Difficulty swallowing, lots of pain, moral support please?
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So for just over a week now it's felt like I have something digging into the side of my throat on the right side. I've had neck, jaw, ear and temple pain on the affected side on and off and I'm really struggling to eat - I usually cough for a while even after eating soup or yogurt.
My right tonsil is huge compared to the left and I have a swollen gland on the right side too. My GP has suggested the most common cause is an infection behind my tonsil, as she noticed flecks of white there, so I've been precribed a pretty big dose of penicillin for now.
I've been known to suffer from health anxiety in the past, and very prone to googling so I'm not necessarily asking for theories or speculations as to what it could be, moreso just moral support.
Since this started my brain is constantly thinking Lymphoma (I had mono last year and I'm in my early 20s) or Oesophogal cancer (I get a lot of acid reflux). I'm trying to think positively, for one I don't smoke or drink, I'm female and not in the average diagnosis age for Oesophageal cancer.
In the last 48 hours the pain has migrated to the right of my chest and I've noticed I'm quite easily short of breath - it feels very similar to how it felt when I suffered from Pneumonia last year, which leads me to think I may have Quinsy? It looks like there may be an abscess on the back of my right tonstil.
Sorry for the rant, and thank you in advance for your responses, I'm just so worried/tired/hungry.
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meowspace missmanda6
AlanJM missmanda6
Concentrate on your tonsil / infection at the moment, but in due course it would be a good idea to talk to your doctor about your reflux. Persistent reflux is not normal, and might be due to a whole lot of digestive type issues that are fairly common. The doctor might put you on a course of acid reducing medication for 6 weeks or so and then see if this has resolved it (sometimes stomach ulcers get healed by this for instance). But if you continue to suffer after this course of medication it might be worth having an endoscopy to check to see whether there is anything in your oesophagus / stomach that is causing the other problem.
My stomach has a constant burning sensation behind my navel and I'm waking up every day feeling so nauseous and trying very hard not to vomit as to not irritate my throat anymore.
I'm debating heading back to the doctors tomorrow, this is really getting me down and I'm barely eating or sleeping. There's only so many times you can force yourself to eat soup...
AlanJM missmanda6
Greeka missmanda6
MANY spend hours waiting to see doctors, waiting to get tests done, waiting to get results from my doctor AND a plan moving forward. I was lucky to find a doctor in mid 2013 that "partnered" with me to get some answers. What a GODSEND. Outside of him, I've had to learn the hard way that I don't work for the doctor, they work for me (and/or my insurance company, sadly). I've "hired" a few and "fired" a few.
If you feel that you are not feeling better with the course of therapy recommended in the time that was recommended call that doctor's office and get an appointment to get in ASAP. If the scheduling secretary can't "find an appointment" soon, ask to have the doctor or the nurse call you and talk about it directly with them.
Some day if you're blessed you may have children, and you'll certainly not stand for substandard care for then,,, why put up with it for yourself?
It's OK to be PERSISTENT and DETERMINED about getting good medical care.
ffmffm7 missmanda6
dreamweaver missmanda6