Diagnosed Anti-Jo-1- AB-Myosytis. (Polymyositis with a twist)
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Hi everyone. I am posting this message to try and give help or info to anyone who has been diagnosed with the above auto immune disease.
I am a 59 years old builder.
3 months ago I started to feel fatigued all the time.Then I noticed that I was struggling to get back up onto my feet from a kneeling position. My wife would chastise me for falling into a chair instead of gently lowering myself as 'normal' people do. My hands became very swollen and painful, and I found it difficult to grasp things.I also felt quite breathless doing routine activities. I described my symptoms to others as like having a severe bout of flu.
Convinced that my rheumatoid arthritis was to blame I went to see my rheumatologist.
My appointment was 6 weeks ago. He took some blood samples and asked me to go back in 2 weeks.
when I returned he said that my blood tests indicated that something was wrong and that he wanted me in hospital as quickly as possible. I asked for a few days to re schedul my work diary to which he agreed And requested more blood for further analysis
24 hours later I received a call from the rheumatologist himself telling me that he had a bed waiting for me at the hospital and I needed to be in it that day.
over the next 48 hours I was seen by several specialists in the auto immune field, some travelling quite a distance to see me. I had a CT scan, blood testsdaily, a nerve conduction examination, a chest X ray, ultra sound, a biopsy ( ughhh) and an ECG.
I was told that things pointed to scleroderma, only for that to be overruled 24 hours later.
Finally, I was introduced to my new partner. She is so rare that she doesn't have a name, just a few letters and numbers. She goes by the monica ' ANTI-JO-1-AB-Myositis.
This rare disease of the immune system attacks your muscles AND your lungs. Without the lung issue, it would be known as Polymyositis.
my treatment is 40mg prednisolone daily to reduce the inflammation, and 1000mg Myfenax.(this is prescribed to organ transplant patients).
The Myfenax is to be slowly increased to 2000mg daily, while the steroids are to be gradually reduced.
i have started to feel better in myself already, but, I am very aware that the road ahead is going to be anything other than a joy ride. I will update if anyone needs more info. Thanks for listening.
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jacqueline01135 steve36083
Glad to hear that you are ""on the Mend !! let's hope it continues
Chin up. Chat some more if you want to
Take care
steve36083 jacqueline01135
I Have to say though that for all I've been through over the past month, I feel so blessed that I have managed to throw the chip off my shoulder that I bore for a couple of days. I am lucky also to have a very supportive family, and at the moment I actually feel quite well.
I know that I'll never get better, but if I FEEL better,that will do for me.
jacqueline01135 steve36083
My aunt had one done on/in her hand and wishes she hadn't bothered
Only one chip ???not enough for a butty then ??
Iv'e just won 15 smackers on a scratch card..unheard of!!!!
Take care
jacquibutter steve36083
steve36083 jacquibutter
The idea is that I slowly reduce the steroids whilst increasing the Myfenax. If all goes to plan then the Myfenax should keep my immune system sufficiently suppressed for me to lead a "relatively" normal life And the side effects are supposedly minimal.
I have over the past 48 hours noticed breathlessness whilst walking uphill, and to a lesser degree whilst generally getting about. I have an appointment to see the chest specialist in 2 days so I will no doubt find out what's happening in their. The recent chest X-ray that I had showed several nodules on my lungs.
Still feeling pretty positive on the whole, no negativity has managed to creep in yet thank goodness.
With regards to wellbeing, I find that I have good days and not so good. For instance yesterday I felt as though my whole body was wired up to the national grid. By body was shaking. No doubt the steroids are playing their part.
Sleeplessness is something I'm learning to manage, ie staying up late and rising early.
I'm struggling to come to terms with the weakness in my muscles along with the breathlessness. 6 months ago I did a heavy manual job and would go for a run two evenings a week. Now, I have to sit down several times a day and become easily exerted.
