Difficulty Focusing/ Extreme Fatigue/Memory Issues
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Hello Ladies,
Wondering if any of you are suffering from Difficulty Concentrating, Extreme Fatigue ,Memory Issues. and Balance issues!!!! This perimenopause can definitely affect your whole life!!! Going on Monday to get necessary blood tests for all the hormones and hopefully I can get on Bio Identical Hormones!!!!
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2blessed2bstressed Shana_P
GOOD morning SHANA! Yes to all of the above and then some! I had all of my blood work done and came back with post menopausal results. Going today to see about some natural help. Ive not done any hormones or bioidentical hormones . Have been in peri for the last 4 years. I am nervous about trying anything as i have heard thay ince you stop, you start this hell all over. SO for now, just trying to get through day by day. Good luck!
Shana_P 2blessed2bstressed
I am not sure if I am gonna do Bio Identical probably seek an all natural method
Guest Shana_P
YES to all...total nightmare.
unico31026 Shana_P
definetly going through the exact same problems! i am 43 and have been in peri for about 5 years now
crystals51917 unico31026
This brain fog is the worse! I didn't think it should last this long. It makes me totally depressed. There has got to be something for it. My hormones, thyroids and all test are normal. I hope you get better as well soon.
PS: I'm so thankful for this site. It gives me hope.
Nettie261962 Shana_P
Yes to all and more! Head feels whirley and I have a constant ringing in my head and ears and can't concentrate very well. 56 and feel 80 most times. EXTREME fatigue, horrible migraines (both pain and silent) and balance is horrible. Had tons of tests and all come back normal. Unreal that one can feel so awful with menopause. HUGS! Ps Just started yoga for my balance and it is helping! Let's hope it keeps getting better and better!
ampat1 Nettie261962
that's my story exactly, I have all of those symptoms you mentioned. ear/head ringing, headaches mostly silent, brain fog, neck pain and sky high anxiety. I'm 39, all this started about a year ago. I can't believe peri can cause all this. All blood work came back normal, no thyroid, vitamin deficiencies, MRI, ultrasound good. so it's nothing but hormones causing the pain. I guess we just have to take one day at a time and do our best to ride thru it till it ends.
AJacynM Shana_P
Yep... and I'm on HRT, have been for over a year and still feel the same. 😦
crystals51917 Shana_P
OMG! I am 52 years old and this memory and brain fog is my greatest issue at this time . I can deal with the night sweats, backache, itchcy skin, loss of appetite at times and hot flashes but I have got to shake this brain fog! I am currently experiencing the same thing and have been since early NOVEMBER. IT IS REALLY starting to bother me. I feel the brain fog daily, all day with the disorientation, loss of concentration , memory and it's really a nuisance. Does anybody have any remedies for this feeling? I saw my doctor on yesterday and she stated that the ending stage of menopause is brain fog so that was good to hear however; I'm starting to worry that my brain needs to get back on track... like NOW! I cry because it bothers me so bad. This is not me. I just wont it to go away. Do I need a CAT SCAN? I don't like feeling this way this long. PLEASE somebody give us hope.
Sassyr12a Shana_P
Hello All
Just for info, I took the natural approach for the 20 years of peri issues I had due to ovarian failure. Once meno hit proper last year, I didn't hesitate to start taking bhrt. Its not a complete fix, but I think if/when it gets to a point where its unmanageable, it can be a useful option for some - so please don't be scared to consider it xx
mrs_susan74280 Shana_P
59 still haveing days with adrenaline rushes, and hot flashers,
maddysmom2015 Shana_P
Hi Shana,
Yes! The brain fog, the inability to concentrate, the anhedonia are all my worst symptoms. I have almost no hot flashes, I still get a regular period, (I'll be 52 next month, but most days I do not know what season it is, where I need to be, or why I am standing in the room I am in.
I'm going to see a nurse midwife in my OB/GYN's practice who deals with peri issues. I might go on hormones because I am at the end of my rope. I am a college professor--so I concentrate for a living. This is killing me.
Please know you are not alone! I'll let the forum know if the nurse/midwife suggests anything.
crystals51917 maddysmom2015
Hi Maddysmom! Thank you for your post. I'm so depressed because of this brain fog issue. 😦 It has affected my life. I have been experiencing this feeling all day, every day since Nov 2018.Although I don't sweat like I used to, I'd rather sweat rivers of sweat than to feel like this in my head. I'm taking Omega Fish Oil ( The liquid) Magnesium, Vitamin D and Liquid Calicum Citrate. I just started the calicium today because I read that lack of calcium can present brain fog and memoray issues. Please let us know what the midwife suggest. I'm tired of feeling this way. 😦
Thank you!
Scottish_Granny Shana_P
Yes i get this to brain fog is the worst of it and concentration well that went completely out the door..
i run my own business and it makes it really hard to get motivated esp when one minute im doing something and the next i cant remember why i was doing it or what i need to do next..
nancy55477 Shana_P
Hi Shana, i also suffer with memory fog, that i have to write everything done, i get very frustrated when i forget simple things and names of people, hotels etc i am working full time and they have been times when a member of staff would laugh if i couldnt remember something which upsets me and i feel angry. i have been like this for over a year or longer and i am 50 . i have went on hrt for other symptoms , but with the brain fog it is still the same, my partner loves bantering with me , i just hope it ends soon.