Digestive Problems

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Hi, Everybody

I want to know do any of you ladies suffer from digestive problems also. I find lately that the foods I use to love to eat I can't seem to tolerate now. My stomach always seems to get upset now. Not only that, they also trigger my menopause symptoms.

I would greatly appreciate it if anybody can give me some advice on what to do. I feel like my body has been hijacked.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Maria, you're body wants organic nutritious foods. It is sending you a clear message that whatever you were eating before was not wholesome food. Cut out all greasy spicy foods and eat wholesome natural food. Eat a little bit at a time as well. Don't get a huge plate of anything because you'll get indigestion and won't be able to eat it.

    • Posted

      Thanks Sochima

      That makes sense. This really sucks though. I want my old life back.

  • Posted

    Hi Maria

    I had the heartburn/acid reflux for months. It has eased a lot now. Ginger tea is meant to be good. I have a good diet too but I found it best to eat a lot of smaller portions. It is definitely a menopause symptoms I'm afraid x

  • Posted

    Hi Maria yes I ended up with gastritis about 10 years ago which was very painful so I had to give up any wine I am okay with food for the most part but any wine will set off my stomach really bad. Also I became very gassy at times too
  • Posted

    Hi Maria,

    Digestive problems and health anxiety seem to be my worst two menopause symptoms. I've had issues with my digestion for the past few years..mostly an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach and when I eat it felt like the food was ust sitting in my stomach and taking forever to digest. Nausea and belching as well. I was positive that I had slow digestion and not enough stomach acid because I had read that low stomach acid can be a problem during menopause.

    I saw a gastroenterologist 6 months ago and he said that a large percentage of his patients are women from age 45 to 55. I had a gastric emptying test done and it turns out my stomach is emptying faster than average! Then we did colonoscopy and endoscopy. All looked well on visual but stomach and small bowel biopsies showed chronic gastritis.

    So now I take an acid blocker twice a day....don't know if I can say the name here but it's not one of the more potent ones. What is working the best for me is a huge diet change. No added or refined sugars, low carb and when I eat carbs they are complex carbs like quinoa, brown rice and while grains. I don't eat spicy foods, tomato products or caffeine of any kind. I do occasionally have some dark chocolate...I would die without chocolate! Also smaller, more frequent portions and eating more slowly, and no eating within 3 hours before bed. I can't go without my tea so I only drink camomile vanilla tea or ginger tea. These changes have helped tremendously and I have to say my digestive issues are about 80% better! The periods of acid flare ups are becoming much less frequent.

    Sorry about the long post and maybe too much info but I just want you to know that you aren't alone and offer some helpful tips.

    Take care!


    • Posted

      Hi tmpearce,

      Like you, I also have to eat small meals frequently. I try to have protein with each meal, it gives me more energy and stamina. My favorite junk food is chocolate chip cookies. I used to eat them by the handful, now I can only eat 2 or 3 before my stomach starts to get upset. The same with pasta now, if I eat a large portion I will pay for it later. I feel like my life is not my own anymore.

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle,

      I'm doing pretty good.. have hit a fairly calm patch in this menopause journey, with only a few glitches now and then. How are you doing?

    • Posted

      I hear you! I find that any wheat products mess with my stomach. One of my tests showed some inflammation in small bowel which can be indicative of celiac disease. Luckily blood test was negative for this but doctor said that there is probably a gluten sensitivity. When I do eat bread or pasta I have gluten free and don't have problems. Perhaps this might work for you.

    • Posted

      It never even dawned on me to go gluten free. Right now my fridge is full of wheat bread. I will go out to buy gluten free bread as soon as possible. Thanks for the tip.

    • Posted

      Not AS bad as before. I'm now trying to balance my Hrt. I'm using the gel now so using one and a half pumps at the moment. Certain things are a lot better thanks x

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