Df 118 withdrawl
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Hi, my name is Stevie and I've been hooked on painkillers on and off for about 10 years. Cocodamol 30's dihydrocodeine 30's. I was up to about 20-25 a day until June 9 2017 when my doc delayed my script, which meant I had nothing till Monday 12 June. It floored me, and I'd had enough, I broke down, told my wife, my mum and dad and I managed to score 20 pills till Monday. This saw me taper down over weekend and I stopped cold turkey on Monday 12th june 2017. I couldn't take the lies, the deceit, the worrying about this any longer, I hated my own reflection.
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fiona_0511 stevie24154
Hi stevie thanks for sharing your story with us, it's an awful thing, I was on the Dihydracodiene 30mg for the constant daily pain I'm in and it was the worst thing I could have done was to take them
how are you now?
pete58156 stevie24154
Hang in there Stevie. You've done a great thing even though, right now it feels awful.
Expect to be overly emotional and depressed for a while but this will go, but you have to hang on and give it the time it needs to bring you home. When you get there you'll be so glad you did, but it will take time. Good luck.