Digestive issues

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Issues with prickly throat and skin after eating. I havet this issue for the last three weeks off and on. It dt is not a particular type of food, and does not occur all the time. It can last for a few hours or sometimes a day. It also creates a lot of phlem and cough. It drives me crazy. It also makes me itch at times  different parts of body

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    It does sound like an allergic reaction, the itchy prickly skin and throat typical, is there a food type that youve not eliminated, or even something in drinks, milk etc.  The cough also could be linked to allergic response, more so with it being after eating, your body is reacting to something that doesnt suit. If you cant find out what your body is reacting to, you will need to see your gp.  good luck
  • Posted

    Lynne69494.  I have checked with GP and it happens randomly, sometimeswith  banana or oatmeal or anything and other times no reaction. Any drink or food, sonetimes reaction sonetimes not. It is bizzare went to GP and she thinks it is allergy but has no explanation.   
    • Posted

      Puzzling as it sound typically allergic reacion, lve had allergic reactions with same symptoms, but mine were to penicillian, and l have allergic rhinitus, which can be triggered by lots of things in envoirament, if near to diesel fumes, cement or plaster dust, some detergents, toiletries, insect bites, luckily l dont seem to have food allergies. Trying to find cause of allergies difficult, could be in the envoirament in room you eat in, or even utensils, or even on the weather conditions on different days, re damp-mould spores, windy pollen, or maybe a digestive problem that gastro can soldve.  Its a big

      problem and puzzle to solve Good luck.

  • Posted


    maybe i will try some zyrtec and see if that does the trick or benadryl.  So far it happens everytime I eat, no matter what I eat. Ugh. Thank you for your reply

    • Posted

      Sounds like a plan, if l have what l think an allergic reaction or sensativety to something l will take an anti histamine which often calms it.  Hope you find the cause or solution.

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