Dizziness during period

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Hi all,

i am just wondering if anyone experiences dizziness during their period? about a month ago i was very dizzy for about a week to 10 days. It passed but has come back and i have noticed last time and this time it has come on the 2nd day of my period. i am extremely tired and light headed, i cant look around to fast and bending over makes it worse. ive had my bloods taken and am not low in iron. i am just trying to work out if this is normal, i am 31 and have never experienced this with previous periods. It may be a coincidence so i am just after any information or if anyone else experiences this.



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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I get dizzy, tired and headaches around my period too. Have you had your vitamin levels tested? I am vitamin d deficient and whenever I forget to take my spray for a few days I get more dizzy. fish oil, starflower oil and vitamin b12 are all good for periods. Maybe it would be a good idea to try a multi vitamin and mineral tablet to see if you feel a bit better with that. But if you haven't already, get your vitamin levels tested first and also your hormones, you could have an imbalance.

  • Posted

    hi, Ive had that problem. Even though my iron was normal i was anemic because of the blood loss during my period . It bounces back quickly but can be very annoying and concerning during that time

    • Posted

      is that because your periods are heavy? i wonder if im experiencing the same as it comes on the 2nd day of my perios

    • Posted

      Yes it is because my periods are heavy

      you most likely are experiencing the same thing

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