Discouraged and frustrated
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Hi All,
I'm a 65 year old male who was diagnosed with PMR in April of 2016. My rheumatologist started me on 15mg of prednisone and it was very effective. I quickly reduced to 12mg without incidence and then slowly reduced to 10mg over the last year. However, each time I would try to reduce below 10mg the symptoms would return so I have been holding steady at 10mg.
Unfortunately, the beginning of this year I was diagnosed with prostate cancer but was lucky enough to be at a stage where I had the option of choosing between surgery and radiation. I elected to go with radiation and finished up my course about 6 weeks ago.
I got through the treatment OK but over the last 2 weeks have noticed that my PMR symptoms have returned and that 10mg is no longer sufficient to keep me comfortable and functioning well. I have been slowly increasing my dosage by .5mg every 3-5 days in an attempt to find the new dosage I need to be at.
Needless to say, I am very frustrated and depressed over this new set of circumstances since, as I reduced my dosage, I was hoping to lose some of the excess weight I have gained over the last year and get back to looking and feeling somewhat "normal" again.
Thanks for listening and thanks in advance for your thoughts.
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Silver49 rocketman111
I am sorry to hear that you have had to contend with Radiotherapy as well as PMR. I don't feel qualified to say much about how it would affect your PMR but I realise that Radiotherapy can be very tiring amongst other side effects. I suspect the treatment will have had a knock on effect and my thinking would be to increase to 12mg to try and get to a level where you are comfortable. I can sympathise with you as regards the weight gain and the increase.doesn't help. Others have followed a low carb eating plans and have managed to lose weight. Someone more knowledgeable than me will be along soon to advise. I hope you feel better soon.
iellen32 Silver49
I am exactly there with my Temporal Arteritis because I decided this time to follow the tablet the Rheumy gave to me - from 24 mg I send down to 2mg every other day!!!
A disaster was the result. Now back to 24mg everyday hoping it wii work!
Take care,
I will try to add just 1 mg more at a time and wait one day to see what happens!
Quick tapering uses to be a disaster - my system does not accept.
A suggestion will be highly welcomed!
Thank you,
rocketman111 iellen32
Thank you.
Anhaga rocketman111
Oh we all hijack each other's posts! Forgive us. We are poorly bunnies.
EileenH rocketman111
whitefishbay rocketman111
Sorry to hear it. I have no wise words other than it is a condition that makes you patient. You cannot rush PMR. If you are stressed (you would be) it agravates the condition. Just wanted you to know I hear you and I sympathize. I am larger than a small car these days(well I feel it) and I haven't had the prostate issues (as I am female). Anyway thinking of you . The experts will come along with consoling wise words. Hang in there.
EileenH rocketman111
Sorry to hear your catalogue of ills. Hopefully though the PC is now behind you. As has already been suggested - it may be the stress catching up now. At a guess you are now doing a lot more than you were during the radiotherapy - it makes you tired in itself.
You could try cutting carbs drastically - it has helped a lot of us either to lose pred-associated weight (I lost 36lbs) or to avoid it in the first place. And to be honest - I think I would go back to 15mg and start over - you don't know whether the actual activity of the underlying cause of the PMR has increased so you could spend a long time edging up to find where you should be. It may even be above 15mg although many doctors suggest adding 5mg to where the flare happened - which would be 15mg for you.
This too shall pass. It is just a blip and most of us have been there. Not, I know, that that is any consolation really.
kathy67492 rocketman111
I have already read everyone else's good advice. I can only add that dealing with any "extra" issues, physically or emotionally can really be very difficult on top of PMR.
i have had PMR for 3+ years and still struggle to accept the diagnosis...take the medicine!...and do your best. PMR may be with you for a while. Glad the radiation went well😊 Wish you well..
Thank you all for your input.
I am juggling 3 other issues on top of the PMR and it sometimes feels quite overwhelming trying to deal with it all. The ups and downs, as you all know, is quite a challenge.
Friends and family members really don't get it so it's really nice to have a support group that can identify with what one is going through.
Wishing everyone peace and good health !