Diazepam for daily on the hour hot burning flush and terrible Anxiety with panic ...

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Evening Ladies,

Started the menopause 4 half years ago.  Symptoms began hot flushes, night sweats, muscle aching .... now over last 6 months, I’m worn out with dursturbed sleep, still have burning hot flushes, agitation, and sometimes insomnia .... constant balance problems worst of all however, the horrendous Anxiety/Panic Attack.  

Whether at home, work, hate supermarkets hot and noisy ! Burning knots in my tummy turn out of the blue into  Anxiety.  It’s that bad my balance is effected due to constant poor posture of being constantly tense.

I am taking walks, gardening no gym however. Try to eat sensible ...drink daily plenty of water ...  got to stage where I have a glass of wine to ease my anxiety and I certainly do not want them go down that road, but it’s just a temporary relief from the constant battle with myself and menopause anxiety.  

My work colleagues are young, they don’t really have an understand, therefore there is no support there, Female GP useless ! 

I have two interviews this week to get out of my present stressful job, sorry to say working with children for past 12 years I can’t do it anymore, I cannot stand the noise ... it makes me really poorly with anxiety.  

I asked my GP for diazepam to help with me with interview, as I know the Anxiety will dampen the interview, so unfair !

Well tonight I took one to help me sleep naughty I know, but my anxiety has been so horrendous last few months, I need a break from it ... just 24 hours st least, I’m so tired with fighting all the symptoms for months, I just need that little break, to gain my strength ! 

I took a 5 mg, and feel relaxed and not one hot flush ... which I found strange.

Will just take one when my Anxiety is extremely high, I think ... just now and again due to them highly addictive ! 

When my late mum use to to tell me about her symptoms, I would not always listen.  I am so sorry for that, as I know now what she was going through ! Sorry mum xx

Sometimes as well I go to feel nauseated and blury visioned, tearful etc had all the tests done. And Im ok .... I know it’s this dreaded menopsuse curse ! xxxx

Sorry about length of post, just needed to get it off my chest, with people who will most definitely understand xx

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hanny, I totally understand and I’m sorry you are going thru this as well. If the Valium helps, just take it. I took for a little while and it did help me get some rest. Hope we all come out the other side feeling like our old selves! 


    • Posted

      Hi Suzanne, I hope so too.  Even when I’m for example sitting with my husband relaxed what hung a film no pressure, the sickly burning feeling comes from my upper tummy to my chest and develops into a full blown flush and panic.  Bizzare ! I drink loads of water like I said, to replace fluids ! Caffeine does make matters worse though even though I’ve cut right down to one coffee in the morning xx
  • Posted

    Hi Hanny - oh boy! You just described me to a T - I am 6 years post, but my menopause symptoms just started in the last 3 years, the last year has been the worst.  I have had the tingling extremities for some time with all the other symptoms, but the hot burning body parts just started a month ago.  I have had extreme anxiety the last 6 months & my flushing is constant - I am awaiting the results from a urine test to see if I could have a really horrible condition & I am so anxious! My friend who is a dr told me that it is actually better to take an anti anxiety pill rather than hyper ventilating - he said whatever your dosage is, just cut the pill in half - just knowing you are taking it will relieve your anxiety attack - unfortunately, I too have a fear of taking anything for fear I would get addicted...I guess I just have fears about everything!!!! I used to be able to have a glass of wine & feel relaxed, now I have a glass of wine & just get a hot flush & it starts an anxiety attack! Can’t win!!! I keep praying that this is the last leg of this nightmare, but I just don’t know - 

    I hear what you are saying about being around young people, I no longer have any tolerance or patience for them.  I was someone that was very maternal, used to be a pre-school teacher & volunteered extensively in schools...not any more - I hope this shall pass - I am really at my wits end & even my girlfriends think I am a hyperchondriac! I have had every symptom on the list except vaginal dryness...can’t wait for that to happen next!!!  Ugh! 

    • Posted

      Ladies I am with you all 10000 percent!! I feel the exact same way with everything you all are saying!!!! The anxiety and panic attacks are wearing me down!!!!!!  😪😪😪.     I, too feel like a hypochondriac 😔     I will pray for all of us!!!  So glad I found this forum !!!!💞💞

    • Posted

      Hi.. I’m nine yrs post menoand have just started getting night sweats and tremor..horrible anxiety..had an early meno with no symptoms..they got me now..insomnia and restless legs...lasted about 3 months is subsiding a bit.....
    • Posted

      It is a horrible stage of the menopause .. cannot make holiday plans to anxious xx
    • Posted

      I’m glad I found this forum, felt so alone with it all.  One Mail GP told me there was no such thing as menopause enhancing Anxiety ... that made we worse once ... so I done my own research x
    • Posted

      Hi Debra, wow exactly same as me, my friends are not going through anything yet they still have periods , so I get called hypochondriac lol ... but I can here myself sometimes talking about my menopause probs and wonder how I must sound lol ... but these symptoms are not imaginary at all ... these are fluctuating hormone side effects ! They are real and uncomfortable and effecting my life and work etc.  God help the ladies suffering with it years ago, it mAkes you wonder what they had been diagnosed with and medicated for, as there was no internet thennetc ... it must of been a very scary Lonley time ... no wonder my late mum try to prepare me and make me aware before it happened to me ... I was 44 and half when i finished my last period and began the menopause ... I am now 49 and feel it has worsened ... and the Anxiety came out of the blue.  There should be local face to face groups for women too talk with each other initiated by Doctors ... something is needed ! 

      I have also noticed however, there are a lot of young women and teenagers struggling with Anxiety and Panic bless them ... makes you wonder if life is to fast and to much pressure for them,  more should be done to support this Anxiety problem ...  xx

    • Posted

      Radio 2 now Ladies switch on Radio  : Discussion on Anxiety and Depression ... very supportive ! 👍🏻

  • Posted

    Hi Hanny 

    Yes it’s a dreadful time of life this menopause, my symptoms came on all at once but it was the anxiety and panic attacks I struggle with , being brought on by heart palpitations. My Doctor wouldn’t give me diazepam but gave me propanadol which is not addictive but works but calming the racing heart beat . I have started after 6 months to go out again as in shopping and appointments I feel so pathetic I couldn’t even drive myself to the doctors . If my husband was working my dad took me .. 

    Keep going, keep strong minded 


    • Posted

      Hi Clare,

      It is a dreadful thing, working with it and at home.  Worst part of it Anxiety ... I supppose we have to plod on ... will enquiry about the meds you suggest.  As I cannot take Diazepam everyday.  I calmed last night had a good sleep but back to Anxiety again this morning, which I will still have to suffer with I suppose.  xx

    • Posted

      Hi Hanny 

      Let me know how you get on 💕

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