Diarrhea after gallbladder removal?

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I had my gallbladder removed January 25th. Been ok... i didn't really eat the first 3 days. Now that I'm eating 'normally' I'm having some stomach issues still after eating, I get diarrhea with in minutes of finishing a meal, I'm always hungry after! I feel like my food goes right through me... it's depressing that I can't even go out to dinner with my family at a restaurant because I have to run to the bathroom after I eat. Forget about car rides! I have to stop a gas stations sometimes to relive myself. It's so embarrassing! Not to mention inconvenient! Someone help! Is anyone else experiencing this!

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    i had my gallbladder removed over 10 years ago and have been suffering with the same issues as everyone else. A couple of years after my surgery, I went to a GI doctor who immediately diagnosed the problem of my body producing too many bile salts. He prescribed a medication called Welchol 625mg. I believe the medication is intended to reduce cholesterol, but a side effect of it, is that it binds with the bile salts. The normal dosage is 3 tablets a day. One before each meal. I take just 1 a day and as long as I don’t eat anything overly greasy or forget to take it, this medication has given me my life back. I also use Benefiber and those two things keep me pretty regular. Hope this might help someone else. 

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    yes I'm having the same problem it  is within a 1/2 hour after I eat ,  stomach cramps and pains in my stomach ,  and wiping and wiping off yellow color stool , had tests done Dr. sent me to the GI Dr. for colon and blood work with a appointment to clean out colon and polups , so I have to wait and see after that try over the counter anti diarria med I take 2 softgels like every 2 to 3 days and that seems to help let me know what happens  good luck

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    I had my gallbladder removed about 5 years ago. I was 15 years old when they removed it. For 3 years straight I did what Dr.s call dumping. Which is where you eat and immediately in the bathroom. I ended up losing 15 pounds or so. Before my gallbladder was removed I weighed 98. After those 3 years I was below 80 pounds. Had other health issues as well. But now I still have diahrrea. The only way it calms down now is if I take iron I recently found out I'm anemic and iron stops the diahrrea. I'm also lactose intolerant. Never was until my gallbladder was removed. To this day I weigh 94 pounds. It had been a long road. Next week I go in for my 11th in my life time scope (upper and lower) I saw many said they had blood in their stool might want to get that checked. Things do get better!!!

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    I would like to start this post by saying that I am not a Doctor.  So, with that in mind here goes my post.  I had the same procedure done back in 2002.  For the next three years, I had the same condition, signs and symptoms that you have all mentioned here in this forum.  In 2004 I deployed to Iraq for my first time and let me tell you all; I lived taking Imodium; that was about the only med that "in a way", extended the urge to go to the restroom for about 30 minutes to an hour after eating anything of any kind.  Talk about some Chronic Diarrhea.  I knew where every single 'porta-john was located anywhere and every base and their cleaning schedule.  I was not eating much, therefore had lost a lot of weight and started to become somewhat depressed about the situation since there was not a doctor that could shed some light on my (our) condition.  Some time around march of 2005 I was sent to cover a small outpost near Baghdad and went to see the small post's Doc just for giggles, because I knew that my condition was a lost cause.  So, there I went to see him and he interrupted me in the middle of my story and he said:  My wife had her GB removed as well and had the same signs and symptoms that you just mentioned; I am going to order a bottle of the medicine she takes and I am about 99% sure that it will work for you.  Mind you, I am still in Iraq at this time; so he put the order in and asked to be rushed to our out-post.  It took about 11 days for the medicine to get there but I have never seen a Doctor as happy to see me again once the medicine had arrived. (as if the medicine was for him) (I reckon; based on his wife's ordeal, that he knew the discomfort, stress, etc, etc, etc that I was in.  He says to me, Take one scoop mixed with some type of flavored drink tonight before bed (Like gatorade, tang, orange juice or any juice) but make sure it is properly mixed/diluted, and come see me tomorrow and let me know if it has helped at all.   

    Let me tell you people, the following morning I got up, went to the chow-hall and decided to eat a normal breakfast; 5 minutes went by after I got done and no urges; 10 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, so at around noon I went to see the Doc and told him what was happening; he said, go about your business as normal and come let me know how your next restroom episode goes.  At around 5 pm that following day after taking the medicine for the first time, is when I started getting the first urge to go take a Class I download (#2).  Needless to say, that was the first hard stool (normal Stool) I have had in about 3 years.  I have never been so happy to take a good s**t in my life (Excuse my language).  The only downside to OUR condition is that it is a permanent condition; after the research I've done thus far, we are the 1% of the population of GB removals that ends up with this condition.  So, the medicine's name is "Colestipol Hydrochloride for oral suspension"

    I have been taking this medicine for 13 years, every day 1 scoop mixed with something; I have found that using the concentrated TANG is the best or the Koolaid one. (If I am going to be home, like on the weekends, I don't take it)  You can take it at night before bed or in the morning,  I take in the mornings.  In reference price, I honestly do not know.  The military has always provided me with this medicine.  

