Dizziness and light headed with tingling in hands and feet and chest pain
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Hi ladies,
Does anybody experience getting dizzy and being light headed then tingling in the hands and feet? Been to the doc an ER only to find that they can't pinpoint a reason for this. All tests come up normal. Has anybody found anything useful for helping with this? Also does it seem to come at certain times? I am noticing during ovulation and my cycle, but have had it at other times as well.
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CCinCal Snowbell1975
stel43725 Snowbell1975
jamie50513 Snowbell1975
didi0613 Snowbell1975
A bit of advice stop going to the ER or PC drs. on these symptoms. You're just wasting your time and getting yourself worked up over it. They don't understand the symptoms of perimenopause.
Snowbell1975 didi0613
You're right. They dont understand and just give out anxiety meds and antidepressants then send you on your way. I am kind of glad that I went the first time though. They kept me overnight and ran a stress test and echo on my heart. They did find a mitral valve prolapse that was minor and nothing else. I try to think back to that and tell myself its not my heart. But boy when that anxiety kicks in, you still get scared.
daisylady Snowbell1975
Snowbell1975 daisylady
Zigangie Snowbell1975
Yep and I went to A and E, everything fine. You could try taking b12 for the tingling hands and feet (I guess you've had blood work done? ) at some points mine felt so numb upon waking as well.
Anyway if you try b12 go for methycobalmin lozenges 1000mg hold them under your tongue to dissolve. Tingling hands and feet can be a sign of b12 deficiency.
It is also good for energy.
Snowbell1975 Zigangie
I have a genetic defect called MTHFR and methylcobalmin or hydroxycobalmin was the B-12 I was told I have to take . But when my labs were done a few weeks ago, my B-12 was elevated so my doc had me back off and only take what is in my multi-vitamin. I read somewhere this morning that the tingling could be from fluctuating hormone levels, which would make sense in this peri stage we are in. I hope it passes soon. I also notice the chest pains have come and gone. I don't like that symptom one bit either. I guess the best thing to do is try to keep calm and keep telling yourself it will pass.
Zigangie Snowbell1975
Yep and I went to A and E, everything fine. You could try taking b12 for the tingling hands and feet (I guess you've had blood work done? ) at some points mine felt so numb upon waking as well.
Anyway if you try b12 go for methycobalmin lozenges 10900mg hold them under your tongue to dissolve. Tingling hands and feet can be a sign of b12 deficiency.
It is also good for energy.
tmpearce Snowbell1975
i hope this helps!
Snowbell1975 tmpearce
ali43641 Snowbell1975
Hope this helps a bit. Regards Ali
Snowbell1975 ali43641