Dihydrocodeine addiction.

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One last thing I need to say and then I'm outta here. I'm reading a lot on here about dihydrocodeine addiction...it's as bad as heroin addiction. Drug addicts...etc etc. Well, here is the truth, absolute. If you take dihydrocodeine at a high therapeutic dose for say 3-4 weeks daily, then you are physically dependent on them. And you will continue to be physically dependent on them until you stop taking them. BUT YOU ARE NOT ADDICTED! Addiction is a chronic condition, framed in an obsessive compulsion to repeat the bahaviour, in this case drug taking, no matter what detrimental effects the behaviour may be having on your life. Addiction means you lie, steal, rob to take ever higher doses of a substance, progressing through the stages of harm with administration (ie. from snorting or smoking heroin to injecting it). Ultimately you spend ALL of your time looking for money or drugs to the exclusivity of everything else. Addiction is defined by a chronic, unstable lifestyle that is out of control. If you are going searching for more and more scripts, or money to buy DHC AND TAKING EVER GREATER DOSAGES then you are addicted to them. Otherwise, you are physically dependent. Nothing more and nothing less. Please, no more of these comments about how being on a DHC script is as bad as being a heroin addict. I was a heroin addict for 20 years and believe me, it is FAR worse than being dependent on a DHC script.

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    hi there, iv followed this discussion for a while and thought id join in... i came off dhc last year...... i have chronic back pain so i have to admit i still take them but only for the pain and normally about 2 per day (1 in the morning and 1 late afternoon. i will paste in my experience of WD in the hope that you find it helpfull.

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    18-06-15, 10:41 #1

    Anon (2089469)

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    dihydrocodiene struggles

    Withdrawing from dihydrocodiene-my experience

    hi there, I did post on an old thread but decided to start a new one. hopefully someone out there will either benefit or reply as I am currently on day 5 and its not easy. Iv been on dihydrocodiene 30mg for 4 years following post pregnancy back pain. as with many of you my gp continues to prescribe on rpt without calling me in. I have taken anything from 4 per day to 20 odd per day over the last 4 years. last dose early hours of sunday morning.

    Day 1-woke up following fairly heavy night of partying. horrible feeling that none left but searched anyway. every bag, drawer, place I would have some. realised for sure none left.....not the first time this has happened and id requested rpt last Friday, knew they would not be available until Tuesday!! decided to see how things went. took 2 8/500 cocodomol- felt like hell from lunchtime onwards (prob hungover also tho I thought)

    rest of the day major struggle, nothing done in the house. no energy, no motivation, upset stomach, fever, shivering, headache- classic symptoms-been there before. decided at some point in the afternoon I was coming off the evil things once and for all.

    5pm major bowel problems, off to the toilet numerous times, took another 2 cocodomol. terrible nights sleep up and down to the toilet umpteen times.

    day 2- Monday-cancelled all previously booked plans. flu symptoms continue. lack of energy continues, shivering under blanket with hot water bottle, no chores done. took 4 immodium, multi vit, 2 co-codomol, 1 banana for potassium. only thing eaten. (im not going into my family commitments as wish to remain as anon as poss. Very tearfull

    1900- hardly able to keep eyes open, took 2 cocodomol managed over that wave. did a LOT of online reading of ppls experience-this has helped me greatly. 2100- called narcotics anon helpline- very nice, helpful chap gave me advice and reassurance. 2300 went to bed - better sleep but awoke screaming with nightmare and had several vivid dreams, slept until 0900, off and on, stomach still bad further immodium taken throughout last 24 hours.

    day 3- Tuesday- got some help at home today so feel less anxious. still no energy, yawning constantly, hot water bottle, blanket, 1 cocodomol, vitamins, 2 immodium taken, 1 slice of toast eaten. stomach still all over the place. had commitment could not get out of in afternoon- struggle but coped. only out x2 since start and not thro choice. knew pills would be ready today but NO desire to pick them up. 1400- unable to keep eyes open, back to bed out like light until 1730.... woke up felt bit better-less shivery still very low in energy. sat around watching tc all evening back to bed early doors. only x 2 cocodomol 8/500 taken all day (feeling proud). stomach still dodgy but better bit more food eaten. not much. slept fitfully, dreams better but still troubled. slept until 0930.

