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Hi, I am 51 and have been experiencing night sweats and breast pain for 6 years. Did not bother me too much. Periods have been on and off and now stopped. However, recently I have been experiencing horrible symptoms of sickness, dizziness, shaking all at the same time and also bladder problems and a recent UTI. I have googled symptoms and have had bloods taken; results Thursday, and all my symptoms seem to be menopause related. Oh and tingling hands at night. Anyone experienced this especially the sickness, dizziness episodes Much appreciated as this is driving me crazy and really affecting my quality of life.XXX
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martina43 margaret04348
margaret04348 martina43
martina43 margaret04348
sprohop margaret04348
margaret04348 sprohop
jayneejay margaret04348
yes i certainly have had all of this in my ten year natural peri .. still do on occassion
the feelings of sickness were at the end of my peri and always was a signal to me that a period was coming, for final three were the worst ever.
( feelings of nausia and headaches that lasted 4 days and nights)
i am post meno now, afraid we are more prone to uti's etc at this time ..
have you gone 12 months no periods ( post menopause )
always good if you can to have a well women check with a Gyno
jay x
margaret04348 jayneejay
jayneejay margaret04348
after my 12 months no periods ( post meno) i got a few problems, UTI
( feelings of but sometimes wasnt ) thrush feelings, soreness, etc
also every six weeks like a weird pattern of PMT which wasnt a period,
shock for me was I went for full well women check, smear, colopscopy, camera to see ovaries etc, Gyno said ovaries were post meno, non functioning and no follicles and a 3D breast scan.. all was fine..
then my smear result revealed BV .. he already noticed dryness..
well i had no idea i had BV ( well mine was CV) i had no odour, just a weird discomfort, and like a UTI and soreness, so had to get that treated
that mimics UTI etc and weird feelings inside, BV, its too much flora in the vagina , i take acidophilus probiotic now, twice daily, i had two lots of treament for it, vaginal antibiotics followed by thrush treatment as the antibiotics then cause thrush as all the good bacteria is killed too 😳
now i check vaginal PH levels if i feel odd, check all okay, with a eco care vaginal PH tester stick, if its high then somethings wrong ..
so its good you get checked ..
jay x
margaret04348 jayneejay
jayneejay margaret04348
The cause is usually a change in the normal balance of vaginal bacteria or an infection.
Vaginitis conditions can also result from reduced estrogen levels after menopause.
The most common types of vaginitis are:
Bacterial vaginosis, which results from overgrowth of one of several organisms normally present in your vagina - High vaginal PH
Yeast infections, which are usually caused by a naturally occurring fungus called Candida albicans
Vaginal atrophy (atrophic vaginitis), which results from reduced estrogen levels after menopause
jayneejay margaret04348
BV is Bacterial Vaginosis
CV is Cytolytic Vaginosis
can sometimes be a nuisance in menopause due to high vaginal ph levels
Bacterial vaginosis is a mild infection of the vagina caused by bacteria. Normally, there are a lot of "good" bacteria and some "bad" bacteria in the vagina.
The good types help control the growth of the bad types.
In women with bacterial vaginosis, the balance is upset.
There are not enough good bacteria and too many bad bacteria.
Bacterial vaginosis is usually a mild problem that may go away on its own in a few days. But it can lead to more serious problems. So it's a good idea to see your doctor and get treatment.
margaret04348 jayneejay
sprohop margaret04348
jayneejay sprohop
its true, HRT postpones menopause, you have to have peri all over again when its stopped ..
i had a natural peri ( ten year) long old road but fot there, just wanted it over naturally, still get blip days though.
i am 17 months post menopause ( age 50) lots of B6 and I too have B12 injections
and lots of other supplements,
the only HRT related help i use if the estriol ( weakest oestrogen) ovestin vaginal ovules for the dryness, as suggested by my Gyno and i only use one a week ( half twice weekly) i wont use any more than that.. but it does help alot .
( vaginal dryness post menopause is also miserable ) hence the ovules.
jay x
gridders_100 margaret04348
margaret04348 gridders_100
jayneejay margaret04348
be kind to yourself, take each day as it comes and try the best, on a good day do more and a not so good day, listen to your body..
its nature 😥 we all have to face it ... 😪
Your not alone, from my own experience, stay positive, keep occupied, just think oh its a menopause day, share the way you feel with those around if you can, helps them support and understand whats happening, and how your feeling.
jay x