Diarrhea for months, need very specific advice
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Good morning all
I have had constant bouts of diarrhea and abdominal pain. I am seeing a doctor and basically, I am intolerant now to a whole load of foods I have had no problems with previously. I can accept that. My main problem is that being so intolerant means that occasionally I eat something which gives a reaction at the most awkward times. My company is currently relocating which means I will have to travel on a train every morning and then have a ten minute walk at the end. There are toilets on the train but if the train is packed or is late or the toilets aren't working, I am in trouble.
I am thinking of buying incontinence pads to give me some sense of security (nerves of course also give me diarrhea). Does anyone know, if I buy the incontinence pants that they usually give to older people, will they be suitable for a 10 minute cycle ride, a ten minute train journey and a ten minute walk? I appreciate they might be quite bulky but I hope that will kind of be the least of my problems.
I hope to overcome this problem with a last resort : the carnivore diet. The only food items which cause no issues are anything which are 90% meat.
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mary19068 Mayfly1
Hi mayfly1
You have to thoroughly get to know the foods that your digestive system cannot tolerate. Make sure you read the ingredients on packs the allergy foods are always marked in bold. Obviously, never eat takeaway junk food or processed foods. Also, check drink labels. Thoroughly get to know the fruits that affect you also. You need to get good nutrition which you can't just get from meat. Take vitamin supplements.
Anyone can buy incontinence pads at supermarket or online also pants with plastic inserts. I suggest you try some relaxation methods. There are plenty of books and videos on the subject. ....
lester19220 Mayfly1
Your best bet would be to see a certified dietition or nutritionist who can give you a correct daily menu for your condition. Many accept health insurance if referred by your doctor.
pippa58442 Mayfly1
Has IBS been mentioned? What tests have you had? Has the Fodmap diet been suggested? Try Imodium for the diarrhoea.
Thanks for the responses. I have tried Imodium, it used to work but now only gives me relief for about 12 hours. I have had tests to rule out a whole bunch of things (I'm type 2 diabetic, well controlled) like thyroid, magnesium levels, white cell count. I have asked for tests to show food intolerance and was told that the only tests available were simply to cut out groups of foods until I stop having the problem. I have cut out wheat, dairy, (sugar wasn't really going to be a problem), fruit, vegetables (apart from cauliflower and broccoli) and caffeine. My task this week is to eliminate everything apart from meat and if that doesn't work, I will have to cut out food and try adding something back in to see if it's a particular kind of meat or just food. Not sure what to do after that. I drink fruit treas, peppermint tea, decaff tea and decaff coffee (one cup of filter coffee with coconut cream).
I am sort of following the Fodmap diet except that it contains things which still seem to upset me.
The problem may be IBS but it won't help with the actual problem of the diarrhea since my stress levels can't be managed at this time, with the move, and the huge impact on my life trying to manage two jobs. I ma trying to get a new job, but I've been knocked back so many times and I don't have any leave left so I'm stuck here. I can't really have the appointment with the specialist, which I thought was going to be the actual procedure but it's in fact just a consultation, so I'll have to move that now as well.