Digestive problems. Please help!

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17 male here. Never had any stomach related problems.

For the past 3 months I have been suffering a lot.

(Gross Warning)

It all started when I started to pass mucus like thing with my stool. Sometimes I passed just mucus (like once or twice in a month) and the rest days I would pass jelly like stools. The BM's were fine in color (brown-yellow). I didn't had any other problems at that time.

Now I have nearly stopped passing mucus in stool. I have started to have some other weird symptoms.

I feel quite nauseated a lot of times in the day. It is worse in the morning. I burp 2-3 times and then it reduces a lot. I also feel nauseated when I am on an empty stomach. When I eat something it clears away.

My appetite has also decreased a bit and I have lost like 5-6 kgs. in the last 4-5 months and I'm still losing weight a little by little. My doctor says it is just your diet which you need to change. I eat a lot healthier food items now. I am a vegetarian and I consume dairy products rarely. I also don't eat much sweet stuffs now.

Another weird thing that I'm experiencing is that I see some black specks on my stool. My stool is not at all completely black but it has some black spots (2mm wide) here and there. I experience no pain anywhere but my stomach makes noises.

I'm also experincing excessive burps and gas, sometimes bloating, frequently acid reflux and also anxiety.

Can anybody please help me in finding out what that is? I have my final examinations going on right now. I have decided to get all the tests done after they get over.

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you tried a food diary to see if any food is triggering symptoms?   It is possible that the black spots on your stool could be indigested food particles.  However, you should see your doctor about this to identify the cause medically.  Passing mucus, lots of gas and bloating are also IBS symptoms.
    • Posted

      Hi, thanks for replying.

      I went dairy free for a month too but i didn't see any changes.

      I went to the doc and he says that I am suffering from hyperacidity. He put me on an antacid, anti nausea med and a b12 and other vitamins pills. I am feeling a lot better now and I have start to gain weight little by little.

  • Posted

    Hi kartikm

    As you are vegetarian and not taking in dairy foodstuffs your B12 will become depleted and cause digestive probs and you will become fatigued and weak....i would think all the veggies you are eating is causing the gas and bloating since changing your diet. As you are vegetarian get your B12 checked and take B12 and Bvit supplements...best wishes..

    • Posted

      Hi Thanks for replying

      My doc put me up on b12 pills and some antacid too. I am feeling better now. Thank you!

    • Posted

      Hi kartikm

      So pleased you are feeling good now..B12 and B vits are very important for our wellbeing.....very happy to have helped with a solution to your problem...my very best wishes to you...

  • Posted

    You maybe having black tarry stool, related to bleeding or peptic ulcer. You need to get a stool tested for blood. 
    • Posted

      Nope. I am not having black tarry stools by any chance. I use an Indian toilet and it is very easy to check your poop in it. The small black bits pull off easily from the poop separately so I don't think so that that is blood.

  • Posted

    Glad to hear that you are getting better and letting us to know the solution. This will sure help others. Take care.
  • Posted

    Have you been tested for H pylori? a very common bacteria.
    • Posted

      My doc didn't consider that. However he put me on antacids and stuffs which are helping in relieving my symptoms. I am 90% better now. If I start to get sick again I'll ask him about the test.

      Thanks for replying. I hope you have a wonderful day!

    • Posted

      Antacids are on temerorary btw! And not good for your liver I'd really look into curing it if anything because the more you have acid the more it'll break down the walls of your intestines which could create more issues for you

  • Posted

    This sounds simular to my issue, I take two magnesium before bed and that helps with passing alittle better and will help with pain, I also take chronic stress and anxiety pills to help with calming my stomach down alittle bit, being stressed and having anxiety can very much slow everything down. I would also look into "instestinew" products I took there powder for a month everyday and almost completely cured my acid reflux. Honestly go to a health food store talk to the most experienced person they will help you out alot good luck!

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