Still, I'm 59 not 29 so I don't need to dash around now I suppose.
sanjana19 steve36083
This problem started progressing over the years was on Steroids and was frequently admitted to the hospital for fever and cold. The worst part was during fever my allergy of Red ness and itching would grow all over body and strong doses of steroid over a week or 10 days would reduce.
i live in Bengaluru India and Presently on wheel chair for all normal activities. i sit for long hours since i am unable to walk and counter pain in lower back (lower back) and weakness with hands and legs, all my daily activities are taken care by my mother and dad.
Since steriods never worked i am on HOMEOPATHY medicines for the last 5 years and the only change is my redness and itching has not shown up. Kinldy help ime n suggesting if any treatment can help me.
Without proper medication, as it seems you are experiencing, you will simply deteriorate, as it seems you are.Steroids alone are not the long term answer. I have no idea of what the medical standards in India are like Sanjana, but surely you are entitled to appropriate medication
I am now down to 30 mg prednisolone and am up to 2 grams of mycophenolate.
I find that I trip up a lot now but so far I feel a lot better than I expected to. I feel quite well in myself and I am pushing myself physically every day to keep my muscles active.
My main worry lately is that of picking up a virus or bug ( or worse). Having little resistance due to a subdued immune system means that I have to take extra precautions. I carry an antibacterial gel around with me to use frequently. I also use a mouth wash 3 times a day.
I will now reduce the preds at a slower rate to see if the increased dose of mycophenolate does the trick.
overall, still not really come to terms with going from being a very active person who could run, to someone who feels tired and lethargic. I still suffer from "jelly legs".
I spend half of the day sat in a chair which gives me a guilt complex. I do exercise but have learnt not to overdo it. Mild exercise is fine. Any kind of over exertion results in feeling as though I've been run over by a bus.
reuben85769 steve36083
Hi Steve:
I hope you are feeling better and not feeling too bad about your diagnosis.
I was diagnosed with the same auto-immune disease as yourself in 2009. Yes it's a quite a rare diagnosis.
From my experience, it's not a death sentence ... but there are ups and downs as you might well be aware of. Id suggest it's very important to keep exercising to ensure that you maintain muscle strength and so forth and stay away from sick people! (you don't want to get a cold especially if you at immune compromised).
All the best for your future.
ayde2016 steve36083
Hello steve36083 í too was diagnosed with dermatomyositis í had the same problems as you did.... muscle weakness , I couldn't lift my arms and even driving was difficult.... I have been prescribed prednisone 80milligrams and methotrexate 12.5 milligrams......í was doing well, but 2 days ago í started with muscle weakness...don't know was6 going on!....im only 40 years old....
Hi Reuben, Hi Ayde,
4 months ago I received an infusion of Rituximab. To qualify for this drug you have to have been diagnosed 2 years and received 2 alternative treatments, i.e. Aesathioprin and mycophenolate. Then my consultant had to fill in 17 forms and jump through hoops on my behalf.
the drug works on newly formed cells so it takes 3 months to have an effect. I am now feeling a lot better in that I don't suffer the flu like symptoms but my strength and endurance are impaired. I still take the mycophenolate but my steroids are now down to 12 mg. I am reducing them by 1 mg every 3 weeks with the object being to get down to 5mg eventually.. When my bloods reveal a higher count of CK levels then I'll receive another dose of Ritiximab.
Last week I received results from the respitory clinic revealing lung disease. My lung capacity has reduced by half a litre, so I have been put under the care of a specialist in this area.i will also be seen by him at more more frequent intervals than before when I was having pulmonary tests only annually. I don't suffer chest pain othe than a mild tightness when I either inhale or exhale to the extreme. Walking uphill isn't easy either.
2 and a half years since diagnosis now and since I've received Rituximab I feel better than I have done at any other time, other than when I was on a high dose of prednisone.
Hope this helps others and good luck to fellow sufferers. It isn't the end of the world.