Discharge Problem in Peri .
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Anyone having White watery Discharge problem in Peri .
From last 3 months i am having discharge problem which start week after my periods. and stay for 3 to 4 days .
Is this normal ?
Any remedy for this .
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susan39015 sunaina1983
Hi, yes i do but mine is thicker and more mucus like looking. TMI im sorry. One of many symptoms that are making me lose my mind. I wish i knew of a remedy i could tell you. Have to wear a pantyliner everyday. Does it come out when you urinate?
sunaina1983 susan39015
Helloo mam
Thanks for reply.
last year i use to have thick discharge with muscus but from 3 or 4 months it become water like. .it starts after 1 week of periods and stay for 3 to 4 days.
No i donot wear panty liner every day . but i think i should try this it will help to keep me fresh .
I think its also one of Peri symtom
I wish we all will finish this soon .
Have a nice day
DearDoe sunaina1983
generally speaking, in that time frame is when you have a mucousy, clear discharge. that discharge coincides with ovulation and last 2 or 3 days. as I have progressed through peri, i have noticed it more and more. actually feels odd when your moving around. i do wear a pad when it is happening. not sure about the wateryness discharge....could it be you are leaking just a bit of urine? that is also quite common in peri.
its kind of like snot. lol
susan39015 DearDoe
Hi, yes like snot haha i was going to say that but i didnt. This is so gross but does it come out when you urinate? I get that much that it will be hanging there when i pee. Is that normal? Sorry tmi i know. Also do you get a weird pressure tingly feeling in yiur head and weird vivid dreams? Feels like my eyes and nose are going to pop off and uncontrollable thoughts racing mind. Pretty much like im going crazy.
sunaina1983 DearDoe
Thanks for reply mam.
Its Horrible road to peri with strange symtoms .
Hope will overcome all soon
sunaina1983 DearDoe
yes 🤣
DearDoe susan39015
Yes on the diaharge question. I also get tingling in my head and vertigo and dizziness just to name a few symptoms
sorry. should say discharge
sunaina1983 DearDoe
Same here
Suki_girl sunaina1983
I thought i had finished with the whole menopause thing. No period for 6 months (but i know that is no indication, because that has happened a couple of times before and at around the 6 month mark I have got a period), but also the hot flushes and night sweats stopped several months ago. But now, I have had painful, swollen and tender breasts for around 3 weeks (which used to happen a few days before my period, but no period yet). And the last three days clear, gloopy healthy discharge has literally been running down the inside of my legs (i dont wear underpants at home, just baggy jogging bottoms) - in the end I stole some of my teenage daughter's sanitary towels. What's going on? During peri my vagina has been getting dryer and dryer, which is very common in menopause and was helped by estrogen cream), now I have more natural lube than i need!
katyD211 sunaina1983
Omg I am discharging now. Sometimes watery, most times thick, slight tinge when it hits the pad. For me it usually happens before, so i know i have a period about to rear its ugly head. i just turned 60 and am STILL not officially menopausal because they keep going away n popping back after months. Been checked and tested but all is fine, my younger sister also are going long, eldest stopped at 59.
So i continue to ride the symptoms carousel, and wear pads when the goop comes out. You are not alone.
sunaina1983 katyD211
Thanks for reply mam..its one of Peri symtoms i guess..hope this all will be over soon.
gilly_64426 sunaina1983
Yes, it's more when I'm ovulating and I guess the white this discharge is my egg😣, I found that I had to wear cotton undies with a liner. it's the only way to stay fresh all day.
another peri symptom.