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Was wondering if anyone else feels as discouraged as I do. I have plenty of friends who have in the peri or have gone through menopause with no symptoms at all. They enjoy life with travel and fun and I feel like I don't even want to leave my house most days. My periods are so bad for a few days that all I can manage is to go to work.  I feel lousy everyday of the week. Constant tummy troubles, tired all the time and just feeling like if this doesn't end then where is the desire to grow old? Why do some of us suffer so bad when others breeze right through it?

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Nancy I don't know anyone near me that has suffered either! It's just horrible and can feel hopeless, I had to give up my wee job and it broke my heart on top of everything else.  BUT!!! There is light at the end of the tunnel lovely .... Ride it through and you will get there.  I won't bore you with all my symptoms, as I have typed them so many times & like so many other lovely ladies on here we are here for you if you need to chat.  Without this site I would have lost the head!!! I may not say it often but the ladies on here are  AMAZEBALLS!!! They totally listen & understand because they too are going through it.  So you stay strong & rude it through because it does get better ️️xoxoxo sending huge warm hugs 😊
    • Posted

      I couldn't agree more with you Trevis, the woman on here have saved my sanity and I know it's all hormones but it's just not fair that some of us suffer so much while others embrace these years lol. I could literally be a recluse if I didn't force myself to go to work everyday but there are days I just want to run home to bed. Thank you for the encouraging words, I feel for everyone who is dealing with this and I guess I just have to wonder what makes us different? If all women go through hormone changes then why are we so sensitive to it?
    • Posted

      Hiya Travis ,just. Up on pad saw you come up ,hope you had good Xmas ,and doing better ,how did you manage getting Xmas shopping done ? 

        Ours was quiet ,glad it's over .Not seen Anne or Darren on ,wonder how they are .

        I'm much the same. Both ears are buzzing away ,anxiety up a wee bit ,I've been using the Bach rescue spray odd days ,that seems to reduce it ,balance still the same ,get up with it ,try and walk around to straighten up a bit .Weird how so many are getting it .youngster age 31 with it now for 2 years on yesterday with its .Something's doing it ,I've been looking into fluoride toothpaste and contents ,plus in everyone's drinking water .That being said I only drink bottled water ,have done since head virus .

         Hope New Year we get answers .this gets you down when it just goes on and on .Stay warm Travis and well .xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Marlene 😊... I'm still doing ok for now had a coue of days in bed but that's nothing compared to how I use to be.  My husband does the food shop & I so go out to shops but only when it's very quiet can't deal with crowds or queues at all.  Anxiety has been ok Marlene I actually went over to my friends house and had a glass of wine and really enjoyed it.  I know it's not much but a huge step for is going through this nightmare 😊. Something I had not done for  many many months.  Other than that Markene I can't complain although I do need to fr some weight off!!! Lol!!!   Have you managed to get out much over the holiday period ?  The swaying is so debilitating I hope you get some relief soon Marlene... Always lovely to hear from you sending big hugs to you xoxoxo💓
    • Posted

      Glad your doing better ,baby steps .think if balance got sorted I'd feel so much better ,as I was prior ,I was doing more ,as we all were .

      our Xmas quiet we don't do Xmas as such ,no grand kids ,daughter and son in law came over ,we liked that ,had dinner what daughter made ,this swaying I can't do that anymore .drs don't realise what a big prob this is .

        I do on line shopping only the 2 of us ,then odd bits ie milk,bread I use local Coop handy .

       So you got to a mates house ,good on ya Travis ,hope that drink was a present for just doing that visit .I know how hard all this is ,we put off doing XYZ .so easy we say no do it or go there tomorrow .hence we keep ourselves locked into this .no rhyme or reason to this .find it frustrating as it's day in day out ,as you know only to well .

      Whats changed to this anxiety drop ? Interested Trav ,doing anything or taking anything .Hows the traffic lights ? Another was on one site meno ,saying there's began at traffic lights .caught my attention straight away ,thought of you and me .

