Dizziness and Blackouts

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Hi everyone I am not new here, but haven't posted for awhile. Has anybody here experienced dizziness with fainting or blackouts. I had my very first episode recently at work. I am post menopause.

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5 Replies

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    Maria this is by far my worst symptom. I hate it. Frightens me half to death. I've made the decision to get an appointment in the new year with my doctor. I'm not post Menopausal but think I'm in peri or at least heading that way. I'm on my period at the moment and its been every day and for a few days before. My ears feel full and I've got constant tinnitus. It's worse in public places and if I've had to use the phone a lot. I've not fainted as yet but I've sure come close. I'm sorry I can't suggest anything to alleviate it. I've tried all manner of vitamins and minerals, prescription drugs for balance issues etc to no avail. Seriously had enough sad

    • Posted

      Thanks for replying to my post. I have been experiencing dizziness lately which I know is related to my hormones being unbalanced. The black out I experienced is new and is so scary like you said. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.

      This has really affected me. I am frightened that this will happen again. I have overcame my anxiety, panic attacks, depression, insomnia. Now I have a brand new symptom now. It was so embarrassing, it happened at work. I stood up from sitting down, became dizzy next thing my co workers were trying to lift me off the floor. Went to the emergency room. They did ct scan, x-rays, ekg and blood work which all came back normal.

      A nurse was talking to me asking me questions, all of the sudden she suggested that this could be a symptom of menopause. When she said that I wanted to jump up and hug her. My doctor's still are not listening to me, but this nurse who is not a doctor realky made my day. She said after she went through menopause, so many things started plaguing her. She even told me, doctors don't know evetything.

    • Posted

      Hello Donna...same here. I believe I may be in peri and dizziness is my new symptom for the week/month. It's been every day throughout the day for the past week. I made the mistake of googling what other causes it could be and it scared the mess out of me. Ugh. I too made an appointment for next month to see a doctor. Hope you feel better soon!

    • Posted

      The nurse is right doctors do not know everything these are words of my own nephew who is a doctor.

      I get all of the above symptoms but never fainted. I too believe its one of the many symptoms of menapause.

      I also get a electric shock feeling. Oh the joys!

      All the best!

  • Posted

    Hi Maria, I blacked-out in April, and have been getting terrible headaches and dizziness quite often.  I went to a neurologist because I thought I might have some black outs due to a previous head injury.  Nope, my head is fine. Then I saw my sister in law, told her my symptoms, and she said it could be that I'm going through menopause, which I never suspected because I had a hysterectomy 15 years ago!  But I still have my ovaries.  So I will call my doctor tomorrow.


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