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I knew things were never straight forward. I have been expecting this but at the same time hoping for a positive outcome. I may have won my tribunal but now comes the wait to see if the DWP have grounds to appeal the decision

I know they have the right to do this and it is public money after all but it's a stressful merry-go-round to say the least.

I have a further 2 weeks to wait to see if the brown envelope arrives with the changes. The way I feel right now is, as the title of the post say's!

I guess if they reject the decision of the tribunal panel I will be upper tribunal bound. The fact they sent no one along to the tribunal makes me sick that they couldn't be bothered to turn up yet will quite happily make their own judgement

Of course all is not yet lost. I have to wait and see what the outcome is. It's now 3 weeks since the tribunal hearing and I rang them because I hadn't heard anything from them

Here we go again - it seems!

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3 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi i hope you recieved good news, its indeed a very traumatic roller coaster.

    Ill never understand just what and how you have to be to actually get the PIP or win an appeal. In my sons case they lied said he came on his own when they no dam well he had to get a friend to drive him there and back as with his back problem he couldnt drive for the distance. 1st time he arrived he was greeted at the door and told they couldnt see him, make another appointment. They actually admitted its normal procedure to turn at least a 3rd of all applicants away as they base it on some may not turn up but if most do then they cant see everyone they booked in for that day. Let us know how it goes



    • Posted

      It's a bit of a saga. PIP is much harder to claim than DLA I find. I was on high rate both componants since 2000 until I was sent a letter to say that if I wanted to claim PIP I needed to ring them.

      I did just that and they sent me the forms which took me over a week to fill in. I got what I thought was good support from my consultants and GP but after sending the forms back I attended a face to face with ATOS and I was given middle rate for Mobilty which meant the loss of my Motability car.

      I live in a remote area and a very long way from the hospital I attend for my condition which is quite rare

      I went to Mandatory Reconsideration and again sent a raft of medical evidence but I was turned down and the award remained the same.

      I then applied to HMCTS to request a tribunal. After about a month I received a biblical amount of paperwork from the DWP stating the reasons they refused my claim for the enhanced rate

      I was then sent a hearing date - things have moved quite quickly, I did expect to wait longer

      The panel at the tribunal consisted of a Judge a Doctor and a disability expert. I was awarded the enhanced rate

      I now have to wait and see what the DWP say about the award. They can dispute it with a motion called supersession. I am hoping they will relent so I don't have to go through the next phase

      I sympathise so much with you or anyone going through this, it's awful but I will stay with it

    • Posted

      As I have said before the only reason that PIP was devised was to ensure that what was being paid out in DLA is reduced by 20%. Simple housekeeping - or so they say.

      So obviously there are and will be many more that will see their DLA awards go up in smoke.

      I have been on DLA (High Mobility/Middle Care) since 1996.yet I know full well that with the way PIP has been set up I will be award zilch for PIP. I'm still waiting for the PIP 1 as I refused to discuss the claim with the DWP over the telephone.

      Thankfully I have already taken on board the loss of the DLA which together with the other benefits that it comes with amounts to well over £200 a week. We have cut back a lot and managed to buy our own car having got rid of the Mobility one. 

      I am getting to the point of telling the DWP to get lost as I certainly don't fancy re-assessments until the day I am put into my coffin!

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