    Good luck to all of you and I really hope that if you decide to give this medicine a shot (WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE) that it does work out for you.  I should also say that I have never had any side-effects, perhaps the occasional heart burn but guess what, I take heart burn any day versus diarrhea.  

    Good luck guys and you're welcome!

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    Had my gall bladder out Feb 10 2017...my doctor prescribed Welchol...I take one at lunch and 1 at dinner...finally got my life back...stopped the horrible diarrhea.
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    Short version: you have too much acidic liquid in your intestine. eat rice! Immodium saves lives!(and slows digestive system allowing food to catch up to dumping bile). Cholestramine binds bile to a solid(but needs dumping when there's too much stored on intestinal walls). Activated charcoal stops bloating and eliminates toxins. METAMUCIL IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING YOU CAN DO!!!(it makes liquid into gel and makes everything normal). Probiotic yogurt drinks are also helpful. DO NOT DO CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTS! YOU WILL DEVELOP HEART PROBLEMS.

    Explained version: I have had extreme difficulty after my gall bladder removal years ago. I became quite the expert on dealing with the symptoms and I hope this information helps anybody who might need it. First off, understanding what's going on in your intestine now that you don't have a 'bile gate'. There's not enough to break down lots of fat but there's always a trickle that adds liquid to your intestine and colon and causes diarrea. First step to felling better. Eat lowfat for a while. Duh, you know this part, but of course it is very important. Eat rice!! It blocks you up and helps with diarrea too. Next, Imodium is your best friend! It slows your digestive system giving food and liquid a chance to bind and catch up. Imodium is excellent in a pinch and you can take a good amount per day without consequence. Cholestramine powder is also great because it binds bile to the intestinal walls. Theoretically, you can use the bile later and it won't constantly dump. But you will occasionally have to dump the excess storage(so I've found).

    Next is Metamucil. PROBABLY THE REAL LIFE SAVER HERE. I take it every night before bed. If you see what it does in water, it does the same to liquid in your intestine. It clears everything out everyday and I haven't had a problem since. Some people say that calcium supplements help with diarrea. The reasoning is that only 40% of the calcium gets absorbed and the rest becomes waste and clumps liquid together. I did this for 6 months taking twice the daily recommended dose. It helped a bit, however, I began to have severe heart palpitations because too much calcium causes clogs in blood stream and calcium build ups in the heart. DON'T DO THE CALCIUM TREATMENT!! Lastly, activated charcoal works wonders too. It stops bloating and neutralizes toxins as well as stopping diarrea. (Don't forget to add probiotics to your diet) I take a swig of highly populated yogurt drinks daily. One of my doctors also told me that the 'tube' where your gall bladder was connected to will eventually create a ball like end and store bile like a call bladder does. This takes time. It all takes time so be patient! I live a completely normal life now and a year ago I was afraid to go to the corner store and back. I was going to the bathroom up to 20 times a day and had severe panic attacks if I left the house. Now, I'm going to France next month wink

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      Thank you! I’m so going to try charcoal and had forgotten about Metamucil! 
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    Had mine out April 17, 2018.  I thought I was dying literally.  Hospital for 5 days with some oxygen level issues.  Home now and off work for the next month.  Eating is very difficult.  Very little bit of food and I feel like I ate thanksgiving feast. Then about 10 minutes later run to the bathroom.  It’s just awful.  I hope this ends soon.  
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    I have suffered with diarrhea since having my gallbladder removed when I was 17 years old and that was in June of 2003. Still to this day I have diarrhea most of the time, it isn't horrible as it use to be I will say that. But there are some days where I will use the bathroom at least 10 times and it's all yellow water diarrhea. After getting my gallbladder removed I can't eat or drink when I'm out in public because if I do I have to be near a bathroom because it seems like everything runs right through me that's the part I hate, even a sip of water pop or juice etc will make me run to the bathroom. I've never been prescribed anything from the Dr for diarrhea ever, I usually just buy OTC anti diarrhea pills that do help me. Not every single day do I have diarrhea I'd say 15 days out of the month I have horrible bouts of diarrhea. It's not an easy thing to deal with its very frustrating and annoying to always have to use the bathroom all the time. Today is one of those horrible days for me, I've literally used the bathroom about 12 times today and that's bad. I wish the diarrhea would go away completely but I don't think it ever will, it may get easier for some people to deal with such as myself because I've dealt with this for a long time now. Just know your not alone and it will get some what better I promise just hang in there.

