Diazepam and brain damage

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Could anyone please let me know the sort of brain damage that diazepam and similar benzodiazepines cause in the brain? Specifically:

1) What exactly is damaged in the brain?

2) How long does one need to be exposed to the drug before damage starts occurring?

3) Does taking the drug very sporadically and in standard (to reduced) dosages cause any damage?

4) Plastic as the brain is, is damage caused by benzos reversible at all?

Would very much appreciate answers to the questions above.

Many thanks!

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm a Traumatic Brain injury survivor. Yes to healing. My neurologist believes it causes dementia.

  • Posted

    I took 30mg of dalmane for 22 years. Tried to stop last year at this time and nearly killed myself doing it. Still taking 5mg per night and a zolpidem er. I supplement this with Melatonin, gaba, L-theanine, benedryl all available at Amazon.(except the Z) I am 72 years old. How old are you? 
  • Posted

    I have the same queries as you, having been given this med to assist with anxiety.

    i see there are not many replies.  

    I do hope someone will come forward with some more informarion.

    can i ask if you have taken it and for how long.

    i am concerned about its side effects too and would wish to discontinue if possible as i do think it affects the brain.

    heather ashtons manual is good but it is very hard to discontinue at the rate suggested.

    look forward to anyone elses opinions on this.

    • Posted

      I had hoped that someone would be able to share any details on the physical interactions of benzodiazepines on the brain, as I've been unable to uncover anything online. No luck so far, it seems!

      I'm not currently on any medication per se as prescribed by a doctor but self-medicate with Alprazolam when needed and also for anxiety, which as it stands consists of between .05 and 1mg once a week.  It may not seem much but it still worries me that I may be causing myself harm, however small.

      I'd also be interested to know if perhaps there are newer alternatives to Alprazolam that do not negatively affect or physically damage the brain.

    • Posted

      Yes, look forward to replies.  Main thing is not to take benzos but when needed its hard.
    • Posted

      No to brain damage. But definite dependence and absolutely HORRIFIC withdrawal which can last for years!!!
  • Posted

    I'm in a few different groups. One of which is growing fast with 3500+ . Benzodiazepine recovery in Facebook. A closed group for privacy and all effected by benzo's. People that are slowly tapering per Ashton manual and others who went cold turkey. The best information and knowledge is from others who have gone through it. I'm currently tapering Klonopin prescribed for sleep not knowing how powerful and dangerous it was.

    I later find one should only take temporary for no more than 3 week's for extreme case's. I'm paying the price now after being on for 4 year's tapering off. It's a bear and very difficult and slow. I've shared before, currently tapering 3-5% every 2-4+ week's.

    I wish you all well on your recovery.

    • Posted

      I took 30mg of dalmane for 22 years. Tried to stop last year at this time and nearly killed myself doing it. Still taking 5mg per night and a zolpidem er. I supplement this with Melatonin, gaba, L-theanine, benedryl all available at Amazon.(except the Z) I am 72 years old. How old are you? 
    • Posted

      I am not on facebook but your group sounds helpful.  I have tried so many anti deps for agitated depression and all no use, so i am left with agitation and the only drug is diazepam they've given me for a couple of years.  I use it to get to sleep at5mg and during day, well yesterday none, but bu friday 3mg.  Depends upon the agitation.  Does anyone think lowering the diazepam will cause this to be worse?  How do you manage a 5% drop off 5mg?  I am 66 and did not have this illness before.

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