    Day 4- woke 0930- def bit more energy. No cocodomol taken today, no desire to pick up script. 2 slices of toast and 1 yogurt eaten (its 1300). 1 immodium taken this morning- bowels ok just now, less shivery, bit more energy, nowhere near healed but feel getting there. 1700- tireness at a peak today but for sure more able to cope. bought some pro plus and lucozade which did help. no cocodomol taken today, still no desire to pick up script. hot water bottle best friend . had some pasta, enjoyed it bowels ok. hot bath. bed 2300 slept fitfully again !!!

    as from sunday morning my WD in numbers-

    immodium taken - 10

    multi vits - 4

    cocodomol 14

    hot water bottles - lost count

    yawning - into the 100s

    naps- 3

    good nights sleep - 0

    reduced to tears - 1 but lasted for hours

    phone call to narcotics anon - 1

    time spent online reading on forums etc- lost count, most beneficial thing iv done

    posts myself - 2

    times out the house - 2

    hours spent in pjs - 100s

    Day 5- woke 0630 as things to do this morning- very tired but no more than would be expected- legs sore and jumpy today, bearable. from what iv read the worst of the symptoms should be getting better. def feel less tired. managed bacon roll . very nice. home alone most of the day so going between enjoying the rest and feeling lonely. on the whole feeling positive and for sure no plans to pick up script!!! no immodium taken as yet today. less cold still sore, on the whole feel better. currently 1030 am.

    I will never take these pills again!!!! anyone out there struggling just now? x

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    19-06-15, 20:57 #2

    Anon (2089469)

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    day 6

    quick update on the continued battle.. not sure if anyones interested but it might help me to look back on it. today has been hard. still struggling with food/tiredness. def getting better tho. just as well as back to work tmro...today went past the chemist where the pills were waiting. didn't get them. no cocodomol taken in 4 days. I really think these drugs should be better regulated. maybe when im feeling stronger I will pursue that thought further. found myself thinking less about it all today. still a long way to go though.

    if anyone feels like joining in I would be most welcoming-its not easy

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    28-06-15, 14:48 #3

    Anon (2089469)

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    day 15

    just a quick update, 2 weeks today I started this. PAWS has been an issue. mostly because I miss the feeling and buzz but also I still feel less energy at times. on the whole though I feel good and very proud that iv lasted this long. no pills in the house, my husband handed them back to the pharmacist and said I didn't want them when he picked up the rest of my script. I notice lots of ppl have read my post so hopefully someone will benefit. im still taking immodium occasionally but NO codeine at all. I was worried about pain control with my back but its been surprisingly manageable with paracetamol and hot water bottle. hugs to anyone struggling xx    

    • Posted

       Well done dhc44, good for you! See, It can be done
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    Thank you for your wonderful post, I will reply in more depth when I'm not babysitting a 17 monthb old lol....I haven't had any today, but do have some coming in a few hours! As said earlier I take 6-8 in the morning, no more through the day & yet not having any today, I feel awful, why? DOESN'T WITHDRAWEL KICK IN DAY 2? Scuse the caps???? You must be so so proud of yourself, a hellish way to do it!! I HAVE to babysit my Granddaughter quite often so sadly have to taper longer, although I wish I could do what you did!! I'm gonna start at 4 & ask my 21 yr old Son to give me daily! I have Dr's next Wednesday, truth time, I want to be me again, I just want to be ME :'(
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      i agree with Nick about the benzos. there just as addictive... diazapam especially. chlordiazapoxide less so at a low dose. i didnt go down that route as i just wanted it to be over.... your bound to feel rubbish today if youv not had any. thats a whacking dose to take 8 at once. like i said in my diary the things i found most helpfull were reading other ppls experiences. theres loads of info and discussions online. hot water bottle is essential for the pains and keeping warm. your doing well, hugs xx
    • Posted

      i'm finding reading others post helping me because you don't feel as if it's only you going through this horrible withdrawals,i've never been addicted to tablets or anything in the past and since getting put on these drugs dhc for back pain my life has changed so much I really want off them so much.

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      has anyone else got a weird smell in there nose when there having withdrawels.


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    Thanks, I'm not going to go crazy with the Ben's! I just want it over with now, I feel awful but I shouldn't feel THIS bad?? I may take 6=8 every morning, but lately a few days I've had 2 or 3, is this really gonna take a long time sad 
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      it takes a couple of weeks in my experience... the long term effects are still an issue. i got very anxious after about 2 months and ended up on beta blockers and anti depressents. i felt like i had butterflies in my stomach for weeks. i dont know if it was xconnected as i was going thro a lot of stress at the time. everyone is diff tho xx
    • Posted

      This what I meant about tapering drawing out withdrawal... Yes it's milder but drawn out. I thought you were taking 4 a day? BC a drop from a 6 to 8 a day habit to 4 would be mild but maybe uncomfortable. If you could stick  to the same amount every aday it will make it easier for you. If you could get stable on 4 then that would be great. Then, if it were me, I would tell people I had the flu and plan to do nothing for three or four days... Then the physical is mostly over, most, if not all pain gone. Then of course you move into the malaise, depression part of withdrawal but no need to think about that at this stage.
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    Hi, thank you for the info on your WD I think I'm gonna take it one day at a time!! Thanks to all you lovely people on here, I now have the strength & most importantly the support. Thank you all so much & if I can help anyone, please ask smile xx
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    Sorry, yes I chamged my name as THE NAME i USED IS MY NICKNAME & i WORRY SOMEONE MIGHT RECOGNIZE ME, ahh scuse the caps!! I am scared I know I will have some on Wednesday, HOW do I say NO, I always think tomorrow, tomorrow & although this time I have no choice, I need to stop, I'm still so scared...How are you doing today James? x 
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      Hello, I'm not James but thought I'd jum in and say hey, how ya doin! Sing now and explaining to your doc will be the best thing you ever did. You could have the worst part of this over in days... Feels like anxiety has the better of you. Have a real good think and make a solid, no going back plan. This is your chance to go through it before your next script. only four days in a life time, yes there will be physiological symptoms after but the Thomas recipe helps a little with those things. I wish you would jump but obviously it's up to you and I guess you know what is best for you