        There's a bug going around down here layed people up over Xmas flu and stomach virus ,my cousin just rang she's been really poorly ,put on antibiotic .Darren says he's been lot better since put on Floxedine ,so he's up and running ,me with tinnitus and that med would set my T up really high for days .

        Make sure you go easy ,have an odd glass of wine might help ,I'm teetotal ,but never know may help me hey .

        Husband just said in today's Daily Mail bit about laying down and having Dizzyness ,see if you can get hold of the newspaper ,I will read it after I post this ,he said they say not to lay down .let you know later what they've said ,my mate lays down with it for few days at a time ,she can't stand or sit with it .Chat soon Travis love hearing from you ,don't worry about loosing those few pounds ,after what you've been going through ,least of your worrying I'd say Big hug Travis ,XXX 

    • Posted

      Hello Nancy, I too don't personally know anyone like us so without lovely supportive ladies on here i don't know what would of happened to me and i struggle to get through the days at work as i work full time. i do know i'd be so much worse as my GP has no interest in menopausal women.  I could of wrote it myself what nancy has wrote and can relate to her so much.  We'll be ok but we can only take each day as comes and i really cherish the good days and never take them for granted.  Wishing yourself and all the lovely ladies on here all the Best for 2015 and it will be better for all of us (positive thinking only allowed) hugs & love xx
    • Posted

      It seems like a lot of these doctors get a little crazy when dealing with menopause because it is hard for them to pinpoint at first what's really going on. Doctors are used to concrete evidence to help them make a diagnosis. You know, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck then It's a duck. For them that's concrete. But with peri or menopause that's abstract so they have no real frame of reference to pinpoint anything. They struggle to help us I think. I wish there We're doctors that practiced in this area (of medicine) exclusively. 
  • Posted

    Nancy, Yes, I understand. I'm 57 and still haven't gotten to menopause. I had been bleeding for ten months from light spotting to heaving clotting and althoughl I wasn't anemic, it was really getting me down. Finally, though, I have not bled for ten days and counting! Thanks goes to bioidentical progesterone cream. It's not right for everyone, but for me, it is.

    I have terrible insomnia if I don't take evening primrose oil 3x time, and I have no energy if I don't take my B vitamins. I also take the rest of the vitamins and mineral supplements most women on this board are taking. I take probiotics for stomach troubles, too, and it works like a charm for me.

    I don't like taking so many pills everyday, but I find that if I miss my vitamins and mineral supplements, I don't feel as well and symptoms come back.

    I tried Vitex(chasteberry), but it did not agree with me, so I stopped. I'm taking raspberry leaf extract now, but I don't know if it helps yet.

    Research your symptoms and try different Internet search  strings to bring up different qualities of information. Read through posts here to see what supplements are helping others with your same symptoms that might help you. I know that in my case, doing nothing was really getting me down and I was feeling like I was dying. I now feel better and  have hope that I'm going to get through this. You can, too, Nancy, but it's hard to believe that when you're feeling so awful. You're not alone. 


  • Posted

    I know how you feel. All my life I have suffered with severe menstrual cramps and bad periods and now I'm in peri and my symptoms are bad at times too. I know some people who have had easy periods and easy menopause symptoms and that was that. It's not fair but what can we do? I don't get the mega cramps like I used to before I had kids but I still get other crazy symptoms that are just as annoying and somewhat debilitating. All we can do is trust God and try to find some relief in some of these supplements that we happen upon and venting to each other always helps. Lol! Big hugs to you. Hope you're feeling better soon.


  • Posted

    Hi Nancy, I know what you mean - I don't know anyone in person who has (admitted) to a bad time with peri. I'm new to this forum but have already found it a huge comfort and support - thanks to you all! I'm struggling on a daily basis with a number of symptoms including anxiety, depression and dizziness/spaciness to name a few.

    Someone else mentioned the natural progesterone cream - I've been using this for quite a while and I feel it has definitely reduced the bleeding and does help with some of the mood disturbances too. I'm also on St John's Wort for the anxiety and mood but only on week three so will let you all know how that goes if I see results.

