Diarrhea for 10 days, bloods normal, help!

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I'm a 27 yo female, the past week and a half i've been having diarrhea and cramps. it started out as just loose stool 2 times a day plus normal, then diarrhea with normal stool, now i'm having 6-10 episodes of diarrhea a day, plus gas and bad cramps. There's some mucus but no blood. I went to the doctor, they took blood and stool samples but still waiting to hear back

Yesterday i went to the ER, they gave me iv fluids, took blood and urine and both came back fine. Told me to follow up with doctor.

It doesn't seem to matter what i eat, bland foods havn't helped, even when i didn't eat all day that didn't help, and eating normal food doesn't seem to make it worse (though really i don't know how much worse it can get). I'm stuggling to keep up with all the fluids i'm loosing.

I had an infection in my colon 2 years ago, treated in hospital with antibiotics, colonoscopy 6 months after came back fine. Some very mild ibs since that but normally consipation. I suspect i have polycystic ovary sydrome but never tested.

Can any offer any insite? Or help to relieve symptoms in the meantime?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    It sounds more like bacterial infection ( not ibs ). That happens due to bad food or water. I think you should not get anxious about it right now and wait for the doctor's result and advise. Most probably antibiotics should cure such infection.

  • Posted

    If your tests come back negative and this condition continues see a gastroenterologist. You may have irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Edited

    Hi, so sorry you are dealing with this, since it has only been a week or so it is possible to be a bug, some can be hard to get rid of. I suggest trying a probiotic, try to stay as hydrated as possible, when you eat try to eat things with alot of liquids as well, chicken & rice/noodle soups, , etc. and stay with bland foods like brown rice, saltines, toast. I would continue to follow up with your doc, letting them know that dehydration is becoming an issue. You should be able to get the probiotics from amazon very quickly. It should have 15 billion in it, take 2 every 4-6 hours for the first 3 days, then cut back to 2 times a day, see if it has any effects on your symptoms. If it does not you need to do some further testing.

    Did you eat anything different, make any diet changes, have any injuries, also talk to your OB/GYN of nothing is found with your Gastro and it should be a Gastro , not a primary or GP at that point. I hope the probiotics help you.

  • Posted

    Sounds like an IBS attack to me. I'd definitely rule out infections though. My daughter relieves her symptoms with Imodium or Psyllium husk (metamucil). Phyllium husk will slow down the colon. We have to buy the plain psyllium husk online with no sugar or artificial sweetners because the sugars makes hers worse. I wouldn't eat anything raw either like salads because they are to too hard to digest. If this is an IBS attack you need soluable fiber only at this time...oatmeal (quick cooking oats), bread, rice, etc. Stay away from Insoluble because the fiber in these foods will start you going to bathroom again. Mint tea is good to calm the gut. Something to pay attention to..My daughter seems to get super sensitive to gluten and dairy during her attacks. Hope this helps!

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