Did you hear that? that's the sound of ranks closing...!!!
Posted , 11 users are following.
Just me AGAIN...well i had my 2nd appointment with the other doctor in the practice yesterday..the ESR result she ordered is 9...!! SO she says that means it's definately not my PMR that's causing my pain. She said the only things my blood tests had shown were that i had gallstones and that i'm perimenapausal...!! i asked how come i was labelled perimenapausal when i haven't had a period for three and a half years...she said everyone is different...she then went on to say studies have shown it doesn't just cause flushes etc but can cause joint pain as well so maybe that was part of my pain...i said i'd read somewhere a low ESR number didn't always mean it isn't PMR she said she'd e=mail a rheumatics helpline...so i asked what i should do in the meantime about my pain..!! Well it won't do any good to increase the steroid as it wouldn't be effective, and although you're on a lower dose of tramadol studies show that it's not always effective if the patient has chronic pain" then she went on to say "i'll send off that e-mail to rheumatics" as in consultation over...i said again "what have i to do about my pain" "well if you think it'll help you can raise the tramadol" maybe i'm expecting too much but i'd have thought if a doctor thought the medication you're taking wasn't doing the job there would be some patient doctor discussion to try to rethink pain meds...yesterday morning i added 100mg tramadol to my meds...it definately made a difference to the arthritis in my feet but the whole pelvic girdle was still really sore. so decided today to put my steroid up from 7mg to 10mg and it made a big difference...but i don't know what to do from there as i'm 99% sure they won't sanction an increase...i am so completely fed up...i've had this doctor in the past and she was really nice but i think after my little ding dong with the other doctor they've closed ranks...i wondered if i should ask for a referral to the pain clinic...what do you think???
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noninoni IssyR
Don't know if a pain clinic would help. In the US they are trying to reduce any use of opiods, so a pain clinic might not be helpful any more. But it is worth a try.
macas02 noninoni
can I reduce to 7 now or must I "come down" slowly.
Thank you
EileenH macas02
macas02 EileenH
We are off on holiday on Sunday and I am just preparing my medication!!!! I need enough for a month, you can just imagine the fun I a having sorting it out I need an abbacus! I keep checking it and re-checking it. Oh where have those days gone when I only needed an asprin...We have just had to go out to buy a bigger "carry on Case" to house the medication. If i don't laugh I will cry........
EileenH macas02
Flying's a bigger pain - I daren't put things in the checked baggage! My daughter has 2 x 1 litre plastic bags with just medication for asthma and she came to visit last week for 4 nights, just hand luggage. She only got worried when the girl next to her on the train was off to London for one night - with a full size case AND hand luggage!!!!
Have you ever tried Bowen therapy for the shoulder pain? It helped my top-up shoulder/neck pain that isn't directly PMR but myofascial pain syndrome. They are often found together. Definitely worth a try.
noninoni macas02
I don't want to replace that left shoulder- my right shoulder is totally replaced, because replacement usually results in more limited motion, and I need the left shoulder as it is to shut the back door of my hatchback! That sounds absurd when I write it down.
This kind of shoulder pain is different from PMR symptoms. In my case I had little cramps and tender spots all over my upper back and upper arms on both sides. That struck me as really odd since one shoulder had already been replaced; I was quite puzzled that the cramps were on both sides. Then I was diagnosed with PMR.
macas02 EileenH
Thank you again for all your sound advice.
EileenH macas02
Where are you off to? Somewhere nice and warm with dry weather I hope!!!!!!
macas02 noninoni
macas02 EileenH
Not looking forward to the journey but I know how lucky we are to still be able to do this and perhaps some of my pain will ease in the warmer weather. Will have IPad so will be able to read the posts. Although I have has PMR for 6 years its only lately that I have been on the forum and it has been so helpful. I will try to send you all some sunshine back!
EileenH macas02
macas02 EileenH
Sounds lovely to go up the valley for lunch. Is there much snow?
EileenH macas02
IssyR EileenH
IssyR macas02
macas02 IssyR
EileenH IssyR
IssyR EileenH
macas02 IssyR
Hope you get your problems sorted next week and I agree with Eileen if you have someone to go with you for support it will help.
EileenH IssyR
You DO need to be on calcium and vit D anyway Issy - studies have shown that taking supplemental calcium and vit D when on steroids can prevent the loss of bone density and it may be quite adequate for many people.. Calcium alone doesn't work as you need vit D to absorb the calcium into the bones. IF you do end up taking AA then they need to monitor your blood calcium levels beforehand because if they are low the AA cannot work at all.
IssyR EileenH