    These last few days have been really challenging though I did manage to get out on my own for an hour and a half today and do a bit of shopping.

    We will all get through this, we must hold on to that, even in the dark times. I read a Winston Churchill quote today and thought of us all - "If you find youself in hell - KEEP GOING!" Never give up. Hugs to all and best wishes for a bettter new year xxx

  • Posted

    All I can say is that my symptoms fluctuate between tolerable and "can someone jusr rip my skin off?"  For night sweats, I keep a bottle of pleasantly scented baby powder at bedside, so I don't have to get up and disrobe. The indigestion is the worst and started taking Zantac 75 mg daily.  I'd over the counter here in the US.  I drink tons of water.  Nothing helps the mood swings, so my husband surely is going to heaven.  My gyn told me "Menopause is not an event.  It's a process."  Hang in there, you'll get off the train eventually!
    • Posted

      Obviously another one who know diddly squat about menopause ,like the bit about husband going to heaven ,at least they get to see it first hand ,need to get your Gyne dr to spend a week living in your house with you .as for hang in there ,easier said than being done .

       Jay on this site has placed up lots of meno symptoms ,about September time 66 in all go see if you can find them ,Jay probably tucked up in bed to see your post as it's 3.30 am where she lives .Get back on tomorrow when she's around .Im in UK .Not easy is it .

  • Posted

    Hi Nancy, 

    One year ago I was lausy. This year, I barely feel anything at all.  So heads up, this is going to get better smile. Happy New Year!

  • Posted

    I know the feeling too...you are not alone...I cannot eat anything without pain either....and my bloodwork for my hormones came back normal so now Im really confused
  • Posted

    Hi Nancy. I have 3 dear friends and they all had different experiences to me. The eldest of us (at 58 she's 10 yrs older than me) announced to me one day, a few years back, that she thought she was pretty much there because she hadn't had a period for about 6 months. That's it. That was her only comment about the menopause. The rest of us have had varying levels of symptoms but we don't talk indepth about it, not like us ladies do on here. Chances are your friends are struggling with symptoms too but don't know who to talk to about it, or don't want to talk about it for fear of sounding crazy !!

    Now, I'm going to give you a metaphorical slap here and tell you to quit making comments like 'if this doesn't end, where is the desire to grow old?' That kind of thinking just accentuates your low mood and takes you further into that downward spiral. You know, deep down, that this is just a phase. Admittedly, it's a very long phase but it is a phase all the same.

    JayneeJay has said on here that she has come through the menopause and is on the other side of it now and has never felt better. She said she definitely feels different but she feels really good. I mentioned this to another friend who, at 54, has also come through it and reached the other side. She said she was lucky because she got through it without experiencing many symptoms at all but, now that it's passed, she agreed that she definitely felt different. She said it hadn't occurred to her before but she said to me, do you know you're right, I do feel different.

    I have spoken to men, my husband included, who talk about their late 40s being a time of aches and pains but by their mid 50s, they feel great. I think, for all of us, it's our body's way of preparing us physically for the older part of our lives. It's like our bodies are shifting gear and adjusting for new challenges that lie ahead.

    So I feel confident that our mid 50s onwards will be a time of strength. Personally, at 48, I feel physically weak. I don't think I am, I just feel it, so I am very much looking forward to a time when I feel strong again. I can't wait for my 50s! I would never in a million years have thought I would say that.

    So, Nancy, banish those negative thoughts. They serve no purpose. Trillions of women have gone through this before you and come out the other side, and trillions of women will go through it after you and come out the other side. It is simply Mother Nature.

    Ok, that's my pep talk for the day. Hope I didn't cause offence.

    Sending a metaphorical hug x


    • Posted

      Well said!!! I just turned 53 yrs and it is getting better but it has been a horrendous journey so you are right in everything you say. Thank you for sharing and huge hugs to you xx
    • Posted

      No offense taken Lara and you are absolutely right. This too shall pass.... xoxo

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