Distal humerus broken

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Hi Guys,

I got by distal humerus broken due to a bike accident.

It was broken on 6th Feb and surgery was done to join the broken parts on 8 th Feb, 2018.

Its been 3 weeks now, I have confidence that I will get healed but still have few concerns. So if anyone has face this kind of fracture please share your experience.



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    I have attached my x-ray. Now it is joined with plates and screws through surgery and I was discharged after couple of days in the hospital. The medicines are stopped now but its difficult to sleep with the plaster on and sleeping in a same pose every night.

    The doctor is saying that it will take at least 6 weeks to remove the plaster and I have to go for physiotherapy after that.

    I bit concerned that how everyone else recovered who has face the same fracture. I am looking forward to recover from this fracture as soon as possible as its very difficult to live this way without being able to do much work.

  • Posted


    I have never had this type of fracture (fortunately for myself) but sense your anxiety so wanted to try and allay any fears.   From experience of other fracturs where I have needed surgery I was very anxious that I would

    Not heal or would not get back to normal.  I always have!

    It will take six weeks - at least.   Be prepared for that in your mind but use it as a positive thing to count the days down and concentrate on other things.   Make sure you do as much physio as you can once you start that phase.  I was lucky in that my physio (I paid for one) pushed me to do things that I would not normally have been confident to do but it all helped (that was a serious wrist fracture).   

    During my two “breaks” (wrist / clavicle- that also involved a bad dislocated shoulder following bike accident) I have done as much physio as I could possible do under good advice.  I ate as clean as I could and I avoided alcohol (I don’t smoke).

    I am not advocating being a saint but listen to the medical advice, if you have a particular sport you want to return to tell them, don’t get fobbed off,  push the physio programme, eat and drink healthy and maybe up the calcium intake.

    The discomfort you have with the cast will soon pass over the next six weeks and you will be looking back on this in a few months as a distant memory.

    It will seem horrible now but you will get through it.

    Hopefully somebody who has had a similar fracture will come along and offer advice but be positive it will soon be over with!

    • Posted

      Thanks Ian for your words and experience.

      My main concern is how much movement I would be able to do after the recovery of the fractured elbow as doctor said it will move upto 100-110 degree only after the fracture heals up. So was looking for someone of similar unfortunate fracture.

      In your case, have recovered fully now, hope you are doing well now.

      Thanks again...


    • Posted

      Nicely put ian14246.  My fracture 2 years ago is also a distant memory.  At the time I did everything that the doctors advised and extra physical therapy exercises simply because I couldn't wait for this all to be over.  Him1784 you will come through this too.  Be positive, follow doctors orders, do your PT, and reach out to your friends and family for support.  We were all anxious to get these unfortunate events well behind us. 

    • Posted

      Thank you for your kind words devsmom ... I will too try to pass this time....it makes you learn importance of everything in life...

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