of my chin for over a year that come and go but mostly there. I'm 55 and on hormones. I was under horrific stress at 44 years old going thru a horrible divorce and had a cluster of pimples on the other side of my chin. They're long gone now. I think stress can cause a lot of problems beyond our imagination. All the arguing and fighting you are listening to is stressful in your home. I haven't had boils but anything is possible in menopause.
Blessed_Mimi jayneejay
No this isn't shingles. My aunt had those and its a lot different then that.
Be Blessed!
barbara49965 Blessed_Mimi
Yes I have 2 boils on my back that came up about 6 months ago, I went to the doctor & he said it was heat & sweat but nothing to worry about unless they become red or infected. I am having trouble with hot flushes, just hope I dont get anymore!
Blessed_Mimi barbara49965
Does your boils look like they have pus in them after they get really large? Mine seem to build up like a hard mass and I start to feel a bruised feeling coming , then they start getting very painful and then build up a small pus at the tip of the bump. I sometime have to take a needle to bust the skin to relieve it but it builds back up with pus for about a week after its opened. They get as large as a quarter size of a lump under my skin. Does yours get like this?
Be Blessed !
barbara49965 Blessed_Mimi
susan21149 Blessed_Mimi
Blessed_Mimi susan21149
Hi !
Yes I get the acne around the times I get ready to start. Just like High School days nothing bad but I'm good for a pimple to poop up somewhere on my chin or forehead. This has been something totally different. These places are as large as a quarter round sometimes. Very painful!
Be Blessed !
sir_elton_john Blessed_Mimi
Painfully. Mine come and go too. Hurt like heck. I've tried peroxide and antibiotic ointment too. Don't know what else to try.
linda30871 Blessed_Mimi
Hi Mimi, I have been in the perimopause for 6 years, just going into the menopause. my skin has been awful for the past 12 months. Will be 12 months without a period in March. Think it's got worse since entering the menopause. I've developed acne rosacea and past few months been getting huge spots like boils. Some are persistent and some clear quickly. Mine are around my mouth and on my nose. I was concerned because the one on my nose left a gauge after having a wash and is so red and angry looking. It was reassuring after googling my symptoms to find this thread and to know I'm not alone. My anxiety has got a lot better since approaching the menopause but my skin has got worse. I've had folliculitis on my armpits which has lasted for months, I also think that is related to hormones. I dab mine with apple cider vinegar as I feel it helps them to clear up quicker. Need to plaster the make up on before I go out also and try to do a good cover up job which I used to have to do in my teens. just wasn't expecting to be spotty again in my fifties. Never mind it's a process we have to go through and it makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone with all the symptoms I've had. Anxiety has been worst symptom for me but thankfully that's passing now and I'm starting to feel happy again. I would rather be spotty than feeling anxious!
Thank you for this thread, it's nice to share experiences and get reassurance! I just remembered that I was also plagued with chalazions for about 10 months but they have finally gone but now the boils started 😟
ingalo Blessed_Mimi
hi - years too late I know but did you ever get an answer re the recurring boils /spots? I have had similar now for over three years - started on my breasts but now also top of thighs and fattest part of stomach. The minute one is nearly 'done' another one appears ...