Difficulty with expressing thought
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Has anyone found it harder to express themselves when talking since peri symptoms started? Lately I find myself struggling. Like, I know what I want to say but my words get jumbled. It's frustrating! It may be due to the fact that I don't get sleep. My one year old still wakes up several times throughout the night.
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Tracky sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 Tracky
Retired2011 sharcerv52408
maybe try a course of acupuncture, herbs or Estrogen and that may help. Good luck!
EvaServal sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 EvaServal
groovydizzy sharcerv52408
Chrisy sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 Chrisy
anxiousface sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 anxiousface
Then my daughter came as a surprise because I had thought my cycle had stopped but I was pregnant. But since I've had her the symptoms came even stronger. So I think this is it for me.
kim27003 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 kim27003
madcow1964 sharcerv52408
I, too, am really struggling with articulation, concentration and memory! When talking to my husband I often give up trying to find the right word for something and just say the first word that is trying to come out! It's a wonder he hasn't had me sectioned for insanity, such are the weird things I come out with!
My parents are in their 80's and are much more coherent than I am, at almost 50! I'm still in the early stages of peri...regular periods that seem to be lasting about 10 days. Experiencing night sweats more and more - could barely sleep last night, even with a fan blowing constantly. I also seem to be getting more anxious about things. At the moment my mind is suffering more than my body, and, before I discovered these forums, I was becoming convinced I was showing signs of early Altzheimers.
I used to have a wide vocabulary of which I was proud - but these days it's pitiful! It's good to see I am not alone - especially when a woman I know recently told me she went through the menopause aged about 46 and suffered no ill effects and couldn't see what all the fuss is about - all a load of over-hyped rubbish! At the same event I made a new friend - partly by comparing notes on our similar symptoms!
We "normal" ladies need to stick together! Big hugs to all x