Diazepam - tapering over from zopiclone

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hi all im tapering over from zopiclone and its my 1st night on diazepam could anyone tell me what there 1st night was like.. worried 

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Julie..Zopiclone had no effect on me at all!!..Diazepam will make you sleepy ..what dose are you on ?..don't be worried ..but don't swop one addiction for another ..try yo use Diazepam for no longer than 2 weeks ..
    • Posted

      hi they have given me 8mg to help come off zopiclone pat
  • Posted

    Julie you will just have to see if Diazepam helps at that doseage...hopefully it will ..how long has the dr given you to withdraw and how long have you been on Zopiclone?
    • Posted

      been on zopiclone for 10years id say! i was on 7.5mg . gp as given me 2 weeks at 8mg then will be dropping it for another 2 weeks and so on pat its to help me come off zopiclone
  • Posted

    Yes I realise that..see how it goes ..just be prepared to go slowly..if you've taken sleeping tabs for so long your brain needs re..educating on how to sleep ..Diazepam should help ..let me know how you get on 
    • Posted

      Def listen to Pat, the chemicle changes made in the brain after taking sleeping tabs for so long are quite staggering, Diazepam should help but dont switch the witch for the bitch.  All addictions in the long run, unless you stick it out and only go no longer that 2 weeks.  It may be a little un pleasant, but everyones different.  Here's hoping to a quick and speedy recovery for you.  Drink lots of water, excersise if you can, get Vitamin D (sun) try and eat well even if you dont feel like it.  ALL the BEST.  Let us no how you go.
    • Posted

      hi nicola i didnt take the full dose of diazepam last night i took half and half zopiclone feel bit spacey .. thanks you for your reply
  • Posted

    Hi Julie,

    You're well ahead of me for I have been on Zopiclone first 3,75 then up to 7.5 and have stayed there pretty well, but I've had the occasional daliance by cuttuing the tablet in half; problem is, sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

    I'd like to come off them altogether because I don't like drugs at all, unless is is necessary.  But good luck to you Julie, keep to realistic goals.


    • Posted

      hi john i would of stayed on zopiclone but its now a controlled drug so there cutting back on them so had no choice but to go on diazepam . i feel kind of strange but didnt take the full dose 

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