Disappointed and Sad
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Does anyone else get disappointed and sad when they get their period? Every three weeks, I am hoping it will just stop. I hear these stories of women who say that their periods just stopped one day and that was it. I truly get sad when I look down and see a bit of blood on that first day. Maybe I am just hoping that the periods stopping will ease the symptoms, but from other posts, that doesn't seem to be the situation. I am thoroughly bummed. I guess I will keep my fingers crossed for another three weeks. I want to buy a pair of pants in any color besides black.
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pamela2016 staci88515
i feel the same as you im on third day of cycle yesterday morning i woke up to a masacre in my bed its tiring and ruining my sheets and clothes. not to mention the anxiety is off the charts when i start i pray for my cycle to come to an end ive had enough of all this. today it seems to be barely there so im hoping they start getting shorter they seem to be getting alittle further apart now. still i dont see no end in sight.
staci88515 pamela2016
I hear ya. I almost started crying this morning. I am thinking of getting an ablation, but I am a chicken. xo
lisa95354 staci88515
Staci... my friend had an ablation a couple years ago and it’s the best thing she ever did she said. I guess a lot of these doctors are suggesting hysterectomies and she said a lot of women, not all ...but a lot of women are having success with the ablations.
staci88515 lisa95354
I am seriously considering it!!!
chrisann144 staci88515
omg the last three years i have had a handful of periods and this year i had one in feb then one in july you talk about disappointment anger sadness i cant begin to tell you i have been in peri since i was 43 i had regular periods every 28 days now according to my app its so wonky it has it at every 65 days the last one was the longest i went which was 161 days...so you can imagine my mother was 48 when hers stopped i will be 51 and my bloodwork says meno but thats bs i had a friend that according to her bloodwork she was meno and still got rando periods for a couple of years she is finally post out of all the symtpoms that one i wish would go already i get horrific cramping always have so you can imagine why i wouldnt want it perimenopause is like puberty pregnancy ans perpetual pms fun times i tell ya i was a nurse and i can tell you i learned nothing about peri and little about menopause
staci88515 chrisann144
I am ready to start skipping a few. It is obviously that menopause is not taught to medical professionals. Every doctor I have mentioned my symptoms to has either dismissed me or offered me antidepressants. So frustrating!
chrisann144 staci88515
hello again
when i worked as a nurse i did hospice but i met two great drs very open minded i made one my primary he said to me he had to read alot about menopause because it wasnt taught in depth he too doesnt believe in bloodwork did it anyway just to see which at that time everything came back normal! which he said hormones are all over the place at this point so he left the practice and i now ride 40 mins to see the other dr i worked with his wife is going thru it so i explain to him exactly what its like so he has a better understanding of his wife he has never offered antidepressants we talked about how some women need them i said im not depressed just annoyed because i feel like a alien has invaded my body and i have no control from one min to the next he isnt into hrt nor am i a canidate with my family history my mother didnt take anything! and it is so true i got cramps every single time i have had a period in my life some women do not just like some symtpoms some women get some dont! i will say it helps when you have someone that at the very least is open minded enough to say yeah maybe thats related to peri or meno! hang in there i was where you are a few years ago the spotting then it stopping the it starting then going into a full blown period smh!!!!! so annoying i say my uterus is puttering out like a car with no gas lol you have to laugh or you will find yourself in a looney bin
sunaina1983 staci88515
same with me
sally15609 staci88515
I had to laugh when i read your post. This is so me. I am feeling everything you said. I so want this to be over. I have no words.
staci88515 sally15609
It seriously brings me to near tears!
sally15609 staci88515
I know what you mean. Everyday something new. I cannot believe my life. hang in there. Hugs
lisa95354 staci88515
good morning Staci... you have to remember and this is very important, you cannot base your menopause or symptoms or your cycle on anybody else’s. Throw that out the window, each of us is completely different, like a fingerprint, none the same. even though I’m post menopause, I still get the low mood at when my period used to be. again and I know I’ve said this several times but I’ll say it again, I do not believe these women who snap a finger and they have no problems or there cycle stops and it’s all rainbows, butterflies and unicorns. This isn’t possible because our hormones have completely changed. These are women that are either already on some type of med... whether it be an anti-depressant, pain pills, etc. so please don’t listen to that either. you know how competitive women are ...I think a lot of women like to say that to feel either superior or like they’re better than the person suffering etc. it’s just annoying. I am also reading how much gluten is affecting peoples moods, brain health, how good is your diet? I have to be honest, I love food so I do struggle with that. be kind to yourself and try to take it a day at a time, try to just let things be as they are... because sometimes I think wishing our cycle would leave for good, only makes it persist;) things will get better, hang in there ...xo
staci88515 lisa95354
Thank you for your sweet and thoughtful reply. I am just so tired of this heavy period every three weeks accompanied by migraine that leaves me bed-ridden. I get seriously depressed when I see my period starting. I am so over it. My mother is one of those annoying no symptoms women. She said it was like a faucet and one day it just shut off. She never had a hot flash and has no idea what age it happened. I definitely need to overhaul my diet. I don't understand how my thin friends shovel food and I count out each serving and am a blob. xo
lisa95354 staci88515
Staci.... first of all, you are not a blob. Women can eat like that and don’t exercise that’s in their genetics and yes it is maddening and not fair but it is what it is. I always tease that last year I got a muffin top and now this year I have a cake top;) thank God I didn’t bleed like that, so I don’t blame you, because it would even produce anxiety the thought of it coming on. Did you see my comment about the ablation ... is that something you’ve discussed with your doctor. it worked very well for my friend and she was ecstatic that she did it. i’m really sorry you’re having such difficulty. that cracks me up, your mom doesn’t even remember when it happened, I’m sure when we get to her age we won’t remember either (Gods Will, I just learned that expression from my friend and I love it) it’ll all be a blur ...lol let’s raise our champagne glasses, here’s to it all being a blur someday SOON 😉 with all that bleeding is your iron low. You know instead of taking iron pills, which can constipate, you can take a couple tablespoons of high quality blackstrap molasses. God bless you xo
staci88515 lisa95354
I haven't had my iron levels checked, but I do take daily vitamins. My mother is anemic and I know the signs and symptoms. Anything is possible though!!