Diarrhea for three months
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I started getting diarrhea in February this year, I thought it was food poisoning...but I still have it! It's got progressively worse with time. Initially I started with the brat diet. After four weeks I was still getting diarrhoea so went to my doctor and he ordered various stool samples. They will came back negative. I also did a fit test, it came back just positive but my dr said that it was t anything to worry about as anyone who had diarrhea for that long would have a small amount of blood in their stools. He felt that it would eventually get better. But it didn't so I went back again and more stool samples were ordered including another fit test. This time they all came back negative. He referred me to a Gastroenterologist, i'm seeing him on May 25. He was a prescribed Lomotil, which is a drug that slows down your bowel movements. This works really well for me, although I don't like the side effects! It makes you drosey and worst of all give you one s and worst of all give you anxiety! To begin with my diarrhoea was just first thing in the morning. But now it will only wakes me up in the middle of the night, I also get it all day especially after I eat. If I take the Lomotil I do a normal stool in the morning followed by one or two watery diarrhoea stools. So at least it does work, but a gain the side effects are horrible. The diarrhoea is all colours depending on what I've eaten it's very watery and when I need to go, I need to go!! My stomach and bowels are very gurgly and I sometimes experience pain just before I need to go but not always. But I definitely know when I need to go. I'm exhausted and a little scared, I had breast cancer when I was 37 so I always worry that it could be something horrible. I will be relieved when I see the specialist and I'm hoping he will be able to put my mind at rest. I'm guessing he would order a colonoscopy. Unfortunately there is a 3 to 4 month waiting list, so I may pay privately to get one sooner. Does anyone have any advice for me?
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trisha87499 Haida
i had to keep going to doctors again and again before they took me seriously, hope this helps a bit
Haida trisha87499
lilian05079 Haida
Its a dreadful thing to live with day after day!!....have you changed your eating habits? I do not suffer as you do but ive learned over time that certain foods affect my bowel so i stick to foods that are agreeable to my digestive system and bowel....i kept a food diary and it came to light what foods were causing loose bowel movements and pain...ive just about got it right now and all is ok......i hope you get to the bottom of your problem (excuse the pun) ...best wishes Haida for a speedy diagnosis..have a good day as best you can with your problem...
philippa61759 Haida
BubbaJames Haida