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Hallo, i have very strange liver disease. the doctors dont know what it is. Everything in my examinations is normal, but ASAT, ALAT and GGT are high levels from 4 years ago.
ALAT 137
GGT 86
Please help!
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RHGB vanya21819
BTW, what do you mean by examiniations, be specific?
vanya21819 RHGB
I have CTCB- some hemangioms, one is bigger, but nothing else
RHGB vanya21819
At 86 GGT is just outside the normal range, it used to be <50, but now it is <70.
A binge weekend on alcohol could push it that high.
Not sure about ALAT/ASAT, seems to be a Continental liver measuremnet, not one that is used in the UK, I take it you're in Continental Europe?
vanya21819 RHGB
Yes, from Europe.
I didn't dring any alcohol 1 year ago, i'm trying diet eating, etc.
RHGB vanya21819
Vit B Complex is a specialist Vit B aimed at people whose body is not producing the right level in vitamins and is usually linked to the liver.
Transmetil is to stop the build up of bile/bilirubin that will cause jaundice.
I can't find out what Optihepan is, it is Bulgarian (where you are, I suspect) but doesn't seem to have any websites that explain what the generic drug is.
The fact that you are being prescribed them, leads be to believe that your doctor does believe there is something wrong.
I would probably want an ultrasound abdomen scan (the same as they do for pregnant women) which would show up any abnormalities. There is an outside chance that you have gallstones. However, I am not a doctor, and I do not know your medical history, this is something you should take up with your doctor.
PS You should only diet if you are overweight, otherwise, eat a healthy mixed diet, that includes protein, fat (our bodies need fat) and carbohydrates. It is carbohydrates that makes us fat, not the fat we consume, because it is calorificly high and if carbs are not used, they are stored as fat.
vanya21819 RHGB
thank you so much for your answers!
I have ultrasound made- any abnormalities (only hemangiom, which is not releated).
Optihapan is herbs medicine