      Good luck hon X


    • Posted

      D@mn auto correct "sing meant to read jump"
    • Posted

      Hi Nick, sorry not used to Forum's & this site is confusing the hell outta me!!  Jump, oh dear I had 28 given to me Friday, I have 7 left, Dr's Wednesday, I will be asking for my Prescription weekly to help, oh God I know from experience I could be over this within a week or so, but I babysit my Grandchild quite a lot so can't afford to be ill, I think I HOPE to do 3  tommorow 3 Tues & give my script to my Son to hand me 4, then few days at 3, few days at 2, a day or two at one. Then goodbye!! Why oh why can I not get throught the morning without taking any, honestly if I haven't atken within a few hours of getting up I already feel like crap? How? Wd's start day 2 don't they? Sorry I've waffled on a bit here!

      Yes anxiety does have the better off me sad Thank you Nick, please keep in touch xx


    • Posted

      Hey no problem, I'm not use to this site either! So you were given 28 but only have 7 left... I asked for my prescription weekly towards the end... Nothing changed. I found ways and ultimately felt chained to the surgery. I eventually got them post dated but would take them in to different chemists in the hope they would not notice the date, it worked for the most part. If not I found other sources which is odd BC you would never expect me to mix or find such people but there you go... I was kidding myself that I was somehow better/different but the truth is, I was a junkie. How low and cheap I felt.

      At 4pm today I entered day 10... Or is it 9? It's getting so I can't remember and that's a cool thing. Had the runs today(sorry if TMI). Def detox runs, you can tell the difference. I stopped the loperamide a couple of days ago so I guess it was to be expected. On the whole this withdrawal, though not pleasant, has not been too bad. You say you only take pills in the morning... There was a time during my using days that I did that. I would wake up every morning feeling like total cr@p and reach for a handful before even getting up! I did not understand that it was BC DHC  is short acting so in effect I was beginning to withdraw every morning. I know you look after your granddaughter but I wish there was a way you could get a few days to yourself so that you could kick this thing to the kerb in one go. Whatever you decide, I'm here for ya but be honest as you can. The drug ps makes us deceive ourselves trust me. When I think of the years I have wasted... I have two kids, one of 16 and one of 24 and I love them dearly but I've missed loads. Sure I kept the house, made the food but mentally I was elsewhere.  :-(

      I just went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and my skin looks strangely good... It's so nice not being dependent... I still have cravings BC I want to be Wonder Women but I just have to take it easy and wait for my natural energy to return I guess. Anyway, enough about me. I hope you are doing ok? Let me know, thinking of you. x

    • Posted

      I took 6 Friday then 6 Sat 8 sad yesterday (mainly get on top of house before starting) now 3 today, I get 14 later & 28 on Wednesday, Wednesday, ohhh Day 1.....Will be giving them to my Son, so from Wed I can only have 3/4 a day, then a few days later drop another, hoping to get the worst over within 2 weeks, but still scared, I know I will feel better, eat better, dream again, look better, why is it soo hard....

      Me too with other sources, asking the less desireables, although that is what I am, an addict is an addict, I'm not ashamed to say I am, the Dr should never have put me back on them, I should of said no, I've wasted soo many years like you!!  Day 9/10 awesome, & you could never give me TMI, I have made sure with lactolose that I am empty, so to speak, I will take Loperamide, but only following the correct dose!! If you stopped them & still had run's, is that BC you were taking so many?? Yes I've mostly only taken in morn, get up let dog out, check news make coffee pop pills!! 

      You mention the short acting effect? If I say only had 2/3 a day for 2days then on day 3 take 6, I fly all day? Yet I can understand that need in the morn! I didn't know, I thought you couldn't freally feel WD's until the 2nd day? You are amazing, I feel so proud for you smile  I remember last time my skin starting to look better my hair & nails soon followed, you are close to this smile I can't wait to be free, I so want my natural energy to return!! I can't believe how truthful I am being to you & James...I guess you both are my Guardian Angels smile I just wish I had some helpfull advice for you!! I've replied here because you'd written quite a bit but if your ok with it then we'll stick to the other disscusion page.. Thank you so much for telling me your story! xx

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