Digestive issues...
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Hi ladies...
How many of you are experiencing tummy troubles as a part of your peri/ menopausal journey?
One day I can be fine then boom! Gassy, pain in side, constipation...
Sometimes a wave a nausea will hit and there goes my health anxiety through the roof...thinking it's something sinister but praying its hormonal. Apple cider vinegar in lemon ginger tea usually helps. Then I'm fine for weeks. But then I'm left thinking "well what caused it in the first place?" Will it happen again?" My anxiety is horrendous...I'm awake now with bubble guts...
Is this hormones too?
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jennifer12699 katyD211
Hi Katy,
Digestive issues is my number one complaint. I am 47 and have been in peri for about 6 years. My stomach rules my life. My diet is so restricted I pretty much eat the same thing every day. I do have night sweats as well and irregular periods. I have tried several birth control pills which I cannot seem to tolerate. I started HRT - Combipatch this week and side effects are too much. My ears are ringing and am having waves of nausea everyday with headaches. I just took patch off as I would rather deal with my usual peri symptoms than side effects. It is frustrating as I know my issues are hormone related but cannot seem to tolerate them. Praying it will get better one day. Have you tried any hormones?
katyD211 jennifer12699
Hi Jennifer thanks for responding...sorry to hear about your tummy ruling your life but I promise you i understand!!! I have not yet tried hrt but do have appt next week where I plan to ask about it!. Hugs from here...we can do this!!
renee61138 katyD211
👋 Yup me!! Actually have had it going on 3 days now. I have GERD and I am also 10 days late for my period which I'm pretty sure caused a flare up. Like you I can be fine for months. Actually stomach issues were my first symptom of peri. My heating pad is my best friend And warm water n lemon helps a little. I also have pretty bad post nasal drip that I've had going on 3 years despite meds. Could be from the acid reflux could be hormones. Take a warm bath if you have a heating pad or hot water bag use it!! I'm telling you my best friend lol. Hope you feel better soon love.
katyD211 renee61138
Renee thanks for the advice . I have been eyeing my heating pad so i guess i'll give it a try! Havent needed it in a while. Remember when we carried makeup n perfumes in our purses? Now mine is filled with pepto, tums, peppermint and gas x!! UGH!!!!
sharcerv52408 katyD211
When I started peri over ten years ago, digestive issues was the first symptom that I had. In fact it was digestive issues that lead me to this forum. I was googling my symptoms, (I know, that's a no-no) and a thread from this forum came up in the feed. When I read one of the posts, I couldn't believe what I was reading. I mean, it was just as if I had written it myself. I first started having constipation, then gassiness, then bloating and heartburn. The list goes on and on. I don't remember a day that has gone by that I haven't had some issue with my digestive system. It is my most outstanding symptom by far. It is where most of my anxiety stems from.
katyD211 sharcerv52408
Sharcerv5 i absolutely hate to say this but i feel better knowing about other's misery...because I feel less crazy and alone! That's terrible! I want us ALL to feel our best soon!! I am teary eyed with gratitude for the ladies on this forum and everyone's willingness to share...Thanks so much for taking the time to respond with support...i appreciate you! Hugs!
sharcerv52408 katyD211
I'm grateful for everyone on this forum who has encouraged me and were able to identify with me. It really has a therapeutic effect when you're worried about some crazy symptom.
sabab172 katyD211
I am the big half century next month and have been suffering with the perimenopause in the last five years. My main big symptom is digestive. GERD, stomach pains, bloating, pain down one side, lower back pain, needing to get to the loo quick and then without too much information - delightful hemorrhoids are an issue too. I have tried all diets and nothing helps. Sadly it still ongoing and like you it can give me a break for a few weeks and then come back. Despite being on HRT it hasn't cured these issues but it has levelled the night sweats and anxiety. The more I read into it, digestives issues affect many woman in menopause. Who would know that hormones could be so disruptive!
katyD211 sabab172
sabab172 thanks for responding. It makes one feel less alone ( and less loony!) when you know others are dealing with the same things. Yes, how could i forget the fun with hemorrhoids!!!
Hoping these digestion pranks by Mother Nature sudside for all of us really soon!!
amy67442 katyD211
I just HAD to register to reply to this post. This might be long... I've been dealing with stomach issues since the beginning of Feb. I swear it stemmed from a hemmorhoid (i should be able to spell that correctly with all the times I've Googled it over the past few months!) flare up in January. It's like my whole digestive system has been completely out of wack. I eat and my stomach churns over and over, I feel bloated dome days and constipated and then others I'm rushing to the bathroom. I saw my GP in mid Feb, but now everything has been shut down since then due to Covid so I can't get an appointment with a GI doctor. I had a colonoscopy 3 years ago for the hems so my GP wasn't overly concerned, but it's not getting better and I have tried EVERYTHING. To top everything off, I have started weirdly spotting on day 19...it's now been 4 days of spotting with no period. I'm 44, so this is well within "normal" for age, but between the awful stomach issues and the fact that both my mother and grandmother had endometrial cancer, I'm literally distraught. I am really hoping to get an appointment with my gyn. My heath anxiety is through the roof with this. I'm not cut out for the stress of perimenopause. God, I hope that's what it is!!
katyD211 amy67442
Hi Amy!! I'm so glad you registered to respond but also you'll get so much support from the wonderful ladies in this forum. The hemorrhoids were my reason for colonoscopy too...doc also wasn't overly concerned. But just going in for checkups revs my anxiety motor straight to the sky!!! So although i totally understand your anxiety about your spotting issues,
I am positive that they are nothing more than what's expected for this leg of this oh so fun journey! Keep us posted.