Diet plan for people suffering from Anal problems.
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I had been wondering that it's proven , diet can manage and control many of our illnessess. Anal problems are very common and very less people find the room to confide into someone who would listen and pacify the agony of enduring this illness.
I'm still looking for a best possible diet that can be coupled with one of the many local treatments on the sensitive area, including Spincter muscle relaxants and healing emolients such as Olive, Coconut , Sesame oil or even Honey ...I would be really thankful if someone can get back to me on a complete diet plan of what to eat while having a tear in Ano ...
Keeping the stool fluffy and strainfree is the secret of healing this trouble in Butt :-)
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ziphius Zen95
- really spicy foods
- high fat / deep fried foods - fish and chips are a perfect example of this, I can no more sh*t this out than I can a house brick
- corn based foods such as lots of breakfast cereals, white bread is fine, but white wraps not so because they are made of corn
- (this is the controversial one because a lot of the conventional wisdom says to increase this) high fibre foods like grains and nuts. No way
- Non-soluble fibre, and especially in tomatoes, onions and leaf vegetables. My hole (excuse the pun) problem started when I was on a weightwatchers diet that allowed me to eat gallons of homemade tomato soup which is essentially tomatoes and onions
- Things with sucrose as a sweetener, so for instance jelly babies – just sweet chemicals with no nutritional value, and sweetened water
- Chocolate and especially poor quality chocolate – Nutella is a no-no
Hope this helps
Zen95 ziphius
jessica28864 Zen95
No processed foods
Yogurt seems ok and salad and eggs made any way.
I absolutely can not eat oatmeal for some odd reason.
I'm thinking of cutting out the nuts and seeds and start taking metemucil for fibre but I'm terrified of trying Metamucil in case It increases my bm frequency or constipated
If someone could post a meal plan or supplement plan that would be awesome!
Right now I'm on the wait list to have the fissures scraped but still have 2 months before I go in
Zen95 jessica28864
ellise_may07692 Zen95
One thing i learned about this fissure is that diet is very important and supplements. You cannot get constipated or even have a rough stool because the fissure will start again. AFter the operation or laser, dont be too confident that the pain is gone and you will get back to whatever you want to eat. Thats a BIG NO!!! You have to remember that its already damaged down there even the best surgeon will not make it the same as it was before the fissure happened. So, what i did based on my experience to avoid the dreadful pain of fissure is this... note that each of us has a different system so it might not work for you what worked for me. First thing in the morning when i wake up, a tall glass of warm water with half a lemon squeezed into it and a little honey. It works wonders in the stomach. Follow it up with another tall glass of warm water only, that makes up almost 1 liter already. After 30-45 min ill have my small bowl of organig oats filled with blueberry and rasp berry and a little honey. This will not make me hungry until 2pm. Take the supplements, again this is very very important. complete vit B12, COD liver oil in cap form. Around 2pm i eat Brown rice and a small portion of fish or chicken. Veggies also are very good, broccoli, carrots, mushroom, etc. But tomatoes is a big NO again, believe me it aggravate the fissure. 45 minutes after eating, you have to get moving to burn or digest what you ate. At 4-5 pm ill have a brown bread with a little of strawberry jam. No junk foods, cheese, chocolates, anything junk. NO nuts, it really doesnt work, as what theyve told...take a lot of fiber...for me its a no! It will just make your stools rough and urge you to go to the loo twice. Instead eat prunes, carrot juice or warm water is fine. GReen tea and ginger tea is also the best. if youre having problems with a hard stool always drink warm water. Now going back to mid snacks include fybogel in your juice. take vitamin e and vitamin c. Dinner time is at 7pm, no rice...just soup or veg salad and a piece of fish or chicken. No red meat whatsoever, it will not help in anyway to heal the fissures. it will add bulk in your stools. Around 830pm i do my stretching and remember to always drink wsrm water, 3 liters a day if you can will work wonders in your tummy. Before going to bed cod liver cap again and prunes. REst assured the following day your stool is just soft, not watery, not hard. And the prunes by the way, limit it to 3 pcs per eating. I hope this will help someone.
Zen95 ellise_may07692
I have absolute No to prunes, fibre and wheat as they make bulk of stool more and more and that inturn stretches the canal , ( which is hell for already healing fissure ) it happened with me so many times, just at the verge of healing and Phew . A slight change in diet is absolute danger !
Right now I'm starving. Im scared to eat trust me... Just a tin of youghurt since morning and then a medium glass of Orange Juice... will keep posted ...
MRP Zen95
Zen95 MRP