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    I had my gallbladder removed in 1990 and suffered from that nasty, yellow diarrhea since the surgery. It was worse during my pregnancies in 93 and 2000. I lost over 70 pounds during each pregnancy and there were days I wasn't sure if I'd make it. Fast forward to 2016 and once again, the diarrhea became worse. I had a colonoscopy which showed diverticulitis and further tests also indicated that I lack the digestive enzymes needed. I was prescribed Welchol for the diarrhea and it has been amazing. I wad also prescribed the digestive enzymes Creon. I didnt notice a difference if I took it or not. But the Welchol has been a god send.

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    I was 11 years old when I had my gallbladder removed. I was one of the third younger at the time to ever get it removed. After I had it removed I didn't eat much and I slept for days. Now it's been 5 years and I'm 16 years old. I still have diahreah after every meal. No matter if it's pasta, salad, something greasy, or dairy. Everything goes straight through me, I get the pain about having to stop at gas stations and not being able to sit at restaurants and eat with people because you have to go after like 6 bites. I don't know why my body reacts this way still, but I just want you to know you aren't the only one. My doctors don't have an explanation. They told me I should be fine, they told me eat more fibers. For these past 4 years I have been eating fiber bars, fiber cereal, and putting fiber powder in my friend and in still not pooping right.

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    I've had to live my life around taking Imodium. Can't go to restaurants or friends to eat unless I take it first. It's just a way of life for me going on for multiple decades. It's my normal. Drs are completely cluless. So I can relate. You have to do your own research to care for your body. Many helpful aids don't come from Drs prescriptions.

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    I had my gallbladder taken out about 2 years ago. I have had chronic diarrhea ever since. Its not like regular stomach ache diarrhea, its mostly a bight yellow bile water mixed with small soft light brown feces that are completely seperate from the liquid. I dont get a stomach ache associated with it, just a sudden urge to go out of nowhere. Usually not long after i eat and can happen multiple times before i eat again. Eating out sucks or having to leave my house after i eat. I do not eat at work. Honestly the ONLY thing i have found that helps is constantly staying full, which sucks because I do not want to eat that much food. It helps absorb all the bile rushing into your intestines since it can no longer be stored and used a little at a time. The reason i get diarrhea is because I have far too much bile in comparison to the amount of food I've eaten.

    But, as much as this is an inconvenience, i would gladly take chronic diarrhea over my former gallbladder attacks. Those were unbearable. I would get them about every 2 weeks, usually very early in the morning and it would last for hours. I constantly had to call off work which resulted in me losing jobs. The pain was so horrible sometimes i felt like my body was going into shock from the pain. The muscles in my stomach, back and arms would twitch, i would sweat like crazy, couldn't breath. It literally felt like a heart attack in my stomch that lasted forever. Accompanied with a feeling of cat claws scratching me from the inside out with a twisting knife pain. I needed mine out, no choice. Unfortunately my downside was chronic diarrhea but I've never had phantom attacks and glad that pain is out of my life. I still get heartburn sometimes from anything tomatoe, pizza, marinara sauce etc, which if I ate that before my removal was a guaranteed attack. Sometimes the pain was so bad it made me throw up and literally EVERYTHING i hate was digested except the tomatoes. My stomach just flat out refused to digest them. So weird. Im not sure if my experience is normal or similar to yours or anyone else on here. Id be curious to know if anyone has any similar symptoms.

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      Hi amberrose55, unfortunately yes it's normal to have diarrhea after having your gallbladder removed. Mines has been removed since I was q7 and I'm 33 now and I can tell you some days are better than others but for the most part I have frequent diarrhea. I can't eat or drink anything when I'm out in public because if I do I have to use the bathroom immediately, so if I do eat while I'm out I have to be close by a restroom. It sucks horribly and I hate it but it's something I have dealt with for many years now so I'm kinda use to it now. But I do also take like anti diarrhea meds from time to time if it gets horrible and it does help a lot. Also there is a medicine the Dr can give you for this as well I'm not sure the name of it but my they gave it to my mom after she has her gallbladder removed and was on it for a long time and it helped tremendously. I will say it will get easier as time goes on not every single day do I have diarrhea because sometimes I have normal stools as well. But you will get use to this as I have. There is also over the counter meds that you can take that can help with diarrhea, I would say don't take them all the time but take them like if your going out and your going to eat because they do help. I hope this helps if u need to talk just send me a message. God Bless

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    I've had my gallbladder tooken out on the 31st of May and starting to have problems with diarrhea, nausea and a stomach that continues to bubble as if it is upset. At times I am scared to eat because I don't know how my stomach will react. My first first post opp will be on the 18th. Any thoughts or suggestions?

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