Digestion issues!!
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Oh my god this menopause is a living nightmare!!! I have tried changing up my diet but nothing works!! Im not lactose intolerant and i dont have celiac disease or ibs....i was tested. But every damn time i eat all day long my gut and stomach make very loud audible gurgling and groaning sounds....even on an empty or full stomach!! It comes with feelings of nausea or being both nauseous and supposedly a little hungry all at the same time! Grrrr i dont have diarrhea but i do struggle with only mild constipation, not bad enough for any type of meds.. Does anyone else struggle with this on a daily basis?
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lisa95354 Guest
Hello Brandy, sorry if I asked you this before, do you take a probiotic? Indigestion and stomach issues unfortunately are part of this. All of our health does start in our “Gut”… There is also a product that is in many many things it’s called Carregenan (might be spelled wrong) it’s in yogurt, coffee creamers, ice cream etc… it’s made to make things creamy, and it has a terrible effect on the body. I realized during this journey, which has been many many years, our body just can’t tolerate anything anymore that isn’t good for it. I know it’s a roller coaster 😉 XO
Guest lisa95354
Actually i do eat stuff with carregenan in it so maybe that is it. I know i cant have aspartame or sorbitol or xyletol they all kill me!!! So i cant chew gum, I havent chewed gum in years and i hate it! I love gum. I havent taken probiotics cause i keep seeing conflicting reports on them so to be honest im afraid it will cause more harm than good. I feel like i cant win for losing.
debra16694 Guest
hi brandy - i feel your pain, i can eat something that i have always eaten & get a total random stomach ache from it - i think Lisa is right, our bodies just cant process food the same way anymore - i do religiously take apple cider vinegar in capsule form - it might be all in my head, but it has seemed to calm my digestion issues a bit, at least my gerd issue - i also love to eat sauerkraut & a very good kefir, organic with no sugar in it - days when my bloating/gas was off the charts i took activated charcoal capsules & that seemed to help - its all a lot of fun...NOT!
Guest debra16694
Yes this is terrible! I never know what to eat anymore 😦 all the foods i used to love just keep making me sick! I even eat plain ritz butter crackers or saltines and they can even aggravate my stomach! Good lord i wonder all the time what in the heck did i do yo deserve this!
lisa95354 Guest
hi Brandy, I cant chew gum either, for years it’s made me sick. The Caragenan really makes my body ache also, it’s not just that it upsets the stomach. there was an article several years ago and Chicago Suntimes had it, that’s how bad it is. The FDA is useless and only supports garbage that makes us sick, as long as they get a kickback, they don’t care about anyone’s health. I’ve taken a probiotic for years and all my friends do, there’s no harm it can do, it’s a lifesaver for me.... have a beautiful day 😃
lisa95354 Guest
I forgot to say... those other three I can’t eat either. A couple years ago we were out to lunch... I had several ice teas...in each one ...which had to be like 12 ounces, I know that sounds like a lot... but I love iced tea, I put a sweet n low in, I was in bed the whole weekend. Flu like symptoms, horrible aches and exhausted...ugh!
Guest lisa95354
My body is so sensitive now anything makes me feel bad. But sadly i went completely organic for 2 months straight and i didnt see any change in my symptoms. I even cut out dairy for 2 weeks during that time and i still had symptoms....i think mine is my pituitary gland. Ever since i got the depo shot my digestion, periods and mood have been a mess! It cant be a coincidence
kim93615 Guest
hi, ladies
three years ago I start going hell when to the doctor she said you going through menopause. I started going through upper back pain, skipping heartbeats beat. dizziness. shortness of breath lossing weight. vision seen light spot will come and go I am 50 I haven't seen a period in three years, have any of you women's going through this.
Guest kim93615
I have so many symptoms going through this hell! I have lost the person i used to be, i dont even recognize myself physically or mentally. Menopause is a horrible thing we are forced to go through!
NothinforNothin Guest
Try a high potency probiotic. It may help. Very good for digestion issues. Hugs